
The Cult Sacrifice

The meaning of life and destiny are two sides of the same coin. The only similarity the two have are a means to an end, the end of all stories, the conclusion of life, that is death. Two powerful lovers receive the divine prophecy. They hear that the goddess of death will be descending onto their world and will punish those who don’t show their faith. Kai and Mari are told to complete the task to begin the apocalypse. If either one helps in the others task they both will be slaughtered. If one fails, both will die. Each task will further the impending doom of the world and give blessings to complete their mission and live together once more. Original cover artist: unknown

MicahGrubbs_ · Fantasía
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19 Chs

A Strange Figure

The trail of sand that was following Mari was piled up at the entrance and slowly disappeared down the dark and never ending hallways that she travelled down.

"I think it's coming up. I get the feeling I'm about to discover something interesting." She said.

A few steps forward and there was a figure that slowly started to come into view. The figure was only made because of the lining of the walls surrounding the person. Without the lighting she would not have seen the figure because it was dark and the figure was surrounded in dense fog.

"You must be the prophet of this earth." Said the strange figure.

The figure was still yards away from Mari but the voice carried through the tunnel of the hallway and sounded as if it was coming from only a few feet away.

"How is this possible? You're so far away but it sounds like you're right here. I even feel as if you're only a hand length away." Mari said.

"You will never reach me lady. I am here but also not. I am only passing a message from the goddess." The figure said.

"So you're the messenger? What do you have to say?" Mari said.

She was tired from the endless wandering and guidance from the book that was showing her where to go. In her voice she was irritated and that was her mistake.

"Watch your tone. You are in no position." The figure said.

At this moment Mari was being choked by the dark energy she described earlier. It was digging into her throat as if the hand of the farm energy was made of daggers and were holding onto her.

"Guh- I'm sorry." She cried.

"You act so silly knowing we serve the goddess of the undead? That book you're carrying is a gift and yet you still don't express faith to her!" The figure said.

Mari was silent. She felt that if she was to say a single word that it would be the last time she breathed. She was scared to let go of her beloved and end her journey so close but so far from Kai.

"Fine. I was sent her by our goddess to reveal a secret and share with you a blessing." The figure said.

"First, your new title is Mari the general candidate. The goddess has followed your exploits and is very interested in seeing you prosper along side her."

"Second, for the general candidate she offers the blessing of dark manipulation. The power I used to shut your unworthy mouth up is what the merciful goddess has given you."

Mari was surprised and humbled. She didn't know much about the goddess that has put her into this situation but has felt her power many times. She only heard recently that the goddess was watching her in life so she knew that she was not anyone to disappoint.

"Thank you very much messenger of our goddess." Said Mari.

"You must not thank me. Although I am not any mere candidate I follow the goddess in her task. You must pray and bow to her only. Take this as a word of advice." Said the figure.

Mari was stunned. She knew the goddess was powerful but the words of this messenger seemed to her as if the goddess was well respected to all those who follow her. She had to ask more about the goddess that she only now heard of, this was her chance. Unfortunately the figure shrouded in dense fog had to complete the task he was given and spoke before Mari could ask.

"General candidate, you must now travel East. There should be such kingdoms to overcome in the name of the goddess. Develop the army and waive war against the prophet candidate."

"Messenger, if I may before we continue. Can I ask a question? It's about the goddess of the undead." Said Mari.

"I was not tasked with anything other than sharing bits of information. Unfortunately I can only direct you to read from the book that the goddess has gifted you." Said the figure.

The book that the figure was talking about was the ancient glowing book that teleported her and Kai. It was glowing as a way of guiding Mari to the figure that was in front of her, but as the figure brought it up in his response the light began to dim.

"That's all the time I have. You must run away now. This place will soon disappear." The figure said.

The narrow hallway that Mari was in that was glowing of red light was also beginning to dim. The figure that was shrouded in fog that was far in appearance started to fade away into the dense fog.

The dense fog began to swallow up the hallway at a fast pace. It prompted Mari to pay attention to the situation instead of the many questions she had.

"I have so many questions, but these legs of mine are about to be put into hard work."

She travelled deep into the hallway and now had to run straight back otherwise the fog would also eat her up.

Mari ran through the deep hallway that was being eaten up by the fog. She worried but was confident in her ability. This was the only time that she got to rely solely on herself at this moment.

"If it's a simple run then I should be able to accomplish it." Mari thought.

The dark energy started to swell from her core and focused around her long legs. She picked up speed and left the fog far behind her as she approached a bright light.

"Wow- so that it- energy manipulation." Mari had thought.

Although she was solely focused on the act of running her thoughts was able to direct the energy from her core to her legs to give her a physical advantage.

This was only the beginning of what energy manipulation can achieve given the correct cultivation.