

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Is it karma?

A little smirk played on Ronald's lips.a smirk that no one could notice as he climbed down the stairs.his eyes roamed around the place and when he found just whom he was looking for his smirk couldn't help but broaden more.

"Please,continue"he said urging them to continue partying and ignore his presence as he now walked towards the girl his eye had been eye sighting giving her a warm smile as he was now in front of her.

Cathy's legs trembled seeing as the king was now in front of her.why was he doing this! She was sure she wouldn't leave the palace in one piece.not after what had happened.she was definitely doomed.

But why did he help her all through and not call the guards on her immediately she had blurted out the plan she wanted to carry out in the palace.just why??

Cathy couldn't help but wonder as she kept blaming herself for being so stupid."your highness"Cathy managed to fake a smile as she bowed

"Please call me Michael…..milady"ronald said his eyes piercing into hers and cathy could immediately feel her skin burning.if she wasn't careful she would actually be put into a real fire.

Cathy kept pinching herself not knowing what to say as she bent her head not ready to meet his gaze.

"How rude of you not to look at the king when you know he's looking at you"came ronalds voice as cathy could feel him move closer to her.

"May i have this dance pretty lady?"ronald said again making Cathy huff.really?? he was really just going to ask for a dance after making such an appearance.cathy now raised her head up glaring at him.

"Why are you doing this"came Cathy's pissed off voice.if he was going to punish her for what he had done he should just go through with her and just stop being uncesserilly pathetic.

Cathy was getting impatient.mostly because she didn't know her fate right then.

"I just want a dance little miss Catherine"ronald said spelling out her full name and Cathy could only grit her teeth in annoyance

"Your so annoying"Cathy blurted out.she wasn't scared she would get in trouble.she was already in one deep shit anyways.but ronald simply laughed.

"How cute"came his short reply as his eyes glimmered at her as it moved up and down sexily.well atleast that was what went on in Cathy's head as she couldn't even concentrate any more with the man in front of her trying to seduce her with his all so beautiful eyes.

"May i?"ronald then streched fort his hand gesturing for a dance and cathy didn't even know when she took his hand as she was already lost in his eyes.how could anyone not?

Ronald's eyes glimmered the way it never had as he didn't break contact with hers even as he took her to the dance floor with everyone pausing to look at who the king had brought to the dance floor.well that was a change!

Cathy could feel everyone's eyes on them making her feel awkard.that was right! She was with the king and he had offered her a dance.why her of all people though.

She tried to free herself from his grip but he held her tighter with him gently pushing her forward only to push her to himself back and this time cathy could feel his breath on her.he then went ahead to twirl her around and push her again to himself their bodies making really intimate contact.

Ronald made sure to make her really close to him as their faces were now inches apart as his lips now parted but then he closed it back as he just stared at her.

"Stop people are looking"Cathy said and ronald almost lost it.she had to talk when their faces were just an inch away from each other.his eyes found his way to her lips and he had to press his lips tight to control himself as he now just held her waist going with the rhythm of the calm music going on in the background.

"Why did you help me…..i mean why would you help me steal something from your own palace"Cathy had to ask.he didn't look like someone who would punish her in the slightest which was actually strange and wiered.

While Cathy was busy throwing questions at him ronald couldn't concentrate as all that was filling his head right then was the breath of her voice on his face and for the first time in his entire boring life he felt his heart running up in an abnormal speed.a very fast speed and what was more strange was that he still couldn't concentrate on the words she was saying even as he tried.

Ronald then suddenly released her as he went out of the hall without saying a word to Cathy leaving her there and cathy could feel everyone's stare's follow him and then she couldn't feel them anymore.

"What the hell was that"came her Aunty's voice from behind her as she turned to face her.

"Its a long story"Cathy said looking at her Aunty's questioning eyes.and Cathy's reply only made Isabelle want to question her more.long story?just when did her sister's daughter have an history with the king to be a long story?

Cathy simply just went to take a seat as she picked up a drink gulping the whole thing down.so what was her fate actually.was she doomed or not?

