
The Crown Prince and Me

"This White Heart of Mine, I Will Draw Our Moments and Keep It Forever" Lily Valentina, 23 year old girl who are still struggling finishing her degree; when one day, while she was finishing her assignment alone in a café, the news on the television caught her attention. It was the crown prince, and the royals are announcing that he was looking for a wife. Back in her childhood days, Lily used to go to the same preschool and both of them were really close with each other. But then, Lily had to move to another school due to her family financial problems. Ever since then, both of them lost contact but all that she knows, the boy who used to be her playmates, is a crown prince now. Therefore, she decided to join for the event, to test her luck so that she could meet him again.

pinkcotton · Ciudad
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27 Chs

Engagement Ceremony Day

"Wahh this is so nice!" Exclaimed Lily happily as she extended both of her arms feeling the night breeze. She had took off her disguise once they've reached the bridge. Therefore, her long wavy hair was dancing through the wind making her look more beautiful towards Ren.

"Aren't you cold? It's pretty chilly now…" said Ren. "I'm fine~" answered Lily.

"By the way, I love going to the bridge… it's pretty relaxing for me… you can feel the night breeze and just let go of your problems~" smiled Lily while looking at the river in front of them and Ren just nodded while listening. "Should we take some photos? I believe we both do not have any photo of us together~" said Lily.

"Then, Lily took out her phone and while she try to set up her phone camera, as soon as Lily stretched out her hands to capture a photo of them, she noticed that Ren who was standing behind her was holding a small red box on his hands.

"Ren, what are you-"and when Lily turned the back of her heels, she saw Ren as actually holding a box with diamond ring inside.

"Lily," called Ren as he went near her, still holding the ring box. "Do you like me?" asked Ren suddenly. Lily who was standing in front of him not knowing what to do and she got a tongue tied at the moment.

"i-i…" stuttered Lily. "Ren, of course I like you. If not, I wouldn't be here standing next to you or even go to the ball just to dance with you." Answered Lily. Then, took the ring out from the box and hold it using his hands.

"Well then," said Ren when he suddenly took Lily's hand and she was startled by his sudden action. "If you like me then, you have to accept this ring, meaning to say that you're my fiancée now~" added Ren and inserts the diamond ring on her ring finger.

"Hello, my fiancée, Lily Valentina." Said Ren as he gave her his charming smiles. Without Lily realized, she dropped her tears and Ren was quite surprised about that.

"Why are you crying…" asked Ren while wiping her tears using his thumb gently.

"I don't know what to say… I'm just happy." Said Lily while tears keep coming out from her eyes and Ren keep on wiping her tears.

"I can't believe that we get to meet each other again, and never in my whole life, have I imagined that I would be living in a palace, received all those lessons and many more." Said Lily. Suddenly, without saying anything, Ren straight away hugged her and caressed her hair gently trying to calm her down and Lily hugged her back. But, without they realized, some of the media was hiding nearby the bridge and managed to capture a few photos of them. on the next day, both of them became the headlines of the newspaper and the whole country was overjoyed with the news of their crown prince and their future princess to be have been engaged.


It is finally their engagement ceremony day. The engagement ceremony was held private attended by the ministers, noble family, and even the VIP's. Apart from that, Lily's parents was invited too including Amelia. While both families are talking with each other, both Ren and Lily was greetings all the guests saying thank you for coming to their engagement ceremony day.

From a far, Lady Sofia was watching both of them in jealousy. *that's supposed to be mine!* thought Lady Sofia while staring at the diamond ring on Lily's finger. While she was sitting there in anger, both Lily and Ren came towards their table.

"Hello Sir Luis, thank you for coming." Said Ren.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, I believe you both could get married soon." Said Sir Luis.

"Oh yes, of course. As soon as possible." Answered Ren.

"Hello Lady Sofia." Greeted Lily but Lady Sofia won't look at her, instead she was too busy eating her food. *guess she hates me more now that we're engaged.* thought Lily. "Your Highness," called Sir Luis suddenly. "I haven't seen the King at all today. It's one of the most important day and I think he should be here too greeting all the guests." Said Sir Luis.

"Well, His Majesty are not feeling well today and the doctor encourage him to have a good rest. Father told me that he was sorry due to his conditions, he couldn't greet all the guests including you Sir Luis." Answered Ren professionally.

"Well I'm sorry, we need to greet the other guests. Enjoy your meal." Said Ren and took Lily away from them. "Let's go before they said anything else…" said Ren and from the looks of him, Lily know that he was annoyed. "Alright then, let's enjoy for today okay?" said Lily. Ren let out a sigh and nodded. While both of them were talking, someone patted his back.

