

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasía
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26 Chs


Cathy simply sat on the floor with her legs crossed not knowing what to do.should she just sit here without doing anything and just wait till they came to her on their own free will?

Cathy thought as she internally shook her head to have her abruptly get up to her feet walking to where the door was and on opening it she met a guard outside of her room door a slight laugh leaving her mouth.

This was just ridiculous.everything going on right now was utterly ridiculous!!

"Take me to the king"Cathy said to the guard who shot her a glare to go back to her room but Cathy was unmoving.

"I said take me to the king"Cathy said again but this time her voice was raised a bit.

"The king would be angry if he see's you out here.go to your room now!"the guard ordered his voice sharp but Cathy was was going nowhere as she shot him a deadly stare.she was tired of smiling with all these people who's only aim was to lock her up in a room against her will.

"I will scream if you don't answer me do you want me to scream?"Cathy said questioning him and immediately the guard let his guard down his fierce looking face had already dropped to a perplexed one.

"Are you trying to get me killed? Please just listen to me and go back to your room"the guard said hoping she would listen.

"Looks like you are not taking me seriously do you think I won't do it?"Cathy fired the question at him and suprisingly he finally agreed to take her to the where the king was and to her surprise his room was not far from where her's was and that was when she remembered the king telling the butler to take her to a room near his.

The guard placed a knock on the room door and Cathy had not failed to notice the way the guards hands trembled but she ignored it as she counted it as not one of her problems right now.

The door opened and Joseph was the one to come out to have him stare down at the young girl before his eyes went to settle down on the guards own.

"Do you suddenly have a death wish? Why would you let her out of her room"Joseph questioned the guard who had by now started sweating profusely as he just kept his head bowed.

Cathy scoffed as she made to stand in front of the guard."he did nothing wrong here Joseph.am I some prisoner that I shouldn't be allowed out of the room?"Cathy said while Joseph could just sigh.he wasn't ready for one her naggings this evening.

"Let her in"Cathy could hear the familiar voice that came from inside and Joseph not wasting any more time paved the way for her to walk in and on entering Cathy saw Ronald seated on a chair her eyes not being able to count the documents that were on the desk in front of him.

Wow! He was busy!

"About wh...…."Cathy was about saying but was cut off "the butler doesn't need to hear how you impatiently wish to strip me naked right now Catherine"Ronald said to have Cathy's shoulders drop her cheeks immediately turning red as she now saw the butler leave.

"I must say you are so desperate you can't even wait until our wedding night.how naughty of you miss Catherine"Ronald made another remark as he now stood from where he sat walking over to where she was sitting.

"Don't come closer"Cathy said shifting back not wanting him to see her reddened cheek.

"Why should I"Ronald replied taking the same steps she was taking until he saw that she had reached her limit as her back had now touched the wall to have him finally get close to her.

Cathy turned her face to the other side but wasn't that just dumb? he would see her other cheek anyway.

She had come here to fight him but here he was saying cheesy words to her.deciding to push her embarrassment aside Cathy now faced him.

"If you are here to negotiate with me again just leave now"Ronald said as he had studied her reading her expression to have Cathy's tense shoulders only get more tensed.

"I didn't come here to negotiate with you I just only...…."Cathy stopped mid air noticing how he kept moving closer towards her.

"I just...I...."Cathy kept getting distracted with the way he kept covering up the small space that was left between them.

"Please don't come any closer"Cathy had to say as she couldn't even breathe properly seeing as how there faces were just an inch away from each other.did he plan on entering into her soul or what.

"Okay"Ronald stopped but Cathy wanted him to move back atleast a bit.

"Can you move back a little"Cathy asked calmly but he didn't move as he just stood there like a statue.how was she to talk if he was this close to her.

She would anyways!

"I am just here to tell you that what you are doing is not right.you said you love me right? If you truly love me you will put my interest at heart"Cathy said although she had closed her eyes as the way he was standing close to her would distract her.

"Am I not doing that?"questioned Ronald to have Cathy purse her lips together before finally saying,"No…..if you were you wouldn't lock me up in a room against my will take me away from my family"

"Am I not your family?"Ronald questioned again and Cathy didn't know if he was purposely doing it or not.how were they family?

"I mean we would be getting married soon...."Ronald trailed off with his hands which had found its way to her hair as he played with it.

Did he not get the point of what she was telling him? Cathy wondered as she was now running out of words.

"But I don't want to get married!! I don't want to be in this palace forcefully locked up in a room against my will I don't want any of it! I don't want you to love me I just want to be with the people I love and cherish.my family"Cathy said with a serious tone her blue eyes staring into Ronald's own wondering if he had any sympathy left in him.

"Please...just let me go"Cathy clapsed her hands together in front of him her eyes already getting teary.

"I told you if you wanted to negotiate with me you should leave"Ronald said his tone which had now turned harsh to have Cathy flinch.

"I don't want to be here"Cathy said and although she didn't want to cry in front of him.there was a part of her that knew he wouldn't listen to her.he wouldn't free her and allow her be where she wanted which somehow broke Cathy's heart.but somewhere she hoped she was wrong.

Adrenaline rush was quick to kick in and she found herself already crying as she slid down the wall sitting on the floor.she missed her parents so very much but would she even be able to see again?

Ronald just stared down at her.did she hate him that much she was crying?

"Stop crying"was what Ronald could say but he saw the girl shake her head.

