
Follow behind Wales

"Small body full of wrinkles like a dried up old lady, extremely skinny you can count her ribs, so dark if you dropped her in a coal mine you'd never find her. Like a giant starving rat". That's how Shae's uncle described her when he had first looked at her.

Little rat was left with her grandparents in the small town since her parents had to go back to the city to work. She was so spoiled that soon enough, she fattened up: wrinkles were gone, skin became smooth and silky, big dark brown eyes with unusually dark lushes .

Her older cousin, Wales, was the male figure Shae spent the majority of her childhood with. Born to a wealthy medical family in the small town, he's quite the popular kid with his generosity, always approachable and helpful to those in need. He has a huge crowd of playmates and they all follow his lead. As a Man (one sub ethnic group in China), he has more of a European look: high nose and cheekbones, big bone structure. Standing next to his mates, you can clearly see him being the tallest one.

She always admired and followed her cousin around like a little mouse. To Shae, Wales is so cool to be able to go out with all the boys all around town. Being with him means all the candies, cool spots, and endless advantures.

Wales would always hold Shae's tiny hand while taking her everywhere. They have done all the stupid things teenagers would do: Throw fireworks into a public bathroom and watch people scream and run off with pants half down; buried expensive produce and meat in neighbor's backyard; stole the sausages grandma prepared for spring festival to feed the dogs...

Childhood in the small town with Wales was the happiest Shae has ever been in her life. Wales leads, and Shae follows.