

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasía
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26 Chs


A frown crept in on Ronald's face as he now dropped the glass of wine he had been holding majestically standing up to his feet as he now walked over to where Cathy stood making sure to leave no space between them.

"what do you think of me mmmm miss Catherine" Cathy shifted back from him only to end up unknowingly sitting in one of the chairs in the dinning room.she didn't realize she was close to a chair.

Ronald didn't stop there as he still covered the small space that had been created between them as he stared down at her his tongue casually sliding through his teeth.

"I....just thought maybe......"Cathy kept mute not knowing what to say again as her eyes roamed around not ready to meet with his.she was well aware of the fact that he knew how to go from being so dauntingly charming to being this cold merciless looking king that he was.

Now strethning himself up he gave her one last look before saying,"I know you are feeling uncomfortable to eat because of me.i will leave now"

and just like that Cathy watched him leave till he was out of sight.

Cathy heaved a sigh of relief grateful she wasn't eaten alive by him.although he looked like he wanted to!

"you should eat.this food is really Good"she could hear her brother complimenting the food but all she wanted to do right now was to smack him in the head.

"what do you think you were doing huh? why were you siding with him"Cathy shot him a glare.

"Why do you want to leave this place so badly it's not like they are turtoring you or anything.for instance look at the dress you wearing right now isn't it lovely?"

"what's your point I hate black"Cathy reminded him.

"have you seen yourself right now you look like a goddess and am not even joking.i wonder why you hate the color black so much it always suits you well"Dylan said making another complimentary remark.

"Don't try to change the subject here Dylan you should be looking for a way to get us out of here"

"why? I don't want to leave and you shouldn't too.shouldnt you be happy?I mean the king is openly proposing to you do you know how many women fall at his feet Cathy"Dylan said making Cathy pause for a bit.

"you are right,he has an irresistible charm but that doesn't change the fact that he forced me here and besides I don't have feelings for him"Cathy said to have Dylan's eyebrows furrow.

"but weren't you the one that just said he has an irresistible charm?"

"I wasn't lying!?" just because she admired his beauty doesn't mean she had feelings for him.they were two different things!

"look Dylan I refuse to marry him just because he is the king or whatever I want to be able to choose and know what I want and right now what I want is for me to be in my own house with my family"Cathy said as she now reached out for the food that had been well dished out into a plate and as she opened the lid the aroma filled her nose.

she was really hungry!

"I thought you said you were not eating "Dylan reminded her Incase she had forgotten.

"mind your business"

in his room Ronald sat at the edge of the bed the palm of his hand holding his forehead with his feet tapping the floor like someone who was impatiently waiting for something.

"Joseph"he called out to his butler who immediately ran to reveal a tall blonde looking man who seemed to be in his 20s as he bowed at the king.

"yes your highness!"

Ronald closed his eyes shutting it really tight and when he felt he couldn't hold it in any longer Ronald spoke up.

"bring me one of the ladies in the cellroom now!"he ordered and though Joseph was stunned for a bit he didn't waste any more second as he ran out of the room his steps hasty only to meet with a pair of cold gaze on his way down the stairs.

he bowed his head in respect"master Rick"and not wasting any more time Joseph made to continue heading down the stairs but the master Rick was quick to stop him.

Joseph didn't need no one to tell him what the master was about to ask as he bowed his head.

"it is the king master rick.he has requested me to bring him one of the ladies from the cell room"Joseph said making Nick's head tilt to the side.

"Go now"Nick released him as Joseph quickly fled away.it was dangerous to waste another minute. although he had never seen the king in that state before.

Nick who watched as Joseph headed down the stairs now made to go to Ronald's room only to meet him in a state he hadn't seen for a very long time now.

he only stood by the door watching.his shoulders casually resting on the wall while Ronald on the other hand was loosing it as he now stood up from the bed pacing around the room and soon enough the butler was quick to bring in a lady who kept trembling her eyes filling with dread immediately she saw the king.

