

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasía
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26 Chs



Hailey rushed to ronald seeing the way her sister was in his hands as she could already see her pale body from far away."What happened"Hailey asked ronald leading him to where he would place her as she wondered what had happened.

"She fainted on the way"ronald said placing cathy on the mat Hailey pointed at.she checked for pulse and it felt normal making her relived as she now turned to face him.

"Where were you taking her to earlier"Hailey asked remembering how he had dragged Cathy out of the kitchen.

"She had promised to show me around the village and i was getting impatient.i didn't know she wasn't feeling well"Ronald's words came out effortlessly as he just kept looking at the girl that laid on the mat.

She was in that state because of him and even though he hated that fact he still wanted more of her blood.what was happening to him.he had never been like this before.he had never lost control in this way before but he just couldn't hold it in any longer as his own body too failed him.

Something was definitely wrong! Someone was trying to mess with his brain and he would get to the bottom of it.that strange feeling he always got whenever he looked at her and the way his blood would start heating up whenever she looked back he wanted to know why he was having those feelings.

Why does she keep lurking around in his head and playing tricks with his mind.he wanted to know.

"I'll be back"ronald suddenly said and without waiting for any reply he turned around and left leaving Hailey to wonder where he was going.

It wasn't long before Marie walked in only to find her friend lying on the mat looking pale and weak.

"Hailey what happened"

marie asked her voice filled with concern "I don't know she fainted"hailey replied to have Marie's brows knit up.since when did Cathy become a weakling.

Hailey simply sat beside her sister along with her best friend as they both looked over Cathy wondering when she would wake up.

Ronald made an impromptu entrance scaring the lady that sat at a corner making some sort of concoction.

The lady seeing him quickly went on her knees with a bowed head.

"Your highness! to what do i owe this august evening"the lady said with an obvious hint of fear.what would have made the king come to her house by himself?.she wondered as she could only hope she wasn't going to die that evening.

Ronald paused a bit as a calm silence passed them by for a second before he finally spoke up.

"Something is wrong marina"ronald said to have the lady's name who was bearing marina suddenly became alert as she raised up her head getting up on her feet.

"Why? What's wrong"she asked her eyes had already started filling with dread cause she knew for him to have come all the way here on his own meant the matter at hand was really serious.

Ronald paused again trying to crack his head.

"Someone is trying to make me weak marina.i want you to find out who it is"he said making the lady's brows knit together confused.but she dared not ask any other question as she went on to it.

She sat back on the floor as she placed a big candle in front of her closing her eyes.she chanted some spells before opening her eyes to look at the king.

"I see nothing your highness"she said to have Ronald's face turn to a frown.

Already getting curious about what was going on marina had to ask."you have to tell me the problem at hand otherwise i won't be able to do anything for you"she spoke up and it took all the courage in her to actually spit out those words.

Ronald's lips pursed trying to think of how to put in his words.

"Am sure it is the work of one of your kinds trying to make me look weak.so explain to me why is this particular girl always in my head trying to distract me every single time.i can't do anything without thinking about her"Ronald paced up and down as he talked his hands moving to and fro as if he were acting a drama while marina could only watch what the king was displaying in front of her.

"I can't even control my blood thirst anymore.why!!!!"ronlad now stood in one spot looking at marina waiting for a reply.

"And this girl we are speaking of who is she"marina asked as she tried to hold the in whatever devil that was trying to get her killed.

Ronald was getting impatient as he now started walking towards where she sat."are you going to work out some explanation or should i just tear your head apart"

Marina burst out laughing not being able to hold it in any longer holding her stomach due to the way she just kept laughing uncontrollably causing her stomach to react.she wanted to keep a straight face at first but it just wasn't possible.what made it worse was the way he looked so serious.

"Forgive my impudence your highness but it seems like uhhhhhh....."marina paused for a bit taking a glance at the almighty king.now she was really curious about this girl.

"It seems like you have feelings for this girl your highness"marina said and every where suddenly went silent.

"Nonsense! That's impossible"ronald finally said after minutes of silence.if someone else had been the one to tell her that the king had feelings for a girl she would have think of the person to be a lunatic but she herself was the one to confirm it.it was all over his face and hard to ignore.

The night in which ronald had saw Cathy for the first time his eyes sparkled with something unmeasurable but he had tried wavering it off.he had helped her that night not knowing why even though she was trying to steal an item from the palace.

He thought he was simply intrigued by her mesmerizing beauty that night but it was definitely something more than that but here this useless witch was telling him he had feelings for her.

"You know i just have to lift a finger and your head would be lying by the side of the road right!?"came Ronald's cold icy voice and even though marina was the only witch he trusted and had beside him for so many years now marina was still very much afraid of him.he could mercilessly cut off her body parts right this instinct if he wanted to.

"I would never lie to you your highness.am sure of what i am saying"marina said and another round of silence welcomed them again.

"What of my blood thirst,why can't i control it"Ronald said and In case you had missed it ronald was a vampire.a generally feared breed by the humans.not many people knew about the existence of these creatures and while does that knew weren't really sure.