"I want to but I can't just stop crying.it just keeps coming"cathy said cleaning the tears that were on her cheek but more kept coming in.

Ronald closed his eyes his emotions rushing in and after a while he opened them back as he now turned his back on her.

"Joseph"he called out to the butler who ran in immediately with his head bowed.

"Take the girl back to her house"were the words that came out of Ronald next and both Cathy and Joseph raised their head up to look at the king that had his back turned at them the both dumbfounded.

"Yes your highness"Joseph replied as he now turned to the human girl who was still looking at the king in shock.had her prayers finally been answered?

"Get up"Joseph told the lady who sprank up on her feet immediately.she wouldn't bother to ask him why he suddenly let her go before he changed his mind again as she let Joseph lead her outside the king's room.

Ronald now turned around staring at the closed door his face blank as if there was nothing going on in his head while in actual fact his mind was in a mess right now.

He had decided to let her go not because she asked him to or because she had said it was the right thing to do,none of those things mattered to him.

But then again he had thought about it and she was right about one thing.he was the king and he shouldn't let a girl mess with his head like this.she was destroying him slowly and he found himself doing what he wouldn't normally do.

And soon enough the women in the cell won't be enough to quench his hunger and they would have to resort to extreme measures which was the last thing he wanted right now.he was the one to protect his people but what would speak of him if he was the one endangering them?

He needed to get his act together and forget about the girl.but how? When every pieces of his body wanted her.he was thirsty and he knew he wanted only her blood which was bad enough as he didn't want to hurt her.he couldn't control himself last time and what if this time around he ends up killing her? He couldn't risk it.

Surely there should be some kind of way in which he can forget her,he just had to think of one.

Meanwhile Cathy had followed the butler to get her brother as well but her brother obviously did not want to go.

"What do you mean by that huh? What did you do"Dylan questioned with his hawk looking eyes ignoring the way his sister glared at him.

"What do you mean what did I do,don't you want to go home?come outside now and let's go"Cathy said but she saw her brother shake his head disapprovingly making her scoff.

"Am not going anywhere.you can go if you want to but me?! am not leaving here"were her brothers words and instead of her to talk the butler butted in instead.

"If you don't follow your sister to leave be sure to know that you will be put under hard labour do you want that mister?"Joseph questioned the young man who's shoulders dropped immediately as he now stepped out of his room going to stand beside his sister.

"What are we waiting for lets go"Dylan urged to have Cathy roll her eyes at him as the butler now led the way for them so he would put them in the carriage.

But there was something that kept bothering him though.why did the king suddenly decide to let her go? Was she of no use to him again?but then again why did he care! He just needed to deliver the message to master Nick and forget about it.

They got outside as he waved for one of the carriages to come over."make sure they get home safely"Joseph told the coachman who nodded as the two siblings got in and just as he was about turning to leave Cathy called for him.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye?"Cathy smiled at him but he didnt smile back at her but she waved at him anyway while the butler turned his back as he left without saying anything which didn't come as a surprise to Cathy.

"Tch...for a butler he is really rude"Dylan said beside her but she ignored him as she felt the coachman pulled his reins with him riding out of the palace.

"Isn't this great?" "Goddamit"the both said at the same time each having different meaning to their words.

"What's great about us leaving the palace Catherine?"Dylan now turned to her forming up annoyance.

"Don't blame your bad luck on me"Cathy said not bothering to turn to look at him.for her,she was really happy she wasn't forced to stay in the palace and locked up in a room which felt really suffocating to her.

"Why shouldn't I? Am sure you did something"Dylan still continued.he was really enjoying the comfort of the palace until her sister blew it.

"What if I did something Dylan? Do you think mother and father would be happy with us gone and not having to hear from us all this while?"Cathy said now questioning him as she turned to look at him.

"It has only been two days"Dylan said reminding her they only just got to the palace.

"Don't you know within those two days they would have been worried sick Dylan"Cathy said trying to make her brother understand but he wasn't understanding shit.

"All I know is you just did what you wanted bacause I could have easily gone back home to inform them both of us are safe and kept unharmed in the palace.honestly,I still don't get why you don't want to stay in the palace.what is your problem!? Do you know how many people are dying right now to be in your position? The king even said he wants to marry you,what more do you want lady"Dylan lectured her but Cathy had already blocked her ear lobes as she turned back to her front not answering him while Dylan simply frustratingly sighed sitting as he also faced ahead of him.he knew his little sister every well.she never listened to anyone and did what she wanted.

She wouldn't listen to anyone unless it was something she wanted to do.how annoying!

The rest of the journey was quiet as no one spoke a word to each other again till they arrived at their destination to have a smile form up on Cathy's lip as she got down from the carriage with Dylan following behind her.

"Are you sure these is your house?"questioned the coachman as he also got down from the carriage.he had been asking for directions from them as he didn't know their house so he wanted to make sure they were where they were meant to be as he didn't want to get in any kind of trouble.afterall it was an order from the king.

"Yes coach,you can leave now"Cathy said to the coachman with a smile as he nodded and got back in the carriage riding away.she was really happy to be back home.

"Who knew our house was this small"Dylan commented grunting as he had compared it to the palace own.and looking at it right now it honestly didn't even reach the size of the bathroom he had used in the palace.

Cathy ignored him internally shaking her head at her brother as she walked forward heading for the door and on reaching the entrance door just as she was about to knock the door opened as Hailey came in view to have what she was holding instantly drop on the floor.