The night soon ended as everyone were gradually going home and cathy couldn't be more glad as she and her aunty left the palace as they entered their carriage and Isabelle didn't waste anymore time as she now turned to Cathy.

"Start explaining missy"came Isabelle's curious voice.how wouldn't she be curious?the king! asked her sisters daughter for a dance?! That was something she would have never even dreamt of in her entire lifetime.

Cathy who was already in a lot of trouble just laughed sheepishly as she didn't know where to start.was it the part of stealing the palace painting or the part where the king had helped her to do that.

And just then the coachman had helped her start her story "here's the painting you asked me to keep for you miss"came his lousy voice as cathy could only shoot him a glare collecting the painting from him and Cathy could also see the glare her aunty was shooting at her.

"Don't tell me that is from the palace"Isabelle's curious face had quickly turn into a frown as she simply just looked at the painting in Cathy's hand.

"Where should i be riding to milady"came the voice of the carriage man which felt really annoying to Cathy's ears at that moment.

"Take us to my sisters house"Isabelle said and as the man entered the carriage and started riding off Cathy's breathing eased up a little but only for a split second as she worried that the king might still trace her to her house.

Cathy turned to her aunty picking her nails as she found it hard to open her mouth to talk."funny story Isabella,how would you react if i told you the king himself helped me to get the painting out of the palace"cathy said following her outburst with a laugh.she really didn't know what to do at this point.

Should she be crying or laughing?!she wasn't sure

Following Cathy's abominable outburst isabelle also burst out laughing.her niece was indeed doomed!

"What were you thinking you crazy baboon!"Isabelle said hitting cathy countless times till she was tired.

What was she to do now? The king wasn't someone to mess with and here this tiny thing had gone out of her way to end her own life.

There were 50 ways to die in madiville village and Cathy chose the easiest out of it all.

"Just please promise me you wont tell my parents"Cathy wasn't in for another drama.she knew if her parents heard this kind of stuff they would definitely lash out at her and that was the last thing she wanted right now.

Isabelle glared at Cathy before finally agreeing to it.she would find a way to resolve this issue before it turned to something worse.

Cathy breathed out in relief at least that was taken care of.

The rest of the ride was awfully quiet in which Cathy didn't even notice as she was crowded in her own miserable thought.

And to think of it…..she was actually dancing with the king.what kind of person was he anyways! he simply just acted like nothing had happened! As if he didnt help her to carry out her nasty plans.

Cathy fumed inside.she wanted to actually burst out laughing.the fool even helped her pass through another route that led them out of the palace.


They finally got home as the two came down.Isabelle thought of greeting her sister before leaving.it had been long since she had last seen her anyways.Cathy breathed in and out trying to put on a normal face as they walked towards her house door placing a knock on the door.

It took a while before anyone bothered opening the door for them and there her mother was as her eyes immediately jumped up upon seeing Isabelle.her lovely sister!

Cathy was stoked.seeing as her mother ran to hug her sister with the two of them sharing a little laughter.

"My God Isabelle! you have changed so much"Mona commented releasing her sister from the suffocating hug as she invited her in.

"Well what can i say…..Nicholas is a lucky man"Isabelle blushed making Cathy roll her eyes as she made to leave.she wasn't going to sit there and listen to their cring conversation.

Cathy shrugged wanting to leave when her father came out of nowhere appearing in front of her.his eyes blinking at her as he stared at the dress she was wearing.

"Where did my baby get this beautiful dress from"mr rain said gawking at her as he suddenly carried Cathy in his hands bridal style sweeping her from the floor making Cathy giggle.

"I went to the ball papa"Cathy said and she could swear she saw her mothers head immediately swing over to look at her.

"You did what?"came the masculine voice that came out of nowhere.it was her brother! That stupid annoying brath.

"What! Are you jealous"Cathy said clinging on to her father knowing fully well what her brother could do.