Ronald who had been waiting for what looked like eternity grabbed the woman by her arm turning her back to him as he pushed her near him

"don't move"he said to her his fangs growing as he moved her hair away from her shoulder.

and without warning he dug his fangs into her skin.the lady could only let out a small painful moan as her heart kept pounding against her chest wondering if she would die.

the two other men in the room could only watch as Ronald drained the life out of the woman.he couldn't stop as the more each drop went into his mouth the more he kept wanting more.

noticing how he had drained the woman completely Ronald left her and the lady dropped lifeless on the floor.

his red eyes still burned as he wasn't yet satisfied and Joseph understanding the look in which the king gave him ran out immediately.

Nick still wasn't saying anything as he just continued watching while Ronald simply ignored him.he seemed to have regained a little bit of his sanity his eyes now casually looking at the body that laid on the floor.

he wasn't this kind of monster! but he couldn't help it.the blood thirst was just too strong and it felt as of he wasn't in control of his body again.

Was it even a good idea bringing the girl here? if she had this much control on him there was no way he wouldn't loose his sanity for sure.

Joseph came in alot more faster.did he have some sort of teleportation power or what.

he brought in two other women.the other one was just in case he still wasn't satisfied.

he let go of one of the women to walk to the king on her own. and even with trembling legs the lady had no choice than to walk up to the king who's eyes looked merciless.

her eyes caught hold of the lady lying lifeless on the floor her body going stiff for a second.

"please don't kill me"the lady begged as soon as she was now in front of the king but his eyes held no mercy in them and before she knew it she had felt his fangs sinking Into her skin.

it was only a matter of time before the lady also fell lifeless on the floor and the other lady who had been watching held her mouth in order not to let the scream out.her hands trembling as her heart heavily pounded against her chest.

Ronald took a glance at the lady thinking the thirst within him had subsided but it was still very much there.

Joseph pushed the lady and she landed just at Ronald's feet.he closed his eyes for a while trying to resist whatever demon was within him but it was just too persistent.

opening his eyes Ronald bent down a bit grabbing the woman by her arm.he could hear her silent prayers which messed with his brain a bit.

what was he doing? just now he had killed two people and he still couldn't control himself.the lady thinking he was having second thoughts about killing her was caught off guard as she felt something sharp pierce through her skin.

she felt all her blood being drained and slowly she lost consciousness till she completely blacked out.

Ronald's eyes turned back to black as soon as he was done with the lady his fangs disappearing.

using his thumb to clean off the small stains of blood that was on his lips Ronald now looked over at Nick who was still resting his shoulders behind the wall still on the same spot he had been since the time he came in.

"what do you want"came the agressive voice of Ronald and with that Joseph knew it was his cue to leave but not without clearing the mess that was on the floor.

"what's wrong brother" came Nick's question to have Ronald's lips pull up at his brother.

the two were brothers.blood related and people who didn't know them would have never taken notice that they were.which was very understandable as they didn't act like one.

they were the only two remaining in the Reagan family.they had lost Soo many bloodlines due to the drodgheda and madiville war that had happened a long time ago in 1674.and during that time Ronald was forced to take up the throne even though he was the youngest as nick had refused the position.

he had refused to step up and be the next ruler which left Ronald to fill in that space even though he didn't want to he had to or else things would have gotten really worse.

"what are you doing here"Ronald asked again as nick now moved away from the wall taking a step closer into the room his hands sliding into his pocket.

"you are changing a lot these days Micheal"

"I told you not to call me that again"Ronald said with a warning gaze.

"just don't get out of control and loose your sanity that will be the last thing we want right now"nick added as his eyes now trailed along with the butler taking out the last body outside,the room the door shutting behind them.

"are you going to tell me what the problem is or should I find it out myself"Nick said to have Ronald purse his lips.

"it's not like it is something you can solve I will figure it out on my own"Ronald simply said as he now walked passed nick leaving the room.

Nick stared at Ronald's retreating back a slight look of worry plastered on his face.he knew Ronald to be very good at controlling his thirst for blood and seeing him right now in that situation something was definitely wrong somewhere.

"Joseph"nick called out to the butler who answered him immediately running to him

"yes master Nick"

"I want you to give me every single details of what Ronald is up to lately.what he is doing and most of all where he is going.do not leave out anything."Nick said as he now left the room leaving Joseph to battle with mind.

if the king found out that he has been giving out all the information of what he was doing he would be dead meat and at the same time he dared not disobey master Rick.

Either way,he was sure he was going to die anyways.