When Ren turned to his back, it was Lucas. "Lucas!" exclaimed Lily brightly. "Hello there, Lady Lily Valentina~" waved Lucas as he was giving her his playful smile. "Congratulations you both, can't wait for your wedding~" said Lucas. "Have you eaten?" asked Lily and Lucas nodded. "Of course… I was waiting for you both to go to my table but then you both were taking too long at that toxic table." Said Lucas pointing towards Sir Luis family's table. "Are they bothering you again?" asked Lucas.

"As always." Answered Ren and he sound very annoyed. "Whatever, you guys just got engaged and probably if you two got married as soon as possible, maybe he will shut his mouth." Said Lucas as he took a sip of his wine. "By the way," said Lucas. "I was hoping you both could stop by my hospital on the day after tomorrow." said Lucas and Lily was surprised. "Your hospital?" asked Lily and Lucas nodded with a smile.

"Maybe I forgot to mention, I do owned a hospital. I graduated in medical science, and used to be a doctor. But then, since I came from the Royal family, I cannot just focus on being a civil servant since I have the title as a prince. Therefore, I need to do both." Answered Lucas. "That's amazing…" amazed Lily.

"I will only be there when they need me… not all the time~" said Lucas. "I see… but still, I can't believe you're a doctor~" said Lily. "By the way, they told me they wanted to do a small event at the paediatric ward just to cheer up the students and also we just build a new and bigger playhouse for them… so I would like the Crown Prince Ren Nicholas here and his fiancée Lady Lily Valentina to officiate it for us…" said Lucas.

"Oh my god, I would love to go… I love kids!" said Lily happily. Ren who heard how happy Lily is, he straight away agreed to join the event.

"Great then. Thanks!" said Lucas. Then, the three of them were having a small talk till both Ren and Lily has to greet the other guests together with the Queen.


A few days later, just as what Ren and Lily had promised, both of them went to the event at Ren's hospital. As soon as they've reached the hospital, lots of media are waiting at the lobby to report the news about the two prince and Lily for the event today. As soon as they get off from the car, Lucas greeted them with a smile.

"Come on in, the kids are waiting~" said Lucas as he led the way. "We're not late, right?" asked Lily. "No, you both are on time." Answered Lucas and Lily smiled happily while holding Ren's arms. "By the way, Ren… I saw a few people wearing black suits following us… who are they?" asked Lily curiously.

"Bodyguards… we need them… in case something bad happen to us..." said Ren and Lily nodded. "Just stay by my side, alright?" said Ren and Lily nodded. While they were talking, finally they've reached the paediatric ward. The ward was very cheerful with colours and drawings on the wall.

"Hi kids!" greeted Lucas happily while waving at them and once the kids saw him, they greeted him too. "Hi Dr. Prince Lucas!" greeted one girl while holding her unicorn doll. "Hello there, I brought my friends with me today~" said Lucas while caressing the girl hair gently. Then, the kids turned to look at Ren and Lily.

"Oh, it's the crown prince and the princess!" said one boy and that made Lily let out her small chuckle. Because she is not a princess yet.

"Shall we?" asked Lucas and Ren nodded. "Oh come on kids, let's go to your new indoor playhouse~" said Lucas asking the kids to follow him. With the help of the nurses there, they took the kids with them too. As for the media, they won't stop taking photos of them interacting with the kids. As for Lily, while she was walking next to Ren, she felt someone tugged on the hem of her dress.

When she looked down, she saw the girl who was holding the unicorn doll was holding her dress. "Can I walk with you?" asked the girl. "Sure! Here, hold my hands~" said Lily as she held out her hands and the girl took it. "Sorry, I need to walk with her~" whispered Lily towards Ren. "That's okay, you told me you love kids~" said Ren with a smile.

Then, while Ren was busy officiating the event with Lucas, Lily was playing with some of the kids. While she was sitting with the kids in the playhouse, for the first time ever, she saw Ren working in front of her. She saw the different side of him. with that dark blue suit he's wearing, with how he interact with the media answering question, how he officiated this building with Lucas, she knows, he's not just a Lucas. He is a prince.

Quietly, she took out her phone and captured a photo of him talking with Lucas. Luckily this time, she didn't get caught like how she did in his study room. *a handsome prince* thought Lily feeling satisfied with the photo. While she was looking at a photo of Ren, she noticed someone tapped on her arms.

"Yes little one?" said Lily.

"Have you seen Abigail? I wanna play with her…" pouted the girl.

"Which one is Abigail? Could you tell me?" asked Lily.

"She's the one holding the unicorn doll…" answered the girl. Then, Lily starts looking around the playhouse and the girl was nowhere to be seen. *she's not here…* thought Lily in worried. "Never mind, you can stay here with your friend, ask the nurse if you wanna go somewhere, alright? I'll go look for your friend..." said Lily.

Then, she left the room and without informing Ren or anyone, she begin to look for Abigail alone.