

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasía
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26 Chs

His only fantasy

Unexpected entrance

"I heard there are series of ancient pantings at the palace"cathy giggled beside her friend marie as she was now done styling her Aunty's hair.

Her aunty isabelle was one of her moms younger sister.she was the most successful in all of them.well mainly because she was lucky enough to marry to a wealthy family.lord Nicholas.cathy didnt want that.she wanted to be independently successful and she was aiming for that.

Isabelle turned to face the two only to see them gasp

"Oh would you marry me isabelle.you look like the worlds blossomest flower"marie said complimenting isabelle looks.she wasn't lieing though.

Isabelle gave out a warm smile"i wish my husband also thought that"she said to get a frown from cathy.

"He's not following me to ball party"Isabella said as Cathy's eyes glimmered in excitement.not at her Aunty's dismair but the chance to finally be able to go to the palace.

Cathy had always wanted to visit the palace and mainly for one thing! She wanted to see the paintings there.the all so ancient paintings they kept at the palace.and if she had any luck she would steal it!!

Wondering where that crazy idea came from right?cathy was a painter and she wanted to expand her knowledge.it was by far the only thing that sustained them in their family.

"I'll be your date"cathy and marie blurted out at the same time as they turned to look at each other.who knew marie was also planning on going to the ball party.

"Oh sweet children.i can only take one of you to the palace"Isabelle said to see a disappointed look on cathy's face.she wanted to go but seeing as her best friend also wanted to go,she would have to allow her instead.

"But…..seeing as Cathy wants to go to expand on her knowledge i would take her.sorry marie"Isabelle apologized but she got a warm smile from her instead.

"Its okay.but i will kill this chicken if she doesn't tell me everything that happened there understood?"Marie gave cathy a stern warning as they all laughed.

"Oh no what will i wear"Cathy said as she looked at her own clothes.she was sure it was the palace guards that would chase her away immediately they saw her in the dress she was in right now.

"Follow me"Isabelle said as she now stood up with the two girls gaping at her.she was always so elegantly beautiful.she walked to her room with the two girls trailing behind and with Cathy admiring the way her aunty walked.she just loved everything about this lady.

Isabelle went over to the box she normally put up her clothes as her hands searched for a dress and there,she finally pulled out a red palace like gown.

It was beautiful!

But Cathy thought otherwise.she saw it as uncomfortable,too tight,too bright and too big.she would definitely fall in that gown.

"I can't wear that.that thing looks like 2x my weight"cathy blinked as she now went ahead to check out the clothe she put on.

It wasn't that bad! was it?

"If you are not going to where it then i'll give someone who's willing to"Isabelle said as Cathy's eyes trailed to Marie and the next thing she did was to grab the clothe away from her Aunty's hand.

"I will wear it thank you"said Cathy making Isabelle smirk."the maids will dress you up"came another word from Isabelle as Cathy's eyes flew open

The maids!!she wanted to decline but then she remembered again that she had an oponent unknowingly contesting with her.

"Sure aunty!"Cathy could only give out a fake smile and then the moment she agreed two maids came rushing in as Marie and her aunty left the room.

Cathy allowed them to undress her as she fumed in and out.she wondered how it would feel like allowing someone to bathe her.did her aunty always enjoyed this!?

They took her to the bathroom as she entered into the bathing pool.how relaxing! Cathy thought as the warm water surrounded her whole body leaving some part of her face.

As now started scrubbing her using all manner of soap,on a second thought.Cathy was actually enjoying this.she closed her eyes allowing them do what they had to do.

They were finally done and as she came out of the pool a maid came at her cleaning her wet body and after she was done she was wrapped with the towel as they took her back to the room.

They applied a little cream on her as it was now time to battle with the dress.

How discomforting!Cathy thought as they now slid the dress on her.they made the corset so tight it just gave them one more tight knot before she would pass out.and they actually did it!they tied the corset string again even more tighter and cathy could feel herself suffocating.

"Stand up straight"came the bored up voice of the maid that was tighting the corset string.how rude!

Cathy rolled her eyes but she complied anyways.and there it was she didn't feel so suffocated as before but she still felt the corset clinging into her body like a ram they were tieing up for Christmas.

Just as they were done with her.the door flew open to have her aunt and marie walk in."wait a damn minute! Is this really cathy?"came marie's ever so shoching voice as she gaped at her best friend.

