
The crush system:Become the dream of billions girls

After three years of dedication, only to have his girlfriend cheat on him, feeling disheartened, Su Mu awakened a crush system. As long as he successfully seduces specific girls, he can obtain various rewards. Enormous wealth, hacking skills, top-notch medical expertise, and superlative martial arts – henceforth, he leads a life of pleasure. Many years later, Su Mu stands at the pinnacle of the world, surrounded by beautiful women, with power and wealth at his command.

Yil_z · Ciudad
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22 Chs

Encounter again

"Well, isn't this Su Mu? What a coincidence to meet again. Su Mu, you're getting more impressive lately. Changing women like changing clothes.

You just broke up with Qianqian, then bought an 800,000 dollars watch for a beauty, and now you're dating with Lin Feier, the school belle. You've been with three different beauties in a few days. Such skills, even I can't compare." Wang Hao said with a mocking smile, filled with sarcasm toward Su Mu.

It was clear his words were meant for Lin Feier to hear. No normal woman would accept that the man she likes is a scumbag.

By exposing Su Mu in front of her, Wang Hao wanted to see how Su Mu would handle it. Ideally, Lin Feier would slap him, which would avenge Wang Hao's earlier humiliation. Wang Hao thought.

However, neither of the two at the table responded to him. Lin Feier remained calm. Su Mu, too, showed no sign of panic, glanced at Wang Hao, and said indifferently.

"No, Mr.Wang, don't compare yourself to me. After all, pigs and people are not the same. I've been a person for over twenty years and don't want to be known for bullying small animals."

"You... Su Mu..." Wang Had was so infuriated by Su Mu's words that his face turned red, and he pointed at Su Mu, unable to speak.

He turned to Lin Feier and said urgently, "Feier, don't be deceived by Su Mu. He's a scumbag. Just the other day, he was holding hands with a very pretty girl, and now he's here with you. He's obviously suck. Don't be fooled by his tricks."

"Oh? Really? Why should I believe you ?" Lin Fei'er said, giving Wang Hao a half-smile, "I think you're mistaken, Wang Hao. First of all, I invited Su Mu to dinner today and brought him here. Secondly, I know whether Su Mu is a scumbag, so you don't need to worry about it."

"Feier, how can you not believe me? Su Mu is really a scumbag. Is it just because he's handsome and sings well that you don't care about these things? How can you be so self-degrading?" Wang Hao said anxiously.

Hearing this, Su Mu's face darkened. Being slandered repeatedly in front of him, he was really getting angry. Just as he was about to lose his temper, Lin Feier was quicker.

She frowned and glared at Wang Hao, "Wang Hao, please have some self-respect. It's none of your business what Su Mu is like or who I dine with. Step aside and stop disturbing our meal!"

Lin Feier said angrily. She had planned a romantic date with Su Mu, and Wang Hao had ruined it, so she was naturally angry.

As for Su Mu being a scumbag, Wang Hao should look in the mirror. He was like a pile of dung calling others smelly; who would believe him?

"You..." Wang Hao was at a loss for words, wanting to get angry but stopping when he saw Lin Feier's furious expression.

Realizing that Lin Feier and Su Mu were close, he understood that bad-mouthing Su Mu wouldn't work and might backfire, giving Lin Feier a bad impression of him. 

Recognizing this, Wang Hao immediately changed his approach, putting on a smile and speaking in a softer tone, "Feier, you're right. I was meddling out of concern for you, out of good intentions."

He then turned to Su Mu, saying earnestly, "Su Mu, Feier is our school's belle. You better cherish her. If you wrong her, not only I but the entire school will not forgive you."

These words cleverly shifted his image from a gossip to a concerned friend speaking out of care for Lin Feier. Even Lin Feier's expression softened at his words.

Su Mu, seeing Wang Hao's hypocritical face, really wanted to slap him.

But he thought it wasn't worth ruining the date over Wang Hao, so he restrained himself, deciding to deal with him later. 

With a cold snort, Su Mu warned, "That's none of your business, Wang Hao. And remember, watch your mouth. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let it slide. But next time, if you slander me again, I'll beat you so badly even your mother won't recognize you. Now get lost."

Wang Hao was angry but, seeing Su Mu's cold eyes, didn't dare to retaliate. He snorted and walked away with Chen Qianqian, finally stopping the harassment.

Then, he noticed the piano in the center of the hall, his eyes lighting up.

Lin Feier seemed to like music and might enjoy the piano. Though he couldn't sing, he was good at playing the piano. Performing might win her favor, making it easier to bad-mouth Su Mu later.

"Su Mu, just you wait. I took Chen Qianqian from you, and I can take Lin Feier too. Let's see how you cry then," Wang Hao thought maliciously.

He then looked at Chen Qianqian and said, "Qianqian, do you like the piano? How about I play a piece for you?"

Chen Qianqian, surprised, asked, "Really? Can you play the piano, Wang Hao?"

"Of course, watch this." Wang Hao confidently smiled, spoke to the waiter, and sat at the piano.

As he started playing, the diners were drawn to him. Even Su Mu and Lin Feier looked his way. Feeling proud, Wang Hao gave Su Mu a challenging glance and politely smiled at Lin Feier before beginning to play.

The soothing melody filled the restaurant, enchanting the listeners. Wang Hao's piano skills were indeed impressive, earning him appreciative glances.

Chen Qianqian stood by, delighted, seeing Wang Hao's talent, amazed he was not just rich but also skillful.

This is a piano performance, and the piano has always been synonymous with romance, especially in such an environment. Playing for her alone in front of a crowd is straight out of a fairy tale—so romantic.

Even Lin Feier looked at Wang Hao with softer eyes, her impression of him slightly improved.

Women can be such superficial creatures.

Even knowing Wang Hao is a scumbag, his wealth and talent still attract many women. That's also why Chen Qianqian has been reluctant to give up on him.

Money is everything , and despite his flaws, Wang Hao has money. This has been proven countless times by the wildly popular President Wang on the internet.

Watching this scene, Su Mu frowned slightly. Wang Hao, that shit, hasn't given up. This move of his was indeed impressive.

Unfortunately, Su Mu couldn't counter it—he really can't play the piano.

He never received any system reward for it and has never been in contact with the piano.

If Wang Hao wanted to provoke him with this, Su Mu truly had no way to respond.

"Su Mu, can you play the piano?" Lin Feier 'er suddenly asked, looking at Su Mu with anticipation.

She really liked the piano and hoped that the man she liked could share the same interests as her.

Hearing this, Su Mu's heart skipped a beat. Oh great, just what he feared was coming true. One second he was worried, and the next Lin Feier was pressing him about it.

What to do?

If he said he couldn't, the perfect image he had built up would show a flaw, and her impression of him would definitely drop.

But if he said he could, what if she asked him to perform on the spot? He couldn't just randomly hit the keys.

For a moment, Su Mu found himself in a dilemma, feeling quite anxious and flustered.