
Chapter 2: The King Unleashed

Sukuna's arrival had thrown the Defense Force into disarray. Their usual tactics, honed against the mindless aggression of Kaiju, seemed inadequate against this cunning and powerful sorcerer. Commander Ashiro paced her office, her mind racing as she tried to formulate a plan.

Meanwhile, Kafka Hibino found himself drawn to the enigmatic figure. The sheer power radiating from Sukuna was intoxicating, a dark allure that both terrified and fascinated him. Despite the warnings of his superiors, Kafka couldn't help but feel a morbid curiosity towards the King of Curses.

One day, as Kafka was patrolling the perimeter of the Defense Force base, he stumbled upon a disturbing sight. Sukuna stood in the center of a clearing, his four arms outstretched, his eyes glowing with an eerie light. But something was different. The markings on his face were more pronounced, his features sharper, more menacing.

Suddenly, Sukuna let out a guttural roar, his body contorting and twisting in an unnatural way. His skin stretched and tore, revealing a new form beneath. It was a grotesque mockery of a human, with elongated limbs, jagged teeth, and eyes that burned with an unholy fire.

Kafka watched in horror as Sukuna transformed, his mind struggling to comprehend what he was witnessing. This was not the man who had emerged from the portal. This was something else entirely, a primal force of destruction unleashed upon the world.

The Defense Force scrambled to respond, but Sukuna was already on the move. He charged towards the city, his laughter echoing through the streets as he wreaked havoc on everything in his path. Buildings crumbled, vehicles exploded, and terrified civilians fled for their lives.

Kafka watched in horror as Sukuna's rampage continued. He knew he should be helping the Defense Force evacuate civilians, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the King of Curses. There was a morbid fascination in witnessing such raw power, a perverse thrill in seeing the world burn.

As Sukuna's rampage intensified, Kafka realized that the Defense Force was outmatched. Their weapons were useless against the King of Curses, their tactics futile. This was a battle they could not win.

In that moment, Kafka made a decision that would change his life forever. He would not run from Sukuna. He would not cower in fear. He would face the King of Curses head-on, even if it meant his own destruction.