
The Crown Cries

Alexios Norcross, a supposed god of war for his time. In a land fueled with tragedy, deceit, and treachery, no one is safe from the games the blue bloods and royalty play. He fights, he wins, but when he falls, what happens then? A man revered for his might and prowess, a man respected for his honor and loyalty. his trust is broken, and his loyalty in tatters, he fights for the only thing he knows is real. his family and himself. Now alone from his family, he will strive to make sure he never loses in the game again. Follow across lives as Alexios tries to live another life free from the same game that trapped him. see if he falls for the same traps from before or if he finds a way to free himself from the spiders web. a kiss from death was all he needed to see the truth. Got some adventure. Has gore in certain places. Warm pleasant atmospheres. Vile language from some characters(ecspecially when drinking). A touch of romance. Readers choices and opinions develops the story ever slightly creating a alternate universe that were all involved in. Enjoy! Just for anyone wondering, it will be extremely slow the first about 5 chapters as it's just our MC growing, learning, progressing, Their will be only little action and more on what's happening around to tie it all together. I apologize for anyone wanting to just jump in but I promise I'll work on it more to satisfy everyone's wants. I will be updating 2 chapters hopefully everyday, at least 1 chapter a day. I do not claim ownership of game of thrones or any related characters belonging to game of thrones. I only own my OC characters. Any material belonging to other sources belongs to their respected sources and are used purely for enjoyment. This is my first work on the platform and was just bored after reading a updated chapter. Give me ideas, and help build this story along with me. open to ideas and constructive criticism. Your choices do revolve around the story influencing my creative writing into a direction of your choosing.

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41 Chs

A Challenge Proclaimed

As the prisoners of war were held in cages and tied up to restrict their movement, the Northern army celebrated their victory. A figure was crouching with his red eyes visible to the tied up man across the cage from him. Jaime's brow dripped with sweat as his back felt moist. His lips dry yet ever wanting to say something, anything to break this agonizing silence. Alexios's lips curled upward and his voice broke through the air.

"Jaime Lannister, why fight such a stupid war for such a stupid boy? Because he's your family, possibly closer in relation than what you'd like people to know about perhaps. I've known for some time so no need to try to divert or lie to me about it, injured lion. The real curiosity is if you'll continue with your idiotic line of thinking or change for the better and maybe, just maybe House Lannister will survive this war when it's finished."

Jaime's tongue was tied as frustration and a feeling of powerlessness befell him till he summoned his courage to speak. "What are you exactly saying you snake."

Alexios's face shifted into a mask of shock and played off Jaime's words being the hurt victim in turn. "Oh, is that what people call me now? I would think more along the lines of a dragon or even a wyrm if nothing else but I suppose some people just like their rumors too much. Anyways I am asking you to go home and not come back. Support this war no more Jaime and live in Casterly rock. Give up on your tyrant and bloodthirsty child and turn your cheek to what I will do so that we may save thousands of lives."

Jaime thought long and hard but in the end he just couldn't keep eye contact and shamefully looked down.

"That is sad to see Jaime, you really are a good man but your ideals are corrupted and your tainted by sweet lies. Unfortunately you will have to die soon, I will make it painless when the time comes, I promise you that Jaime Lannister."

Jaime thought long and hard about Alexios's words throughout the night as he shivered in the cold. As Alexios was coming back to his tent, a young soldier ran up and panted as they were out of breath.

"My king, reports are coming in, the Stormlands have rallied under Renly Baratheon and his commander Stannis Baratheon and have brokered a truce with King's Landing till you are dealt with. The Iron Isles have accepted an alliance proposal from the Lannister's in turn allowing their independence after the war. The Reach and Dorne have sent their replies and have agreed to support you in your claim with the Reach saying should you agree to the marriage between Margery and yourself. We also know that the Lannister's have hired over 30,000 mercenaries from overseas."

Alexios pinched the bridge of his nose before accepting the news with a nod and a grunt. He wrote a formal letter to the Reach that he would accept as long as they do not mind if he marries others. His mind was reeling only because he knows if the Reach went to the Lannister's or the Stormlands then he would truly have a headache. He groaned and walked into the tent with a smile seeing Reana laid out onto the makeshift bed with a bulging stomach showing how close she was to having the baby. He sat next to her with his smile and came closer to her face and her breaths got heavier and ever increased in heat.

