
Chapter 137 Longing

Zhavia's hair was parked up in a ponytail as she sat in front of the mirror in her bedroom. Her eyes trailed to Sofia that was on top of her bed as a smile formed on her lips. She had missed her and couldn't even help herself when she was crying helplessly in front of Tiger and Klaus. She knows Sofia is a very emotional person, but she had never seen her in that state before. She looked really horrible and helpless.

Her eyes strolled back to the woman sitting in front of the mirror and she couldn't take her eyes off. She couldn't even recognize herself anymore. The woman in front of the mirror was nothing like the woman of three weeks ago. She had changed so much because of him. She couldn't stop herself from thinking about him. She couldn't help the feeling that comes every single time she closed her eyes and thought of him. The feeling of longing.

All she could see when she closed those eyes were his eyes. Those green eyes of her dark man. How he looked at her with so much love in his eyes. How he always treated her like a trophy. His touch, his kiss, his scent, his entire masculinity. It had just been hours and she was already going crazy. She already missed him.

Sofia woke up to meet an empty bed and her heart started racing again. She started thinking of the worse that could possibly happen. Immediately she raised her head, she saw her sitting down.

"Zhavia?" She squinted her eyes to see clearly because her vision was still blurry, so, she couldn't see the person seated in front of her clearly.

"It's morning already Sofia, are you going to sleep all day long?" Zhavia asked like she didn't care at all what happened the previous night. Every single thing that happened was stuck in her memory. They literally shared a bond at that moment. It was now more than a boss and an employee. They now shared something deeper because apparently, Sofia had played the role of a best friend. She sobbed without even realizing it.

"Get the hell out of my bed".

"I'm up". She was already jumping out of the bed and walking in her direction as she stopped in front of the mirror behind zhavia. "What are you doing?"

"A makeup session, what does it look like I'm doing?" She asked raising a brow in question.

"But you never do makeups on your own miss McKay".

"I feel like doing it today".

"Okay, let me help you out". Zhavia stood up immediately, as she spoke.

"I'm done, go get dressed, we're heading out".

"Okay, miss McKay".

She needed her life back. Yes, she had been with him for two weeks and hadn't gone out in a while, maybe she feels this way because she had not mingled and felt that way towards him because he was the only one paying attention to her at that moment. Maybe, just maybe if she could get to stop thinking about him for even a minute, she would forget about him in no time.


Klaus got up pretty early the next morning muttering words into his ears as he walked out of the room, planting a kiss on his cheeks. He didn't hear him properly but it was clearly something like "I need to hit the gym, babe".

"Okay". He answered not even bothering to open his eyes. The night that they shared previously was like madness. Sex with Klaus was always crazy. They remembered how it all started when they dropped zhavia McKay off and what started out as a normal make-out session, turned into a passionate lovemaking session. It was obvious that he certainly can't do anything without this man. He stayed in bed for a longer period and managed to open his eyes after a couple of hours.

"Babe?" He called completely forgetting what he said to him earlier. He walked to the bathroom and called his name again but there was no response.

"My love?" He called again moving inside the closet. He didn't really know where to search because he had never been to this his mansion before. They were supposed to drop zhavia McKay off and then return back to Nicholas but it was already pretty late when they got back, Nicholas had already flown out of the country; he sent them a text telling them to come back the next day ASAP. When they got the text, Klaus took the opportunity to take them to his mansion in that country to spend the night there and they are to leave the next morning to their boss.

"Where are you? Babe?" He opened the door slowly as he walked out of the room. "Is this a prank? C'mon, we have to get back this morning remember?"

He was now in a hallway as he walked to a door at the far end. He didn't want to start panicking all of a sudden because he knows that he is in the house. He just needed to find him wherever he is in the house, where is he supposed to be?. He called him one more time as he moved to the door and opened it slowly, chipping his head in. "laus?"

His hands pushed open the door calmly and he stepped in, already starting to panic in some kind of way. He started to somewhat think of the worst-case scenario. Where could he have possibly gone to? Could it be that maybe one of Nicholas's enemies had followed them on their way here? And Klaus is alone?

His eyes widened with that thought as he ran out of the room cursing under his breath over and over.

"Shit, shit, shit". 

How could he have been so careless? He knew that this period wasn't good for them because Nicholas was at war with Meredith and was just so reluctant. He was supposed to be the one to push Klaus out of the country even if he didn't want to go just yet. He ran his hand through his hair ruffling it more than its normal ruffled state when he woke up in the morning. If anything happens to him, his entire world is going to crumble because this man is his life. And this is going to be his fault. 

"laus?" There was no calmness in his tone this time around. He was now fully in panic mode. He was going back to the room to where he came from to throw on some clothes; he was just wearing one of Klaus's tank tops and pajamas. It was one of his favorite clothes of Klaus. He loved the way it fitted him when he wore it.

Immediately he opened the door, he was baffled by the sight in front of him. His eyes held unto his. 

"I have been looking everywhere for you". His breath was somewhat hanged as he tried to breathe out relief.

Klaus couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful man in front of him, how perfectly his clothes were on him gave him goosebumps. His ruffled hair, his flushed skin, his red lips, his ocean blue eyes, his chest moving up and down, and the way he stood at the entrance of his door, screamed just one thing. Mine.

He fitted so perfectly in his circle without even trying hard. He had imagined him just like this countless times in his home, in his life.

"I was at the gym". A smile formed on his lips slowly. He was loving this conversation; he loved the fact that he had to answer to his baby, the fact that someone actually cares for his well-being, the fact that someone looks out for him, the fact that he will have to do things carefully, knowing that he has someone to live for and come home to. He loved the feeling and certainly wanted it to continue.

"I told you before I left". He walked closer to him and snaked his arms around his waist, pulling him closer, wanting to feel all of him, all that he is.

Tiger gasped underneath his breath, already feeling insane from his touch as he tried to gather his thoughts. "I don't remember".

There was a smile on Klaus's face as he spoke. "Hmm, then do you remember this?" He kissed his cheek and they reddened immediately.

"I-i....". Before he could speak enough words that made enough sense to form a sentence, he was already devouring his cheeks and neck. He was going mad. His entire body and every single place his hand touched was steaming with heat. His knees were turning to jellies in seconds.

"B-b-babe, hmn, nghn". His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he slid his hands underneath his clothes and stroked his nipples which were red from the sucking of the previous night.

He wrapped his hands around his neck holding unto him for balance as he kept devouring his neck.

"I-i-i remember....". He trailed off searching for breath. His eyes were still closed. "I-i remember now". He managed. He was already hard at this point and Klaus could feel it.

A smile of accomplishment engulfed him as he withdrew his face from his neck with a raised brow. "I thought so too..... My baby is already ready for me".

He couldn't deny the fact that he was head over heels for the man in front of him, he couldn't also deny that he wanted him to take him right there and fuck the stupid out of him, but they had to return to Nicholas. He was longing for him but they had a responsibility, and that is their number one priority. Nicholas.
