
The Cruel Island

When Eleonor gets a box in the middle of the night everything starts to change for her. She wakes up in a whole different room. And soon enough, she realizes that she's in a forgotten island...

Maja_Ibrahim · Fantasía
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2 Chs


As the midnight moon shine through my room, I heard a knock on my door. Shivers ran down my spine, as I went down the stairs.

My knuckles were white from clenching them too hard.

I slowly started opening the door, in view of the fact that it's not normal getting visitors at this time.

But when the doors were fully open, no one was there. I scoffed in annoyance, closing the door.

But halfway in, my eyes landed on a black box, decorated with dark red roses. I frowned in confusion.

I crouched down to it, grabbing the box steady, to not break anything.

When I caressed my thumb on the smooth cardboard box, I felt a small trigger in my body.

So I immediately placed it on the kitchen island. I wasn't quite sure if I should open it. I was scared. Scared that something would jump out of it and attack me to death.

Carefully I started opening the box, the dark roses fell out of it when I opened it. Taking a peek inside, I couldn't see anything, everything was very dark.

The box was fully open now, and the only thing I saw was a metallic ball, of the size of my palm.

My eyebrows automatically raised. Questions flew in the air, but none of them could be answered by anyone.

Suddenly blood red gas started flying out of it. I tried running away, but something was stopping me, I was stuck to the ground. Realization hit me like a wave of water, it was the gas, it was going through my nostrils making me lack out of oxygen.

My vision started getting blurry, my breathing started getting uneven, my legs started losing their balance, making me soon collide with the wooden floor.

And soon enough, I was unconscious.