
The Cursed Four

Most people in Highschool don't know what there going to do in there future . For me, I don't know if there will be one. See, it all started with four names. Four people. Four friends.

Willow345 · Horror
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3 Chs

A Pool Party

"As you already know, Mateo died over two weeks ago," I mention. He slowly nods like he's trying to take in all of the information. I take a deep breath and finally say, "it all started at Amy's pool party".

Three Months Ago-

"Whoa! That's enough for you to drink tonight" Jake says, smiling and walking over to Amy.

Amy looked so wobbly and dazed, we were all surprised she was still standing. She had her hair up in a messy bun, a bikini that was half way off, and a drink in her hand. Jake took her arm and walked her to the couch. " I'm finee, I am so sober" she said, clearly not knowing what she is talking about.

Jake kisses her cheek and says "your so funny when you're drunk" and with that he carries her up to her bedroom.

Meanwhile, Mateo was in the pool, having one hell of a time with one of his many girlfriends, and I was just watching, day dreaming about him. Mateo has always been a player, but, he has always been crazy hot too, with his silky, black hair, and hazel eyes. I've always had a crush on him, but anytime I actually got the confidents to ask him out, he always is talking to some other big boobed, blonde haired girl. Which, by the way, is the exact opposite of me.

I must have been staring at him, since he looks at me and smirks, like he has just beat me in a contest. I quickly look away and grab a drink, so I don't look like a complete weirdo. I can feel my face turning red as he continues to stare at me, so I walk inside to unfortunately only find the drunkest section of the party. Of course, it was right next to the bar. I tried to find a bathroom to hang out in until the party is over, since I don't even like drinking, and the only reason I came was for my best friend, Amy, but now she is off with her boyfriend in the bedroom.

I finally find a bathroom and let out out a sigh of relief. I open the door to see a girl barfing in the toilet, from most likely drinking way too much. I quickly close the door and apologize, not that she even noticed me.

I feel so overwhelmed and frustrated, I took out my phone to call an uber, and I texted Amy, in case she ever wonders why I'm leaving so early.

A few minutes later, I got a notification on my phone that my ride is here, so on my way out, I leave my plastic red cup, with a full glass of beer in it on the counter, and open the front door.