"Are you trying to mock me Marie?this gown is killing me"cathy huffed to get a smack in the back from marie.

"You don't know how beautiful you look in that gown and you are here complaining?"Marie said to see Cathy's shocked look.was her bestfriend complimenting her?

In all her years that they have been together.for as long as she knew Marie always called her ugly that she was forced to believe that.

"Just shut up"cathy rolled her eyes but she couldn't deny that she actually liked her best friend complimenting her.

"We should get going now so as to get there in time"Isabelle said and Cathy couldn't get more excited as she giggled inwardly.more than seeing the paintings,she wanted to see the palace for herself.

She took Isabelle's hand as they both walked out to see a carriage pull over in front of them.they got in,along with marie as she they would drop her off at a place not too far from her house.

Throughout the time Marie was still in the carriage,they kept whispering things in each others ears laughing like children and now that it was time for her to go a sudden gloom came over Cathy's face.she wished Marie could follow them.

Marie whispered something again in Cathy's ears making her laugh as she finally took to go with the carriage also continuing their journey.

"I hope you two's friendship would last long"came Isabelle's voice as cathy turned to her

"Last long?it would last forever"Cathy said giggling.the thought of loosing her one and only friend hadn't occurred to her before.she never wanted to loose her.

"Is it possible to marry your best friend?cause i would if it were"Cathy said with a broadened smile as isabelle just chukled.

Silence followed after that, with only the sound of the moving carriage could be heard as Cathy rested her head on the window side.

After almost a decade.they were finally at the palace."you didn't tell me the palace was this far"cathy snapped at her aunty as soon as the carriage pulled over.

"When i said 'to get there in time what did you think i meant"Isabelle snapped back. Well that wasn't specific enough.

Cathy got down to behold the ever so enchanting and most magnificent house in time.Cathy had always heard from rumors and today she confirmed it was true.the palace was magnificent! If that was enough word to describe it!

"Lets go"Isabelle said as Cathy rushed to her Aunty's side taking her arm.

As they approached the palace guards,they were stopped.Isabelle showed them her invitation letter"she will be replacing lord Nicholas"Isabelle said and Isabelle saw the guard adressing them turn to her

What? did she do anything wrong?"you are welcome pretty lady"the guard complimented her as he invited her inside."thank you"Cathy answered back trying not to be rude.she didn't want to be sent home after just arriving.aleast not till she had successfully stolen the painting.

But how would she do it that she wouldn't get caught?the security there was very tight.anyways! That was another thing to worry about later.Cathy was trying to hasten up her steps with the stupid gown she was wearing but it wouldn't allow her.how rude of it!

"Don't force it.just walk elegantly"Isabelle said noticing how Cathy was struggling with the dress.she knew if there was any chance cathy would tear the gown out of her body to be free.

They walked into the palace and Cathy's eyes marvelled.this place right here looked like heaven on earth.it was mertimarizingly beautiful! her eyes roamed around as she saw different people looking so elegant and as she saw them.she was a little bit glad they had forced her to wear the gown if not she would have felt so out of place.

And the king was still unmarried?Cathy looked around again.the ladies there were beautifullly gorgeous.each and every one of them.what was still holding him back then?

"Oh my gawd isabelle"came a ladies voice making them halt as Cathy turned to look at who it was and cathy couldn't help but gasp! This lady right in front of them now was dashing

Dashing?? she looked so much more than that.in Cathy's own terms she would consider her as extremely beautiful.

"Hello Cathy"she heard the lady call her name.had Isabelle already introduced her?

"Isabelle meet my friend Anna"Isabelle said introducing the both of them to each other.Cathy gave the lady a warm smile.

"Lets go milady"the lady Anna said as they followed her to the main hall of the event and Cathy's eyes sparkled.the music that met them there felt so relaxing and calming.but not many people were there yet.it looked as if the event hadn't even started.this was her chance!

"I'll be right back Isabelle"she whispered in Isabelle's ears wanting to leave but she stopped her.

"Where do you think you are going missy"came Isabelle's questioning voice

"I'll be back"was all Cathy said as she left not waiting for Isabelle to say anything else.

She looked around her but she saw nothing.no paintings or whatsoever.but she walked further more not knowing where she was going but she made sure to know her landmarks in case she was going back.