"My baby is all grown up now ugh"mr rain simply smiled.at least one of them got to go to the palace.even though that might be the last time in their entire lifetime.

"You went to the palace?"came another shocked voice that came out of the kitchen.Cathy rolled her eyes.it was her sister.the oldest amongst them.she was at least the most tolerable out of two of her siblings.

Cathy was the last born.her brother Dylan was the second while her sister here who was named hailey was the first and she wouldn't miss a chance to rub it off in their faces.

"Isabelle!!!"hailey screamed off.she was the one who was supposed to attend the ball party not little miss Missy here.

"Don't shout at my aunty hailey"Cathy said still enjoying the privilege of being in her fathers arms.she knew if that wasn't the case she would have been a dead meat already.

"Am sorry hailey but Nicholas wasn't going to come with me so i took Cathy instead"Isabelle explained but hailey continued glaring at Cathy who just gave her smirk.

Mr rain dropped Cathy down and she could feel her protective amour that she had to put a while ago vanish just like that.

Cathy and Isabelle's eyes met and cathy was quick to give her a thank you look.before they got down she had given Isabelle the painting to hold for her.she knew there would be series of questions if she had brought it home and absolutely didn't want that so she just asked Isabelle to hold it for a while for her.

"Am tired.am going inside.see you whenever aunt Isabelle" cathy said a slight yawn leaving her mouth as she dragged her feet to her room and without warning she landed on the mat in her room as soon as she got inside.

"Wake up sleepy beauty"Cathy could hear her sisters voice buzzing around in her ear as she lazily opened her eyes to the rays of sunlight shining in her eyes.Cathy used the back of her hand to cover her eyes but Hailey was quick to shove it off her face and Cathy could see her glare.

"Are you forgetting you have a lot of work to do today Cathy"Hailey said making Cathy groan as she sluggishly stood up on her feet.it was best she completed all her work as soon as possible.Cathy wanted going out of the room when she felt her sister suddenly grab her from the back with force making both of them land back on the mat making Cathy glare at her.what was that for!

Hailey smiled sheepishly still holding unto Cathy as if she would run away.

"So tell me….how was the ball party?what did the palace look like and most importantly did you see the king?"Hailey Said suddenly throwing all those questions at Cathy who could notice the excitement in her eyes as it danced around looking for answers.

"Trust me Hailey if you had been in my shoes you would have fainted of how Beautiful everything was"Cathy said knowing that little answer would satisfy her sister's curiosity.

Hailey pressed her lips hard.she had always wanted to go to the palace.she had never been there before.well many villagers hadn't and if there were any chances that she would later get to see the palace someday with her own two naked eyes they were 4.5%.but her little sister here had the opportunity.and she was sure she didn't use the opportunity well.

"So??? Were you able to seduce any man there in the palace?"Hailey asked and that would have come as a shock to Cathy but she already knew her sister well enough now.she knew her sister only had eyes for rich men and she would do anything to have that as long as she saw the opportunity.

If there had been a chance that Hailey was the one who went to the palace.she was sure she would be dancing her way in with a suitor.

"I think you keep forgetting am just 19"Cathy said jumping up to her feet.she wasn't going to sit there and listen to her sister's delulu fantasy.the only person that had been lucky enough to get married to a wealthy man was their aunty Isabelle.but how wouldn't she? She had this irresistible charm no one would dare look over.

Cathy successfully went out of their room avoiding any more questions from Hailey as she picked up a rounded bowl heading for outside.

Cathy headed for the entrance door trying to dust off whatever was hanging on her dress as she opened the door still focusing on her dress which made her stop walking at a point wondering what it was so she just simply stood at the entrance door which had been opened as she took her time to adjust her dress well before raising up her head up only to have her eyes widened at the instant she had become aware of her surroundings.

Cathy was quick to take a step back and shut the door cursing underneath her breath.

She bit her lower lip pacing around the small living room for a second before finally going back to the door side her hands already on the handle.she had no choice anyways.Cathy thought as she now opened the door with her heads bowed.

"Your highness!"