
Chapter 64 Abduction 3

                   🎄 SEASON GREETINGS 🎄

"Hey". He managed.

He didn't expect a call from Klaus at all. He didn't even know that Klaus still remembered him. They both work for Nicholas but he is Klaus Alejandro. The most stylish and classy person he had ever met. His charisma and tastes for uniqueness are just out of this world, not to talk of how fucking good he smells. He smells like heaven.

His houses are one of the most luxurious houses in the world. Klaus Alejandro literally buys houses in different parts of the world just for art— he doesn't even live in any of them. He lives for class.

"I-i um, didn't expect your call". 

"Yeah, I kinda need your help". Of course, he's like Nicholas— always going straight to the point, no need to beat around the bush.

"Oh, okay". He doesn't care if Klaus only calls him when he needed him, all that matters is the fact that he thinks about him first when he was in need.

"Are you busy right now"?

"Um, no, not at all". He stood up immediately like he was ready to do whatever Klaus asks. 

"Cool, can you fly down to Singapore right now?" Klaus's voice was low and deep and Colin noted it. Klaus was desperate. He needed him desperately. Klaus Alejandro fucking needed him. Something about that thought got him smiling sheepishly as he suddenly realized that the ball was now in his court.

"I am in Singapore". He added as he slowly walked to the balcony of the room he was in feeling the cool breeze.

"No way, Colin, you are a fucking angel. I'll send an address right away".

Tiger's eyes widened as those words left Klaus's lips.


Did he just call him an angel?

"Okay". Colin smiled as the line got disconnected. He couldn't stop smiling. He couldn't even think anymore. This was happening so fast. He didn't expect this. He always thought that Klaus was way out of his league. Klaus had never been interested in anyone or had an emotional feeling for someone before. Yes, he has had countless sex with different people but he had never been in an emotional relationship before. He is a 'having sex without dating' kind of guy.

He couldn't believe Klaus even thought of him first before calling. His heart started racing profusely in his chest. It is not a new feeling. He gets this way whenever Klaus is around him.

He had always had a one-sided crush on him from the first day he set his eyes on him but Klaus isn't that type of guy

"Klaus Alejandro". He muttered as he stared at the view in front of him.

Tiger frowned as he drove. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

'you are a fucking angel'

Those words kept ringing in his head as he felt the rage escalate. He couldn't think. All he felt was anger. He didn't even know when his leg clutched on the brakes.

There was a surprised look on Klaus's face. He turned his head only to stare at a furious Tiger.

What the fuck is wrong with him?