
The Cursed Alpha's Rejected Luna

Once burned, twice shy. Can Saige accept the help of the Alpha, who rejected and broke her heart? Not once, but twice. As if she had not learned her lesson. Right? Saige Callahan, a promising scientist, devoted her life to finding a cure for her mother's rare disease. Unfortunately, her mother died before she could complete the formula. Now, she faced mountains of debt, a dependent teenage brother, and a company on the verge of bankruptcy her parents left behind. Yeah! Desperate times called for desperate measures. But what if the only solution is her ex? Could she let bygones be bygones? The cursed Alpha Xavier Axel Lockwood is the youngest Alpha to lead the Blood Redwood Pack. His intelligence and bravery had earned him the respect of his fellow wolves while instilling fear in their enemies. Nobody dared to cross him, that was, until he crossed paths with a witch! Cursed, he must marry his mate and make her fall in love with him again! Will he be able to do so before it's too late? ***** "What is it?" He asked, wanting her to leave before he lost his control altogether. He knew he was hanging by a thin thread every second she stood before him. If she kept sending him mixed signals, she was asking for trouble. This time, he doubted if he could save her from himself. "Did you... Did we...?" But she stopped, seemingly embarrassed to ask her question. "I meant, did something happen between us last night?" Of course, she did not remember that part. But fortunately for her, there was nothing much to remember. "I don't need you high as a kite to claim your body. You already know that." After their two-year relationship, she should know by now what he was like. "And if something happened to us last night, you would know because you won't be able to stand up." He knew the distance between them was not enough to stop the impact of his words on her. He believed it was evident with her erratic pulse rate, her uneven breathing, and the scent she emitted when aroused. He concluded she remembered how good they were together. Now, she was as horny as him. "But I will not force you because I know you will come willingly to my bed on your own accord in time." He confidently reminded her. "And I promise. You will remember every detail of us together." Then, he turned away from her and walked into the closet to get some fresh clothes. But more than that, he just needed more space between them. "But I am not yours. Not anymore. Not ever." He could hear her whispering. "You have no right to claim me. No right at all." She continued. "And I will never come willingly back in your arms or your bed." She swore before he heard the door open and closed. "Never is a long time. But I can patiently wait." ***** [Warning: Mature steamy content, slight violence (in the later chapters), and some inappropriate language] COVER PHOTO - Credit to the owner.

bishop1275 · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Chapter 6

"Do you think it worked?" Doug asked after his assistant informed him that Dr. Callahan had received the last batch of flowers he sent her.

He could not help the grin on his face as he pictured her face. He could already imagine her seething in anger, probably trying to figure out how she would dispose of all those flowers.

"It worked just fine." But not in the way that his friend thought. 

He knew that talking and reasoning would not work with her. He already did that. It did not work. Therefore, he had to be more creative. 

"So, what's next?" His friend asked as he walked over to his desk with two drinks in his hands. He placed one glass before him before he moved to sit on a chair next to his desk.

"I asked her to dinner tonight." He told him, remembering the note he sent to her. "Then, let us see if I can convince her to marry me."

That was the plan, but he knew it sounded easy, but the reality might be a bit complicated. He did not even know if the date was on. 

Frankly, he did not believe she would reply or agree to anything he would suggest. Therefore, he would have to come up with something innovative. 

"Do you think she would even go out with you after what happened?" His friend asked, slightly looking worried. "Let me remind you that your time is running out."

Xavier could not blame his friend for feeling the pressure. After all, his situation had an expiration date. Moreover, the entire Blood Redwood Pack would be affected if he could not remedy his situation.

"Let me worry about that. But I assure you that I am doing everything I can." Of course, he could not let his people down. 

He could not let his father down, especially when he counted on him to be their next Alpha. He knew it was not easy for his father to bestow on him the responsibility, but his father trusted him.

Now, he could not break that faith his father gave him just because of a tiny infraction between him and some witch. It was a miscommunication that blew out of proportion.

"Are you sure you have no other choice? Can't you marry someone else?" Doug questioned his options, believing his current situation might not work.

His friend knew everything about him, his past and his present. If he could predict his future, his friend would do that.

"I am sure you do not lack alternatives. I can name several in our pack alone who would die to become your Luna." His friend suggested.

However, he wished that finding his wife was as simple as picking from a line. But his situation was different. He could not just choose anyone.

"You know it has to be her." Xavier would have taken any wife if that was possible. Anyone would have been better than her.

Alas, that was not his fate. He was stuck with the woman he already rejected as his mate. He had to marry the woman he hated. But that was not the worst part.

"I have to make her fall in love with me again. That is the condition." He reminded his friend that he had no say in the matter. "Celeste is very clear about that."

Celeste was the witch that had put a curse on him. She was one of the members of the Congregation and a powerful witch at that.

"Could we appeal to her?" Doug seemed worried that he could not fulfill the condition.

But he had already tried that several times. He had asked her forgiveness for breaking the rules. But the woman would not bend. 

"I have no choice. I have to make Saige fall in love with me again." As much as he hated the idea, that was what he had to do. "Besides, I will kill two birds with one stone if I can convince her."

The Blood Redwood Council, including his parents and the elders, had been pressuring him to find his mate and marry. 

Their tradition required the Alpha to have a Luna at his side. If he remained unbound to his mate, others might find that as a weakness. Then, ambitious rivals might start to challenge his reign.

"Yeah, that too." His friend remembered his other problem. "But how would you do that? We both know she hated your guts as much as you hated hers." 

He laughed at his friend's statement. It was not funny, but his situation was indeed hilarious. How could fate punish him like this? But what could he do?

"That is where I am going to need your help." As he had said, he already had a plan, but he needed people to execute it for him. "So, here is what I need you to do." 

He took out a folder and handed it to his friend, who was his second in command. He was his Beta when he had to rule as the Alpha. He was also his COO when it came to their business.

"I want that done before dinner." He knew his friend still had ample time to accomplish his task. 

Doug browsed through the file before looking at him. He knew his friend had some questions regarding his plans. He could see it all over his face.

"Are you sure about this? You know her company is going under." Doug closed the file but kept it with him.

He knew his friend would not go against him, but it did not mean he would go along with him that easily without questioning his plans and motives.

"Of course, I am quite aware of that. But you see, that is the only way." He knew it was his only ticket back to her good graces. 

"So, if you have no more objections, could you just do what I ask?"

He could see that his friend was still skeptical. But in his defense, he would probably feel the same way if he was in his shoes. But he had to seize the opportunity before someone else snatched it out of his hands.

"Fine." His friend conceded, bringing the folder with him as he left him alone with his thoughts.

Now, all he had to do was lure her into dinner.

How would he do that?

How would a wolf trap his prey?


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