Cathy continued going back and forth not able to see anything.but then she saw an alley.it was dark but she took a candle anyways as she looked around to see if anyone was watching her.noticing no one was there cathy walked in and then she confirmed her instincts were right.

There were paintings all over.even on the floor and what came to Cathy's mind was that they must have removed it because of the ball party.her eyes glimmered with something unfanthomable as she looked at the painting all around her.

They were beautiful!

Just as she wanted touching one of the paintings a masculine voice suddenly came from behind her"what are you doing"Cathy noticed the coldness in his voice making her shiver.she was doomed!

Cathy slowly turned the candle still in her hand as she saw the face of the man who had screamed at her just now only to gape at him.

Holy mary! How can someone be so dangerously handsome!?

"Do you need help with anything?"the man suddenly asked making Cathy's brows knit together.wasn't he the one who had screamed at her just now.cathy then suddenly noticed how his face had gone from cold to being warm.just like that?

"No uhhhh i just came to look around"Cathy said as she was about to leave but he stopped her holding her wrist.

"Don't be like that milady.who knows if i might just be your guardian angel.now tell me!"he said as if knowing she had a hidden agenda of coming here

Cathy took a closer look at him.he looked harmless like someone who really wanted to help but why?

"Why are you trying to help me"Cathy asked as he now left her arm in which he had been holding since."how can i see a beautiful lady and just ignore her"came his words flattering her.

Did he just call her beautiful? He was joking right? how can someone as charming as him be calling her beautiful.Wait till Marie hears this.

"I want to steal a painting from here"cathy blurted out as she inspected his face looking for any slight disapproval so as to quickly tell him she was joking.

But his expression was still the same."and how would you do that milady"he asked and cathy was sure he was just trying to help

"I don't know"cathy bit her lips as she now looked around her.how would she do that.

"Luckily i know a way out of the palace without using the gate"he suddenly said making Cathy eye him.

"Don't look at me like that…you should be quick i have somewhere to be at"the man said and Cathy without thinking twice just grabbed one of the paintings.she didn't know what she was doing.why was he helping her anyways.

She didn't care as all she could think of was how to get the painting out of this goddamed Palace.

"Follow me"he said going further into the alley.was there a way out there?cathy followed as she kept battling with her mind whether she should have or not and not focusing on her environment.

Not knowing they were already out of the palace as she kept battling with her inner demon not noticing her surroundings she stopped walking as she turned to him

"Where are you taking me"she had to ask.a handsome man like him won't just offer to help her just like that.and how the fuck did he know a different route getting outside than of the palace gate.unless...he was from the royal family!

"We are here milady"He said as Cathy looked around to see they were actually outside.she did it! never mind about that suspicion.

"Thank you thank you thank you"Cathy jumped up in excitement as her eyes searched around for the carriage they had brought there and there she found it.

"Am coming"Cathy said as she quickly walked over to the carriage.

"Take care of this for me"cathy told the carriage man giving him the painting as he gave her a ressurring nod.

"You owe me"the man said as she walked back to him as they followed the same route to get back inside the palace.

"Whatever you want"cathy said.of course she owed him be had actually helped her.

"Your name milady"he asked as they were now back in the dark alley

"Cathy and yours?"she asked back

"Micheal"he said a hint of mischieve in his voice but cathy waved the thought away.

"Well then Cathy,i shall see you at the ball party"the man named Michael said as he now left.

Cathy smiled sheepishly glad that she was actually able to pull her plan off.the heavens were really working for her good.

She got back to the party to get a smack at the her back from her aunty

"Where have you been huh,the party had started since"Isabelle gave her a glare but Cathy was just grinning like a child they are giving nunu to.

"You won't believe what had happened isa...…"cathy was saying but the really loud voice that got everyone's attention had interrupted her.

"Everyone…it is now time to welcome in the almighty king ranold"it was the kings messenger who was speaking from the stairs and as he cleared the way for the king Cathy anticipated to see his face.

She had never seen the king before.many villagers hadn't and as he stepped forward for Cathy to get a closer look at him…..cathy gasped her heartbeat accelarating in a speed she had never felt it beat before as her eyes blinked rapidly.

Wasn't that the so called micheal?!!!!!!.

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Love marvy!

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