

"Jungkook! Stop! I really don't think we should go in there.... Namjoon Hyung already warned us about this cave and honestly it looks very eerie"

"Come on Jimin hyung, it won't do any harm, it's just dark inside and nothing else, don't be a whiny little pup."

"WHINEY LITTLE!- YAH! Jeon Jungkook comeback here!"

Park Jimin, the Omega of the Kim werewolf pack screamed at the maknae of the pack who also was the beta. But Jungkook being the curiois werewolf he is, did not give any heed to his hyung's scream and just stepped foot into the eerily dark cave. Looking from outside it could give anyone major creeps with a gloomy and mysterious aura clinging around it's atmosphere.

Just a week ago Taehyung and Jungkook were playing with their socced ball near the area, and that's when they had discovered the cave. Jungkook had used his immense strength to kick off the ball into the cake and Taehyung was just going to enter it to fetch their medium of entertainment, when their leader a.k.a Alpha, Kim Namjoon stopped them abruptly, warning them never to enter the cave as it was cursed by witches and many mysterious suicides and stories were spun around this cave. Taehyung being the obedient kid backed away immediately whereas Jungkook being the curious one kept wondering what was so dangerous that lay in the deep graves of this cave. So for a week he kept wondering, thinking of how he could find out. He searched out each and everyone of Jin's novels and books from his library but to no avail. He even annoyed Namjoon to answer his questions but was shooed off everytime with the same reply..

"No one knows and it is not your business, all you have to do is stay away"

This definitely did not help his case and the only option he was left with was to sneak in himself to find out about the secrets oblivious to all the consequences. His original plan was to go solo but the moment he was stepping out of the pack house he was caught by his hyung. His hyung knew where he was going sneaking out this late at night and forbade him to go anywhere. But jungkook somehow conviced his hyung to let him go with the condition that he would accompany him as well.

So here he was, crawling into the dark cave which was unusually chilly and so silent that he could clearly hear his breathing as well. On the other hand Jimin waited outside contemplating if he should go in or not.

Jungkook had been walking for about half an hour and had almost given up hope considering he had encountered nothing but darkness inside. That was when he saw a tiny flicker of blinding white light peircing through a few rocks of the cave.

He scurried his way towards the cave and started digging through the rocks to get to the other side. As he dug deeper the intensity of the light increased and finally he stumbled upon what seemed like a small lake inside the cave witha very bright stone etched on the wall on the other side. It looked exavtly like the moon. Looking at it, Jungkook's eyes widened, his pupils constricted and his irises started turning a deep feiry amber shade. He could feel his bones shift and starting to break to take up the new transformation as black fur started to come from his skin. He did not want to turn but looking at that stone, which he could possibly guess as the moon stone, he could not control his transformation. He groaned and whined as the process was painful. After fully transforming into a huge black wolf he looked around as an unfamiliar and an incredibly sweet odour filled his nostrils. The odour smelt like what heaven would smell like. His brain could not process what was happening as his body without his own accord started moving towards the unfamiliar smell. when he could finally focus he found himself infront of the huge stone, looking directly at his reflection. As if his body was not under his control his paw slowly raised as he touched the stone. The moment his paw made contact with the stone a feeling of static flooded through his entire body. he svrunched up his eyes in pain and tried to remove his paws but could not do it. As his eyes closed he could see snippets of visuals in front of him, which he could only guess were snippets of his future. they were changing very quickly but he could still make out what was happening. A smile came onto his face as he saw how beautiful his future would be, but that was only temporary as he could see everything rewinding and going back to the moment he touched the stone. The view suddenly changed and all he could see was blood shed and groans and tears everywhere he went. Everything changed so quickly that it made Jungkook go into a state of confusion. The visions finally slowed down and stopped on a moment where he could see himself crouching on the ground witha female cradled in his arms as he held her tight and was sobbing profusely into her shoulder. The scene made his heart tear apart and he with intense force he ripped his hand from the stone as he frowned and looked ahead at absolutely nothing. He seemed still but his heart was racing and eyes were flooding. He now understood the whole situation and started feeling suffocated inside. He howled and started sprinting out of the cave at his full speed. His tears flowing out profusely and he did not care what hit him, all he cared was to somehow get out of their wretched place. He leaped out of the cave and fell on the ground with immense force. he just lay on the ground as he whimpered at what he just saw. He did not even realise when he changed or when Jimin came upto him and shook him asking for what happened. He just lay on the ground lifeless sobbing.

Jimin held onto Jungkook as tight as he could to calm the shaking body of the young boy asking him what had actually happened inside that had caused this state of his. He sat there with Jungkook in his arms for what seemed like hours till he finally calmed down. His eyes red and puffy he looked up at Jimin.

"I should have listened to you and never should have gone in there... I-I c-changed my wh-whole fate"

He started crying again.

Jimin furrowed his brows in confusion and worry and looked at the whimpering man in his arms.

"Jungkook, calm down and tell me what actually happened in there?"

"Let's just hope I never get to meet my mate..."