
Chapter 133 Promise

The large grin on Klaus's face got Bennett wondering what was going on between the two. Tiger was burning red and no longer teasing him and Klaus just kept that face on. He watched zhavia walking out of the room a few minutes after Nicholas left and he couldn't understand what was going on between them, but he understood what was going on perfectly well with these two.

Klaus's eyes were on the meal but his attention wasn't. It was obvious that his mind was on something else— the man beside him. He knew that whatever he was doing to Tiger was working and his baby was getting to his limit.

Tiger's face was turning to a red paint in seconds. He was on the verge of screaming in pleasure and couldn't control himself anymore. Sweat cones were surfacing one by one on his forehead and he was already trembling. He couldn't take it any much longer, he knew.

"A-are you done?" He fought his best to keep his voice stable and hearable. His voice was croaked. His eyes were on Klaus and desire was evident in them.

"No, not yet". The smile was still on his face when he answered him. Like he was teasing him on purpose. Like he was stalling on purpose. 

"But you're not eating". His body vibrations were becoming visible now. He couldn't even hold on to his cutlery any longer.

He smiled. "I like to take my time".

Tiger stood up, he was beyond tensed and he needed air. When he is close to this man breathing is always difficult for him.

"Woah, Woah, Woah". Klaus held him back placing his hand on his arm. "Where are you going?"

"I'm done". He said simply.

"What's the rush?"

"I need to make sure everything is in order". He lied— an excuse to escape from what Klaus was doing to him.

Klaus smiled again— he seemed to be doing that a lot since this man came into his life. "That's Bennett's job".

He was still standing as his eyes strolled to Bennett who was watching them closely.

"Who said I can't help our dear Bennett? Right old Benny?" His eyes were on Bennett in a threatening kind of way.

"Nonsense". Klaus called Bennett's attention to himself before he could speak. "I'm pretty sure he's the best in what he does. Or could I perhaps be wrong Bennett?"

"Um, well, i-i...."

"There's nothing wrong in giving an old friend a hand, is there?" Tiger chipped in facing Bennett again before the old man could complete his sentence.

While they were in their conversation, the large doors opened to one of the men in black. He stepped in and walked towards Bennett with his head bent downwards.

"Sir, your presence is needed. Some people seek the boss". Immediately those words left his lips, he started walking out of the room, abandoning the men he was having a conversation with.

Tiger furrowed his brows. "That's weird, Nicholas never has guests".

"Yeah, you're right". He stood up. Everything forgotten. "Wanna find out who it is?"

"Yeah, c'mon".

They started walking towards the elevator. Their protective mode had been activated. They both knew that Nicholas is a very fearful person and is always secluded from everyone, so no one dared to interrupt or pay a visit to him. The only visitor he gets is from the county's officials and he only sees them when he is in the country. Asides from them, no one sees him. He is only available in The Ross's empire and inside the institute when important issues from the top and high-ranked business typhoons are presented to him. He doesn't even have any form of interaction asides from business, and this got Tiger even more suspicious.  One thing was for sure, and it could only be explained in one way. His address had been leaked.


Meanwhile, while Nicholas was having his bath all over again, zhavia kept hearing buzzing sounds nonstop. At first, it was once, but as it continued, it became louder and it became disturbing. She stood up from the bed where she sat and started searching for where it came from. Her steps were soft and steady as her eyes surveyed every corner in search of the source of the annoying sound.

After a few minutes of search, she found out that the sound wasn't coming from the room, It was coming from a closed-door in the darkroom. The closer she got to the door, the louder it became. Her eyes were now wide open because she didn't even know what it was. Yes, a buzzing sound can only be a phone and she shouldn't be scared but can she be blamed? Ever since she got to know this man, everything about him had been mysterious, and a buzzing sound could be anything too.

She approached the door of the room and became even more alert. Her heart started racing. She tried to steady her breathing but it wasn't working. After some seconds of encouraging herself, she walked closer to the door and it opened wide.

Immediately she stepped in, the light of the room turned on automatically, starting from the entrance and slowly revealing the wideness of the room as other lights came on. 

A mall?

What the fuck?

Is this a closet?

Another closet?

She was too engrossed in the view in front of her that she didn't notice the figure that was in front of her. Her eyes strolled slowly around the room until it held the man that finally caught her attention.

His eyes were on her and the sound that irritated her was coming from the device he held in his hand. He was wearing a black robe that exposed his chest and his hair was slightly wet, looking like a Greek god.

"Nicholas?" She called in a confused kind of way. "What are you doing? And what is this place?"

His eyes were still on her as he spoke. "My closet". Her eyes trailed to his hands and he moved closer to her. She didn't move, she stood there like she was waiting for him to pull her into his arms once again.  Just by staring at him, her thoughts had already gone wild. Her eyes were doing a background check on his body as it trailed downwards to where there was no more skin.

He saw the way she looked at him with lust-filled eyes as a grin surfaced. In a split second, he was in front of her and was walking past her as he pulled her hand with him, taking her out of the closet.

"Come here".

She followed him holding unto him, allowing herself to be pulled by him. He pulled her to the couch and placed her on it gently, sitting directly opposite her. 

There was a certain expression on his face, one that she hadn't seen before. And at that moment, she knew that something was wrong. His eyes never left her face. Its color was now visible and she could see how beautiful the man in front of her was.

"This is going to be very difficult, zhavia". His voice was deep and low and it sent chills to her spin.

She furrowed her brows. "Is something wrong?"

He closed his eyes and shook his head as he grabbed her hands in his. Her heart started racing all over again from his touch. She had never seen him like this before, but the look in his eyes was recognizable. It was as if he was bidding her farewell.

"I have an uprising situation that I need to take care of, and it could take months". He tried to put the words in a way she could understand.

"Is that what the buzzer is for?" Her eyes went to the device as she spoke.

"No, my current location has been spotted". His expression was impassive when he uttered those words. He didn't sound disturbed. He just waited for her to ask him questions.

"Is that a problem?" 

"No, it only means that my stay here has been shortened". He exhaled as he moved closer to her. "I'm going to have to send you back".

Her eyes were still on him. She was in shock. She couldn't process what she was hearing. Her mind was in a fog.

"What?" She pulled her hands from his. His eyes stayed on hers as she quickly turned her face from him.

"Hey, it's just for a couple of weeks, I promise you it won't take long". He took her hands in his again and squeezed them tightly. "I will come back for you, ma petite". His hands left one of hers and pulled her chin to look at her eyes and assure her. 

"I give you my word". 

Immediately those words left his lips, her eyes came back to him and at that minute, she couldn't stop herself. She pulled him closer and locked her eyes with his.

"I am holding unto your words, Nicholas".