"Are you ready for tomorrow my beloved?" Reana looked at him and punched his shoulder much to his sorrow only to hear her laugh. "Yes, I have been ready for a long time now." As the two chatted about small matters and enjoyed each other's company, the others were in a panic. People were running back and forth holding wood and building materials.

All night and the area for the wedding was finally finished as it looked absolutely mesmerizing. The wedding was just that, a normal wedding as nothing surprising happened… except that Reana's water broke at the end of it as they were feasting. The night of the wedding, Alexios and Reana had their first child, a baby boy named Varis after the two finally agreed on a name together. The boy had red eyes with a hint of green on the inner iris which gave him a touch of both parents.

Days passed and Reana had gone back to Snake Mount with 5000 soldiers as an escort only to meet up with a few thousand from the reserves so the leaving troop could make it back in reasonable time. Battles after battles were fought with little effort as each time they were decimated. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. The Frey's accepted a few thousand gold to use their lands so going to and from the south became no issue for Alexios.

Much to his delight though, he received reports of Dorne and the Reach fighting against the Stormlands and winning at that due to sheer overwhelming numbers. The Lannister's were on the back foot every time and Tywin had many times tried to broker some form of exchange for Jaime but every time it was rejected due to not reaching an understanding. Eventually Alexios got what he wanted, a duel. A duel witnessed by every important figure from both sides from a distance as the two chosen from each side would battle. The loser dies and the winner wins the war, of course Alexios wasn't holding up on them just surrendering.

The day was upon them and the sun was high in the sky beating down on the spectators. The noteworthy spectators from their side were Cersei, Joffrey, Tywin, Tyrion, And a few personal guards protecting them even though they were only 300 meters from the gate which on horseback isn't a lot. From our side we had William, Nymeria, Tyrene, Robb, and even Jon Umber were there. The chosen fighters were Alexios and Gregor Clegane, the mountain. Alexios standing at 7 feet tall and weighing about 380 pounds of pure explosive muscle and Gregor standing at 8 feet tall and weighing around 400 pounds of bulking muscle with enough explosive power to surprise opponents with a burst of speed at a key moment.

The two stared at one another as both wielded giant greatsword's, the difference being between the quality of arms and armor for the two as Alexios was superior. Alexios grinned at Gregor who growled in reply, Alexios took a burst in his leg muscles and exploded forward using his speed that no man his size should have. Gregor saw Alexios raise his weapon so he raised his weapon up to block and as the two weapons clashed, Gregor was pushed down onto one knee. Cersei who once smiled alongside the others now had a dumbfounded look as she slowly looked at her father in puzzlement. He looked at the battle and whispered to her ever so silently. "Take Joffrey and go back to King's Landing now, this battle is over."

Just as he said those words, Cersei saw Alexios's sword slice into Gregor's sword before he twisted his own, breaking Gregor's sword in two. With the man disarmed, a kick shortly followed into his face resulting in Gregor tumbling backwards still holding onto his broken weapon in desperation. His face bloody barely able to see and groggily trying to pinpoint Alexios till a hand grabbed Gregor by the back of his neck slamming him down onto the ground. Alexios looked towards the fleeing couple in the distance as he raised his hand and motioned for the riders to be sent before a sharp pain came into his shoulder.

Alexios let go of Gregor just to see the broken sword in his shoulder deep inside him. He grunted and cursed before getting a kick into his knee with a resounding snap. Shouts could be heard in the distance as Gregor grabbed Alexios by the head with both hands but as he applied pressure Alexios removed the broken sword and stabbed it into Gregor's arm. Gregor stepped back, ripping the weapon out of his arm and throwing it at Alexios who was standing up only for it to be dodged. Gregor roared outward before charging at Alexios who only swiftly executed an axe kick snapping Gregor's head down then back up in rapid succession before he fell face first unconscious.

Seeing the Riders pass by, Alexios smiled before raising his uninjured hand leading to the earth splitting till spikes of earth rose up around Tywin and in his spot impaling him before he could even say anything. Healing his wounds with magic, Alexios walked back to the others still there and got atop his horse. "I believe it's time we claim the Iron Throne before their forces try to counterattack."