
The Curwoods

Carlisle Cullen told me a story about the important bloodline of the Curwoods, the last name belongs to the first Nephilims in the earth.

When an angel fell in love with a human by the first time a long time ago, the better punished that the angels found was cut the wings of the sinner angel and send her to live down on Earth to protect humans from the demons. When they send her, she adopted one last name to cover her real identity, that last name was Curwood but her fist name it's not known with certainty as much as it is investigated. His angel's name was Achaiah (Acaya), one of the seraphim angels who was in charge of nature's secrets and of endowing the human being with patience.

The centuries passed and Acaya fell in love again, so she married him and then she had children with him, but the children adopted the last name Curwood just as their mother. The original Nephilims are the one who has immortality, the truth it's that they are immortal 'cause the angels going to give them back their wings when they regret about their sins after so many thousands of years or at least centuries of service on the Earth.

But the Nephilim's descendants, instead, grow and get old as any normal human and the percentage of angel blood that runs through their veins decreases from generation to generation. They have special abilities like vampires, they are strongest, fastest and bravest than humans. A vampire can't have a fair fight with them 'cause they have special guns to kill beings with demon blood and if you have demon blood in your system you shouldn't drink Nephilim blood never 'cause it is like a cure, it can converts a being with demon blood into a human again.

It is believed that the first vampire was born as a punishment from the angels but nobody knows who they punished or why they did. But, at present, the vampires can't use their extra abilities by the day (it believes than only an original can do that), the light of the sun can't burn them if they don't use it when the sun is shining. Or they can use their extra abilities in a shady place by the day as well but these are weaker by the day.

The theory of the Cullens, therefore, it's that I have angel blood in my system and so I can't be a vampire. Well, I can be one but just if an original turn me in one. The original vampires are the one who can turn people with angel blood in their system and only the original Nephilims can turn original vampires into humans again. Nobody knows where is the original Nephilim since a couple of centuries ago or even more years ago but I'm sure that she still alive

I'm not a Nephilim 'cause I don't have the percent enough of angel blood to could be one but maybe I have the percentage enough to turn beings with demon blood into humans again. I'm not sure about my condition but I'm sure about one thing: I'm not a normal human being.

Carlisle also told me that there are another bloodlines at present with different last names than Curwood but only a descendant of a Curwood has the condition of can't turn into a being with demon blood even if the descendant just has a minimum percent of angel blood like me. The last fact it's definitely strange 'cause there's nobody in my family with that last name.

After that soiree full of confusing stories and theories, I should to come back to my home and so Edward rides me home.

— Well, I guess here we separate for today. Thank you for riding me home, sweetie. I'll see you tomorrow at school. — I said before getting out to the car.

— We don't have to separate here. I can stay with you tonight and help you to clean the mess in your room before we going to bed.

— Sounds good. — I answered with a sexy smile and then I closed enough to his lips without kissing him.

— So... I'll see you in ten at your room?

— Sure. — I said before kissing his lips, then I placed a small kiss on his neck before finally getting out of the car and entering the house.