The entire royal bloodline were all vampires and no one knew about this.not even a single being all excluding the witches and the people who moved in and out of the palace.

Witches on the other hand were widely known by all.

"I have no idea about that your highness"marina said and somewhere in her brain she tried to figure out what the matter was.she knew the king to be very good at controlling his hunger for blood.he could go on three days without taking a drop and yet he would be fine and now the sudden change? something was wrong but she couldn't figure out what.

"I will get back to you your highness"marina assured ronald whose eyes had turned warmer.taking a closer look at him again marina couldn't help but wonder who the girl that had piqued the king's interest was.

On the other side of the town.a girl laid on the mat her body weak from the incident that had happened earlier as her eyes now slowly opened after a long while.

She looked beside her to see her sister and best friend sitting beside her both who's eyes came back to life upon seeing that she had finally woken up.

Cathy tried to sit up wondering what had happened as she felt her body weaken.

"What happened"Cathy asked to have the two girls sitting beside each other turn to look at themselves both with an arched brows.

"Don't you remember? You passed out on your way out with the traveler man"hailey was the one who spoke out as she noticed Cathy's confused look.

Cathy cracked her brain trying to remember and she could remember being dragged outside by ronald and after they had stepped their foot outside the house everything after that was blurry.

"I can only remember the k…..i mean ronald dragging me out and everything after that are just blank spaces"Cathy explained almost making the mistake of calling out the kings name.

"That's because you fainted on your way out"Hailey said which made more sense to cathy now at her sudden teleportation.

"Seeing as you look weak and....drained i will go prepare some milk for you"Hailey offered as she now stood up and went for the kitchen.

And just as hailey had left.even though Cathy didn't have much strength she jumped into her best friends lap.

"I wasnt hallucinating marie.the king is really here"cathy said and marie could feel Cathy's weight on her body as she pushed her back to the mat.

Marie still refused to believe such news.cause how was it possible that the king was here of all places.totally impossible!!there must be some kind of mixup or something.

"In your dreams Cathy in your dreams"Marie said following her words with a laugh.

"Well well well look who we have here"Cathy could recognize that voice from anywhere as his appearance came in view.

It was her brother.Dylan!

Cathy could already see the blush in Marie's face and the sight only made her want to throw up.the two obviously fancied each other which only made Cathy wonder what marie saw in dylan.to her dylan looked like a bucket of onions.

"Get out of here"cathy yelled out to get a glare from marie but she couldnt care less.

"Shut up"came Dylan's sharp words coming at Cathy who shot him a meaningful stare.

He took the grace because he was older!

"Ummm i will go help out with your sister in the kitchen"marie said standing up to leave and cathy could easily notice Marie was shy.

Shy bird!!

Glad that Dylan would take the cue to leave seeing as marie was leaving cathy left out a Satisfied smile but the smile didn't last long seeing how her brother grabbed maries hand just as she was about to get past him as he dragged her to himself his eyes roaming around her face.

"Wait! In my room?? Get out!!!"cathy yelled loudly at him this time as she looked for an item beside her throwing it at him but he was unmoving.

Cathy sighed trying hard not to actually throw up.while Marie on the other hand felt like her lungs were tieing up as she held her breathe.what was he doing?

She tried to free herself from his grip but he held her tighter as his lips now moved to side of her ear.

"I am yours marie.all yours!"dylan whispered in her ear making sure to pass a useful hint in which Marie got quite clearly and if it wasn't for the fact that he held her she was sure she would have staggered back and somehow miss a step and fall due to the words he just said to her now.

Pulling away from her,dylan winked at cathy before leaving the room.

"Did he just wink at me?"Cathy huffed feeling the urge to just punch that brother of hers through the face.it was something she had been wanting to do for a long time now and she would one day achieve it.

Marie sat down back aborting her mission to go to the kitchen since Dylan had already left.

"Don't tell me he promised you the world"cathy said looking at marie who's cheeked had completely reddened.

"He asked to court me Cathy"Marie said and there it was!.she was actually going to throw up.

"And let me guess you will say yes to him because all this while you had had a crush on him"Cathy said to have Marie's eyes sparkle.

"How did you know"Marie said a vivid smile appearing on her lips.Cathy smiled too seeing as marie was genuinely happy.she didn't know she liked her brother to this extent though.

"How cute! Your first boyfriend would be my brother"Cathy said laughing in a kind of dramatic way only to get a slap from her best friend.

She was used to that.

"Get over yourself!"marie said and just then Hailey walked in with the milk in her hand as she handed it over to Cathy who gulped the whole thing down in one go even though the hotness was burning her throat.

She felt really hungry and she wondered why.

"Is there more"Cathy found herself asking and immediately Hailey nodded Cathy held the cup firm in her hand dashing to the kitchen.

She opened the pot she thought the milk was possible inside and she was right as she poured it into the cup till it filled to the brim taking the whole thing down again.

She repeated the process until the milk had actually finished but she was a lot more better now as her mind was now off the hunger.she felt a sight pain at the left side of her neck.she impulsively touched it but all she felt was just the feel of her skin.

