
Chapter 122 Teasing him

His steps were far from fast as he walked calmly with her still in his arms into the bathroom. She wasn't struggling anymore. She didn't even struggle in the first place and she didn't also say a word again after all the words she uttered earlier were not even listened to, they were rendered futile.

The moment he entered the bathroom, her mouth opened slightly to the view in front of her as she fought in a gasp. It was as if she entered another world entirely because it clearly was another world on its own. Words, no amount of words can explain how magnificent this place was. This man just kept on surprising her with every single chance he gets. She didn't even know what to say at this point because this sight in front of her left her dumbstruck.

His steps were soft, his breath was steady, and his facial expression was blank— back to default setting. His bathroom is the most beautiful place in his entire house. It was as if he worshipped in there because the place was beyond description. It was large, spacious, glowing, pure white, and had different parts and sections of it, for different types of equipment only for bathing.

As soon as he approached the pure white large bathtub in a secluded section of the bathroom, her heart started racing all over again in the thoughts of him watching her take her bath.

Is this his plan?

Slowly, gently, and calmly, he set her on the floor. Somehow, she hated that she wasn't in his arms anymore. She didn't like that he kept her down. Her eyes couldn't help but stroll over to his face as he put her down.

"The warm water is automatic, so the water comes out by itself...... Now, I don't have to worry about you hurting yourself". He said plainly.

Her hands were still trembling from the shock of earlier. He took her unaware and her heart responded like she didn't have control over it anymore.  She didn't even utter a word. She couldn't. Too many emotions ran through her head at the moment. Immediately her feet touched the floor, the cold hit her and just one question came to her mind. Why the hell does this man love freezing places?

Every single thing about this man gave her chills. There were so many mysteries about this man she was yet to find out and just the thought of it excited her. Her feet curled immediately it came in contact with the floor and he noticed.

Before she could even open her mouth, he was walking away from her and to the shell made of diamonds by the far end of the large bathroom. She watched him grab the pairs and walked up to her with one hand in his pocket as he squatted and took her feet in his hands. 

"I could reduce the temperature of the room if you want". She wasn't sure she could handle this any longer; this whole breathing thing that happens to her whenever he was around her or close, had started to become a bother to her.

This is the freaking Nicholas Alviero Ross. The almighty heir and most likely the only descendant of the Ross's empire and generations. Yes, he is that Nicholas. He is the one in front of her. He is the one Squatted in front of her like a commoner. She began to wonder how he suddenly is this calm and gentle when he is around her.

 She watched him put her feet in the soft slippers as he effortlessly stood up and claimed her with his eyes once more. He kept looking at her features and was lost in her eyes for a moment there. He suddenly lost track of time when he stared into those intoxicating eyes. They pulled him and he always seemed to fall into them every single time.

"Are you going to watch me take a bath too?" Her voice was low and it was barely heard. All of a sudden she couldn't even manage to hear her own voice properly because her voice, even her voice had been taken away from her by this man.

She saw the look of lust in his eyes as he looked at her. She saw all the desires flickering in his eyes and a feeling of accomplishment engulfed her. She can't be the only one being affected by him all the time. Why not tease him a little? The thought surfaced in her head and before he knew what was happening, her hands went to the buttons of the extremely large piji she wore— his piji.

Her hands strolled to the top of the cloth, unbuttoning slowly and looking at him in a very tempting way that made him hard before he could even get hold of himself. Her eyes didn't leave his face as she teased him non-stop. His heart stopped at the view in front of him. If she was trying to make him helpless then she had succeeded because it was working. All his senses rose to her command and were triggered by her eyes.

He watched her hand move to the third button, exposing her white skin and he lost it all. She saw how his eyes darkened to her actions. She could tell the number of demons this man was fighting to stay still and it pleased her. Her entire soul started to long for him the way he longed for her.

Just as she was about to unbutton the fourth button, his eyes went to the floor. Slowly, he closed his eyes as swiftly as he opened them back. He ran his hand through his hair and released a deep breath. In a split second, he turned back to the entrance of the room.

"I'll leave you alone now". He mumbled in a low growl.

He didn't even look at her when he spoke. He had lost his control and was just holding up because of his principles. His entire body had been activated to another mix of emotions. He had never been this tempted in his entire life before— okay even if he had, he had never lost his control before, not until he met zhavia McKay.

 A smirk formed on her lips as she pulled the remaining buttons of the clothes she wore. She had finally succeeded in paying him back all the days of teasing her on purpose. Her eyes were still on the path in which he exited the room.

After undressing, she got into the bath and it was just pleasant and soothing. The entire place was filled with his scent and it was enticing to her soul. She loved that only she could make him feel that way. She loved that she brought out that side of him.

He walked straight to the bed and sat down nonchalantly on it. He didn't even care or give a fuck anymore. All he thought of was zhavia McKay and the little trick she just played in the bathroom that turned him into a confused mess. He couldn't even think properly at this point. He only saw her. Her eyes, those eyes that drove him mad and captured his senses.

Fuck it, Nicholas, it was just a little tease from her. It's not like it's the first time a woman has teased you like this.

He stood up from the bed and walked to the balcony at the other end of the room as he stared at the view, clearing his mind from the irresistable actions of the woman of his dreams. He tried to take his mind off her but nothing was clearly working.

Everything seemed like a soft wind that couldn't even shake an ocean. He remembered her features again as he ran his hand through his hair unsure of what to do. This woman is killing him. She is going to be the end of him. He had never been this triggered before.  No woman, not even one woman had been able to kill him like this.

He walked to the other end of the room and disappeared into the large door. This was the light section of his room— apparently, the second room in his Chamber and the coldest place in the entire mansion.

He didn't even bother to look for a second, he just walked straight into the bathroom, pulling his clothes without even wasting any more time. In a split second, he was under the shower as the warmth from the water began its work. Relief.

It seeped into his skin and all his tensed muscles began to loosen up. His eyes were shut, his hair flowed down his neck, and his hands relaxed on the wall as his head was bent to the floor, taking in all the warmth and releasing a little pressure.

He raced his head and ran his hand through his hair as a sigh of relief escaped his lips. This was a new feeling. His goddess had unlocked a new feeling in him. He thought of her actions earlier and a smile sprung up to his face. "What are you up to, ma petite". He muttered. "Just what are you up to?". 

His eyes trailed to his reflection everywhere and were shocked at the person that stood in front of it.

What had this woman done to him?
