
Chapter 158 Regardless


Genevieve walks calmly from the entrance of the room toward Meredith that sat elegantly at the end of the long large table.


Meredith called and attempted to stand as the bodyguard that stood behind her moved her seat backward to create some space for her to fully stand.


Meredith was now standing as Genevieve rushed to her with a shaky voice and gripped her both hands, leaving Meredith speechless and completely cognizant of what she was about to say.

She had her acts on and made it very believable when tears began flowing down her cheeks. Her hands began to tremble as she still held Meredith's hand in a tight grip, leaving the curious lady even more worried.

"What is my dear?"

She managed to release one of her hands from the grip of Genevieve and took it gently to her face, stroking her cheek in a comforting way to assure her that she was in safe hands.

"I-i'm so sorry, I-i didn't want to...".

She broke down and fell into her arms.

Meredith was confused and scared at the same time as she tried to hold her in the embrace. Her eyes strolled to the maid at the door as she ordered her to get water and carefully led Genevieve to be a seat at the table.

Her eyes stayed fixed on the trembling young lady when the maid came in with a glass of water in her grip. 

"Here's the water you asked for ma'am".

"Good,". She took it from the maid that still stood there waiting to retrieve the glass.

"Have some my dear".

She took the glass from the curious lady with shivering hands as she took a sip of the water.

"T-thanks mother".

The last time she saw Genevieve this terrified was when Nicholas yelled at her. She had always known her as a strong woman– one of the reasons why she picked her as the right woman for Nicholas. Right now the woman in front of her was someone else. She was freaking out and she couldn't do anything about it.

She couldn't even look into her eyes at this moment. She just kept on stuttering 'I didn't want to over and over.

"You have to tell me what happened to you, dear, or I can't help you".

Genevieve nodded instantly still shivering as she parted her like to talk but didn't utter anything for a while still trying to steady her breaths before saying anything.

"I-i didn't want to miss such an important event, i-i would never dishonor your invitation, y-you know me so well, r-right? You know that I've always wanted to see Nicholas since he left"

"Of course, chérie, I know that. What happened to you?"

The tears that had stopped started strolling down her cheeks afresh as she lowered her head and traced her hands up and down her elbow.

"I-i was kidnapped".

Her voice was barely heard when she uttered those words but Meredith heard it loud and clear.


Meredith stood up in anger.

"What did you just say?"

She didn't stop crying now. She sobbed even louder as Meredith displayed anger.

"I-i screamed my lungs out and pleaded for mercy but they wouldn't let me go. They said until the party was over they won't let me go".

The more she talked, the angrier Meredith got. 

"Did you see their faces?"

"N-no, i-i w-was so scared. I was blindfolded a-and terrified".

The frustration and anger were boldly written on Meredith's face and her eyes screamed murder. Genevieve saw this and knew that it was the right time to strike.

She had succeeded in convincing Meredith that she was the victim and drawn her beast out. It was the perfect time to execute her plans.

"B-but I heard them talking to someone. That person sounded like the boss. It was a familiar voice that I recognized".

She blurted.


Meredith gave her full attention to her now. She was ready to devour who had crossed the line.

"Zhavia Mckay".


Bennett followed behind Tiger slowly but kept up with his pace. His hands were crossed backward and his face was bent downward. He didn't know why Tiger had called him, but he knew it was no good. He had a feeling that it wasn't going to end well.

He followed him out of the mansion and to the large garden of roses just behind the huge fortress. The old man kept wondering why he led him here. His heart thudded like he took a drive in a time machine.

His senses had been activated and he could already smell pain. He knows Tiger too well to know that anything that had to do with him was going to hurt like hell.

"You seem tense my dear Benny, are you okay?"

He suddenly spoke after he stopped and surveyed his environment for a while. His eyes were directly on the old man now. Those eyes were the eyes of the daredevil. Anyone that knows Tiger and what he is capable of should know what those looks mean.

Bennett gulped before answering him. He wondered why he took him there. There was no one in the garden and he was alone with him. He feared for his life because anything could happen to him. Tiger isn't someone to be messed with. He has been trained from lord knows when and is one of the smartest men in the world.

He is Nichola's right hand and knows just how well to torture whoever he pleases to get what he wants. He also knows when something is off and can smell a fish from thousands of miles away. He is the last person you can ever lie to or deceive. Nicholas didn't just pick him for nothing.

"Y-yes, i-i'm fine".

He managed.

"Are you sure? Because I think you've kinda lost it".

Bennett furrowed his brows in question as he tried to understand what he meant.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't try to play dumb old Benny, that is not your style".

Tiger was slowly getting impatient by seconds. He doesn't just speak if it wasn't necessary. His eyes stayed fixed on Bennett scaring the old man even more with the mysterious grin on his face.

"I-i don't know what you mean".

"What the hell were you doing with Jeff Hilton on the night of Nicholas's Coronation?"

JEFF HILTON– Son of Gilbert Hilton the billionaire. The heir of the Hilton empire and Nicholas's biggest rival in the business world. Arrogant, merciless, and cunning. Workout freak and lives a very punctual life. Nicholas's wannabe.

Bennett opened his eyes in shock as Tiger caught a glimpse of it.


There it was.

This was what he wanted to see.

He got him right where he wanted him. He wanted him to show what he feeds on the most and he just did.


There was a devious smile on his face that made Bennett's skin crawl. He had been caught. He couldn't even control his emotions that were scattered everywhere because he didn't know what to say at this point. What could he possibly say to Tiger?

He would never believe whatever he says.

"Hmm... I wonder what Nicholas would say when he finds out about this".

The tears he had been trying to keep in from the moment Tiger opened his mouth to say those words, began to surface slowly in his eye socket.

"P-p-please I beg you, i-i-i didn't say anything. W-we just talked, i-i-i swear on my life that I would never do anything to betray Nicholas, I can never betray my master, I swear".

He clutched to his knees as he shivered desperately. He wasn't even in his right senses anymore.

Tiger watched the poor old man beg for absolutely nothing as his smile grew even wider.

"Nicholas would kill me if he finds out that I even had a chat with him, please have mercy".

Bennett went on and on. He didn't even care if he was kneeling before Tyler, he just wanted to clear the air. This action alone made Tiger realize how loyal he was. He saw them that night before he went to meet with Klaus, and when he drove off with the Lamborghini, he stalked him the entire night.

He even went ahead to ask what his relationship with Bennett was. He knew all along that they just happened to converse that night. Bennett on the other hand had sworn an oath and will never betray Nicholas no matter what. It wasn't even possible.

"Get the hell up, Benny, you're making this whole torture awkward".

His sarcasm was just on another level at this point. His eyes screamed victory and satisfaction. He watched Bennett go from the mighty eagle to the voiceless chicken and his heart jumped for joy.

He was too engrossed in bullying that he didn't even notice when Klaus came from behind.

"What's going on here?"

The moment he heard that voice, his insides turned to jelly.