Fading it off,cathy washed the cup as she left for her room to see marie and her sister chit chatting.since when did they become this close.

Wanting to lay down back on the mat hailey stopped her."what do you think you are doing you should be outside now picking out the vegetables we will use to make dinner"hailey said to have cathy groan as she turned her back and left.

Grabbing a small pale cathy went outside heading to their small garden where all types of vegetables grew.they were lucky actually as they had simply intentionally kept the spot in any case they were out of money they would just pick out some that had grown but to their surprise it had actually turned to their daily supply of vegetables as it grew everyday which really helped them alot as they didn't need to go to the market to buy vegetables again.

Their dad had already even thought of expanding the garden and turn it to a business if they were this lucky again.

Cathy got there as she bent down to pluck out the ones they needed.she was still feeling somewhat tired but she had no choice as she was now went inside.

She called out to her sister that she was done as she went to the kitchen to start up the cooking while Hailey would join in later.

While In the kitchen somewhere in cathys brain she had wondered where the king had gone as he wasn't anywhere around the house.she had forgotten to ask Hailey about him but then again why did she care.

She just simply hoped he wasn't on to another mischief.

"What are you doing did I ask you to cook"came her sister's voice from behind her.where had she been calling her all this while.

Cathy left what she was doing so her sister could continue as she just rested her back on the wall waiting for Hailey to order her around any moment from now.

"But..."Hailey paused to look at Cathy who shot her eyebrows at her.

"I mean how can you seriously take that man to be the king.our very own king!?Isn't that such a ridiculous imagination you have there Cathy"Hailey said to have Cathy's eyes widen.

How did she...….

"Marie!!!!!!!!!"that snich!!! Cathy ran to the room only to find Marie on the mat sleeping.

Oh please! She knew she was pretending.

"Bastard! I will kill you"Cathy cursed as she went over to where Marie had laid giving her a hard slap on her bottom but Marie didn't budge.

"Oh you think I will stop"Cathy said attempting to give her another slap but Marie was quick to jerk up awake as she moved away from her.

"What! I did you a favour.did you know how stupid you sounded"Marie said but Cathy kept glaring at her as if she would rip out her head any moment from now.

"Did you tell her about the palace stuff"Cathy said which was more of like a whisper.

"I didn't.i just told her you thought the man that was taking refuge in your house was the king"Marie said to have Cathy breathe out relieved.

"If you had just know I would have killed you right this instant"Cathy said as she moved closer to where Marie sat.

And just as Marie had thought Cathy had given up she felt something hard landing on her cheek

"That is for telling her that am crazy"

Marie blinked twice before finally slapping her own back and Cathy's cheek immediately turned red.

Cathy winced in pain before the two burst out laughing.

Hailey who had stood at the door watching them stood there confused.she had come to call Cathy back to the kitchen when she saw she had slapped her best friend.thinking that would lead to some kind of fight Hailey stood there dumbfounded to see the two laughing at each other.


Shaking her head she left to the kitchen.they were always wiered friends from the beginning what did she expect.

Mr and Mrs rain had come back to have Cathy and Marie ran out to greet them.

"Welcome back mama papa how was the market"Cathy asked but they just gave her a tired look and she understood as she took the goods they had bought taking them to the kitchen.

She met Hailey in the kitchen sweating like God knows what and that was when she remembered she had forgotten her sister in the kitchen while she was chit chatting with Marie in the room.

"Whats up sisterrrrrrrrr…"Cathy said dragging the sister winking at her but what she got in return was a knockoff.

"I hope you know you are the one who will serve us"Hailey said but Cathy didn't drop her smile.that was an easy job compared to what she would have had to do if she had been in the kitchen.

"Don't worry sister just leave the rest to me"Cathy said in a cute childish way.

"Stop talking like that it doesn't fit you"Hailey said cleaning her hand before exiting the kitchen.

It wasn't long after Hailey went out of the kitchen that Marie came running to her.

She looked like someone who had just seen a ghost.

"Cathy come quick,there's a very terrifying man in your living room"Marie said to have Cathy's brows knit up together wondering what she was talking about.

"Am not in for one of your pranks Marie as you can see I am very busy"Cathy said but Marie went ahead to grab her hand instead taking her to the living room to meet the king standing at the entrance of their door.

Cathy huffed.what was so teffifying about him.

Rolling her eyes,Cathy turned to go back to the kitchen not ready to face another one of the man's drama.

"Where are you going"came the cold harsh voice that sounded from behind her which was enough to make her stop on her track.

He could be really scary if he wanted to.

She turned around to look at him to meet his eyes that lit up in flames.well at least that was how Cathy saw it as it was as if he had this devil's gaze in his eyes.

No one dared to utter any word as they all kept looking at him but Ronald was only looking at a particular girl his thoughts roaming around his head.

"What is it this time"Cathy finally spoke up.if there was one thing she knew how to do,was how to hide her fear really well.

Although it took a lot of courage for her to speak up.

Who wouldn't shiver at this man's gaze?

Ronald finally made a movement as he walked over to Cathy grabbing her arm his eyes now going to meet Mr rain's

"I am taking her with me"