
Sara and Nash's Fight

Eric thought to himself, 'I wonder what Sara is doing right now?'

"Achoo! Who is thinking about me?" Sara thought to herself.

Sara quickly got over it and went with Nash to finish their mission from the sect. They need to kill a level 4 Tiger that is causing havoc in the area.

After waiting for a long time, the two of them finally got their chance.

The tiger fought against another level 4 monster only for both of them to get injured.

Both Sara and Nash wanted either the tiger to die or for it to be severely injured so they can easily complete their mission, but for some reason, the two monsters stopped fighting and went back into their territory.

After following the tiger back and making sure that there weren't any other level 4 monsters nearby, the two of them decided to attack.

Even with the two of them combined, they usually wouldn't be able to take out a level 4 monster but with the tiger injured, they successfully managed to kill it.

Even though they killed the monster, It did a lot of damage to Nash since Nash and Sara were only in the third level for a while and the experience they had couldn't be compared to a level 4 monster even if it was injured.

They took the monster core and quickly left so that if any other monsters came, they wouldn't have to fight them off.

Sara and Nash decided to not go back to the sect immediately since there was a city closer by where Nash can rest and heal up.

It would only take about a day or two for Nash to heal even with pretty big damage since he was a cultivator.