
The Cursed Duo

In a world where every universe is born and sustained by the imagination of its creator, Alex Lavender who later was called Levi—a seemingly ordinary yet misfortunate reader—finds himself pulled into an extraordinary reality. After a mysterious masked figure ends his life, Levi is thrust into a new world, where he becomes a character in an unfinished story, written by the hands of the author himself. Will Alex find a way to rewrite his fate, or will he be consumed by the story that was never meant to be finished?

Celestial_Creator_ · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Worlds Between the Lines

A universe is born in the hands of an author who constantly writes, and readers who immerse themselves in that book are like an audience watching characters play out a story. As the old saying goes, with every second that an author begins a book, a universe comes to life. But when that same author abandons their book, that universe faces destruction.

However, if even a single reader continues to engage with that abandoned story, the universe can persist for thousands of years. Yet, the life in it will slowly fade away. In essence, readers decide the fate of these universes—whether to let them thrive or wither.

The universe is fragile, and the moment its creator leaves, it teeters on the edge of collapse. Our fate is likely written somewhere in a book, a slab, or a scroll by a creator—an author who shows us this world through pages filled with stories, publishing it for the readers who keep it alive. I believe that as long as people continue reading the creator's book, our universe remains standing. But if the creator's book is forgotten, our reality too may crumble.

This book I'm writing feels like a reflection of that process, a manipulation of fate. Even if we think we can rewrite our destiny, it's only because the creator has allowed it. The fate we alter is simply erased and rewritten based on our actions.

In my view, geniuses are like the chosen ones—those whom the creator has favored, while the rest of us are here to balance the world. This world, in my theory, is divided into 50% geniuses, 25% normal people, and the remaining 25%—those of us plagued by constant misfortune. One moment, you're happy, but in the next, the misfortunes rain down.

I stood up slowly from my chair and walked over to the window, gazing out at the city before me as I closed the book in my hand.

My name is Alex Lavender. I'm just a reader—someone who finds comfort in books. I'm not a genius, nor am I normal. In fact, I consider myself rather unlucky. Sometimes, I wonder if the creator of this world intentionally wrote my fate this way. But despite everything, I've kept moving forward.

It all changed when I was 14. My family and I were spending a day at the amusement park when, out of nowhere, gunfire erupted. My father was shot. He passed away a month later, and not long after that, my mother died in a car accident. I have no siblings. Alone, I had to cope with the grief and learn to move forward.

Sighing, I walked over to my bookshelf and carefully returned the thick brown book I had just finished reading back to its place. As I glanced over at the rows of other books, a wave of sadness washed over me. Many of these were books I had read since childhood, now either abandoned or banned.

It still baffles me. Banning books because they contain topics like war or crime? As if shielding kids from such things keeps them innocent forever. These stories, as violent or dark as they may be, teach us about society, about life.

One of my favorite books was a Chinese novel—banned for its violent content and political commentary. I found that ridiculous. Discussing how a government works doesn't harm anyone. But, perhaps that's why this book has such a loyal following. It lives on, its universe still intact, thriving because readers refuse to abandon it. I always admired how the main character manipulates everything, embracing his role as the villain.

I sighed, my thoughts trailing off, and decided to head to bed as night fell.

[3rd POV]

In the middle of the night, the city lights still illuminated the streets. Through the open window of Alex's room, a figure appeared—a man wearing a mask with a scar running diagonally across it, covering his face.

[Alex's POV]

I felt someone poking my cheek, and I was instantly annoyed. I had been enjoying a good dream—a date with my favorite anime character, no less.

"Who the hell—"

"Oh, why so angry, my little character?"

What the…? Who was this guy? Something about him felt... ominous. Before I could even react, he spoke again.


He loaded the gun slowly, the sound of bullets sliding into the chamber sending chills down my spine. He pressed the cold barrel against my head.

"You know, I always hated you. There's a reason for your misfortune. It was written into your fate. But things are different now. I'll kill you, send you to another world, and watch you play your part as a character in my book."

Before I could even ask him a question—


He shot me. Yet, I felt strangely light, as if I were floating through space, traveling faster than even light itself. I didn't know where I was headed, but one thing was clear—I was being transmigrated to another world.

A strange white liquid flowed silently, twisting and turning as it moved through an unknown space. It meandered, seemingly without purpose, until it finally collided with a smooth, cold wall. Upon impact, the liquid rippled and quivered, then began to merge with the wall, seeping into its surface like water absorbed by a sponge.

Days turned into weeks, and for two long months, the once-fluid substance melded deeper into the wall, becoming part of it. Then, something extraordinary began to happen. A subtle pulse emanated from the point of contact, as if life itself was stirring. Slowly, the wall's surface began to warp, and from the merged liquid, a small, fragile being started to take form—emerging as if born from the very essence of the white liquid itself.

The once-inanimate liquid had now given rise to a living creature, its tiny body pulsing with newfound life.

Just like that, seven months passed, and the small, delicate creature continued to grow. What once began as a mere ripple in the wall had now formed into the shape of a human baby. Its tiny limbs became more defined, and its heartbeat grew stronger with each passing day.

Now, the time had come. The being, no longer confined to the wall, had fully developed, its body ready for the world beyond. Slowly, the surface that once held it began to crack, as if the wall itself were preparing to release the life it had nurtured. With a soft groan, the barrier gave way, and the newborn being, formed from the mysterious white liquid, was ready to step into the outside world.


Author's Note:

Hello, readers! This is my first book, and I want to thank you for giving it a chance. English is my second language, so there might be mistakes throughout the story. If you spot any, feel free to point them out so I can make corrections. Your support means a lot to me, and as long as you enjoy the book, I'll keep writing.

Thank you for reading!

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