
She Carries Our Future

  Lycan had been gone for only a short while when he turned to see a plume of smoke rising from the roof of their house. His eyes widened in shock, and a sudden dread washed over him. His first thought, his only thought, was of Kiara.

"No!" he shouted in desperation, his voice echoing through the forest. His wolfish senses came alive, and without a second thought, he bolted toward their home with a speed that only a supernatural creature possessed. Elder Charles was right behind him, but his pleas to wait went unheard as the Lycan's sole focus was on reaching their house.

As they approached the house, the thick plumes of smoke became more apparent, and the acrid scent filled the Lycan's nostrils. Panic and fear coursed through him, driving him forward even faster. He knew that time was of the essence, and Kiara's safety was the most important.