
The Crown Prince's Tragic Love

Sophia was abandoned during her pregnancy. Lost his parents and lived a Kara life. The man she married turned out to be a royal prince, whom she met at her husband's wedding to another woman. Sofia is allied with the devil to avenge her. He did not accept that Zen William was happy while Sofia suffered alone.

Umia_Mia · Fantasía
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12 Chs

About Thruv and Sofia

Sofia approached Syehrazat, she certainly felt bad and afraid if her best friend thought the no-no about her and Thruv Niramon if she talked for too long.

Syehzarat stared a little suspiciously at his best friend and the man he loved. In his mind began to guess, did the two know each other? Where are they getting acquainted?

"I'm sorry, your friend seems to be very worried if I'm an intruder," Sofia chuckled when she was close to her best friend.

Syehrazat nodded stiffly at Sofia's explanation. He wanted to believe, but the movements of the two seemed like someone who was arguing something.

Now there is a prejudice on the day of Syehrazat, the two seem awkward when they meet. Then, Thruv's unusual-looking attitude when treating strangers, and what made him most suspicious was a thick coat with cherry blossom brothels that he believed to be his handmade.

"Syehrazat? Is something bothering you?" asked Sofia in a tone that sounded very worried.

Syehrazat blinked a few times, he didn't realize that from earlier he was just staring forward without blinking at all.

"No! Ah, how's Mr. Thruv, is my best friend suspicious?" joked Syehrazat.

Thruv smiled faintly as he stepped his feet to get closer to the two women in front of him.

"Nothing, it's just that I am very worried about this state of your friend. Can't he just stay in the tent, I'll get him alms?" said Thruv trying to keep Sofia from going along with them.

Netra Syehrazat immediately rolled towards Sofia, she was afraid that Sofia would be offended by Thruv's words.

He saw Sofia's eyes start to glaze over, the woman looked down deeply.

"If you are afraid of being burdened with my presence, then you can go alone first. I can be alone, I'm used to doing anything alone," Sofia said before turning and heading towards her tent.

"Mr. Thruv, you shouldn't have said that to pregnant women. They are very sensitive," Syehrazat said unconsciously.

As for Thruv himself, the man's netra continued to pry into Sofia's departure until the woman's body was not seen again.

"Can I talk to your friend again? I'll apologize to him?" asked Thruv.

Syehrazat shook his head, this time he disagreed with Thruv's idea. "No, I'm afraid you are making Sofia sad even more. Let me persuade him."

"I beg you?" asked Thruv with a face full of sadness, which made Syehrazat powerless to refuse.

"Huh, don't take long!"

After obtaining the approval of Syehrazat, the man smiled broadly and ran straight away without him knowing it.

While Syehrazat who saw him became more and more sure of what he was thinking. The woman took off her footwear, walked slowly towards the direction of the tent. He must know what is going on between them.

"I know this is wrong, but I can't if I have to shut up," the girl murmured.

When Thruv had entered the tent, he saw Sofia begin to clean up the supplies that the woman was carrying. He could see that if Sofia was crying, maybe her heart was indeed sensitive.

"Sofia," thruv called as he sat down next to Sofia. The man rubbed the back of the woman's hand gently.

Meanwhile, Sofia immediately dismissed him because she felt that what Thruv did was completely inappropriate.

"Sorry, I'm uncomfortable when other people touch me," Sofia explained.

Thruv could understand what the woman was trying to explain. "I'm sorry, I feel very responsible with your baby. He is the son of my sister, so I also want to take care of him. Let me alone help you, I beg you!"

Sofia didn't flinch, she didn't care how many times Thruv persuaded, she would never melt.

Her life is sofia and Zeno's responsibility, not Thruv's. The man did not have any responsibility on Sofia.

"You don't have to feel bad and feel responsible, I won't blame you if something happens in the future. It's better now that you go out, it's really inappropriate if you are here any longer."

Thruv closed his eyes tightly, having to in what other ways and reasons he had to persuade Sofia not to attend the Crown Prince's wedding.

"There is dangerous Sofia, I just don't want you to get hurt!" said Thruv in a high tone, the man already very frustrated.

Sofia gasped, of course she felt very surprised to hear the loud tone from Thruv. It reminded him of the incident in the tavern when Thruv was angry with the old fortune teller the other day.

"Please go, I'm afraid! Why are you angry with me? This is my life!" said Sofia in a trembling tone.

The woman's body inched back and continued to stay away from the sister-in-law. "Go!" he shouted.

Thruv stood up immediately, he didn't want to make Sofia even more afraid of him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you at all. I'm frustrated, I'm afraid you are injured. I love—"

Thruv's words were simply cut off when he realized what he was going to say. The man squeezed his hair and turned around and then just left.

After Thruv came out, Syehrazat rushed in to see his best friend. He knew inside it wasn't okay.

"Sofia? What's this really about? I'm like a fool when I'm between the two of you," Syehrazat asked, rubbing his best friend's shoulder.

Sofia was silent, she hid her face in both palms. The woman cried without Syehrazat knowing what was really going on.

"What's that guy, Thruv?" asked Syehrazat suddenly. I don't know why it just flashed through Syehrazat's mind.

Sofia looked up quickly. "That man? Who do you mean? If what you think is my husband, then you are wrong. It's not him."

At least Syehrazat was relieved, it turned out that his guess was wrong. "Then, you seem to know Thruv. Can you explain what relationship is between the two of you?"

Sofia began to stare straight ahead, her face flat but the look in her eyes seemed full of disappointment.

"I don't know much about Thruv. All I know is that she is the older brother of my husband. He came to propose to me for his sister."

Syehrazat's body stiffened, he was made even more confused by Sofia's story. Thruv's sister is the Crown Prince, isn't it? Then which sister does Sofia mean?

Syehrazat stared bitterly at Sofia. "Sofia, you'd better rest first. I won't leave you alone, later we will still go together."

The woman rubbed her best friend's hair, and then left the pregnant woman unceremoniously.

"I can't just stand still, I have to ask Mr. Thruv Niramon this."