

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Daring wraiths

"I should applaud you,for being able to find me, which is definitely commendable, I must say" the voice sounded like a squeak in Ronald's ears as he watched the man get up to his feet now walking to where he stood.

"You and your men have been doing a good job so far. killing each and every single one of my subjects,even the most powerful of them all but let me warn you I am not someone you should me....." the man was still saying when Ronald had dipped his hand inside the man's chest squeezing his heart to have the man groan in pain.

"Let me guess, you must be Nicole,the master"Ronald said with a sinful smile coming to play on his lips.Ronald saw the man laugh even despite his pain.although he could feel the pain it didn't mean he could be killed by it and Ronald was well aware of this but he had other plans for the so called master.

"Oooou am scared"the man said sarcastically and he could see Ronald lightly chuckle, his eyes turning to nothing more than sinister as he followed the movements of the man with his eyes to see him bring out a lighter to have his eyes instantly widen.

"Oh don't pout about it, your death shouldn't be too painful although....."Ronald said trailing off and the man could see his other hand being raised, now coming to hold his chin as he could suddenly feel an immense pain from inside his mouth as he could feel his gums removing.

The man's already widened eye widened the more as he saw his whole teeth fall out from his mouth within the blink of an eye.he tried to talk but no words left his mouth as he was now left toothless.

"I like to enjoy a peaceful burnt offering and I don't want your screams disturbing that"saying this Ronald lit the man on fire dropping him on the floor as he watched the fire spread over the man's entire body. It was a deadly lighter he had used,one that could light anything up in the blink of an eye.

The man could not shout as no one could hear him,he rolled on the floor hoping the fire would cease but it didn't, which only left him horrified as he slowly burnt to ashes.

Ronald looked at the ashes on the floor, his cold gaze shifting to look at the door which now opened as Nick walked in. "Look who decided to show up after his little haunt" Ronald teased and as always Nick didn't react to his taunts while he just walked over to where he stood his eyes surveying the ashes on the floor 

"Nicholas was right all along,he couldn't be killed by just pulling his heart out.these pesky things just keeps getting more intriguing by the day"Nick's lips pulled up as he said as if he were amused by it.

Now that their leader was gone,the others would be less powerful as they had no one to back them up but what guaranteed their leader here didn't have someone also backing him up in a corner? After all,they wouldn't have taken the risk to start coming out in the open if they had no backup plan.one could only wonder about the staunts they will keep pulling out.

"Are the town councils even doing anything at all? With all these things roaming around I haven't seen even one of them in action and neither do I think they even know what is going on. Are they really that incompetent?"Ronald clicked his tongue in irritation.what was the need for them if they proved to be useless!

Nick was about to make a comment when the door to the room they were in flew open to have the two vampires in the room turn their heads to look at who had walked in and upon sighting the man,their eyes narrowed.

"Nicholas?''Nick called out his name, not sure of what the man was doing here as he now walked over to where they stood. Nicholas didn't bother offering a bow as he was quite close to these two perhaps,one could say he was the only one they trusted the most. but that didn't give him the free will to do everything and anything he wanted.he was well aware of how dangerous these two were which made him cautious and careful around them.any slight mistake and his precious wife would be widowed.

He was wearing a slight frown on his face as he now pulled out a letter from his pocket handing it over to Ronald who read the content in it in the blink of an eye as if he had only looked at it once while he now passed it over to Nick.

"I don't know if the information lucas gave is true but according to him they are in disguise in some of the villages and getting into their heads to kill themselves.they have gone totally berserk!" Nicholas informed, making sure to relay every important detail.

He thought what he had heard about these creatures were just exaggerated and he wondered how they could possess some of the abilities that vampires also posed to create hallutions in a person's head but now he had confirmed how powerful they could be but these things were using it for the wrong course.

"They know we are after them,"Nick said, folding the sheet in his hands as he threw it on the floor. "But why didn't they come after us.after all they are only ghosts and can easily get in our brains without them being physically present which makes it easier for them knowing they won't get hurt in the process"Nicholas reasoned and he heard Ronald hum at his words.

"My guess is, they are weak to the vampires.they are not as strong and can only get in the heads of one's weaker than them"It was Ronald who spoke and by now Nicholas could already feel the coldness in his voice.the once warm look that he gave off minutes ago were gone,his eyes turning cold and merciless. 

Nicholas noticed this act and couldn't agree more on the fact about what people said about this vampire. He could be really scary if he wanted to. He could change from being utterly warm and safe to being a demon who had been in disguise all along which was something dangerous. This very man was danger himself!

"The only way to get them all is if we split up.there is not a single one that should be alive after this day!" Ronald said his voice exuded nothing but coldness as his tone was commanding.but he was right though,these peasants were crossing the line and they needed to be stopped no matter what.

"I will check with the villages in the north"Ronald added and he saw Nick turn to him sharply as a thought ran through his mind.if he was searching up villages in the north nick reasoned there might be a slight chance him and the girl he had been trying everly so hard to forget might meet but then again Ronald had completely forgotten about the girl.

He had not trusted the witch to be able to successfully perform such magic but she did it. There was nothing of the girl he could remember and Nick had noticed that Ronald had returned to his sane self and didn't want the girl back. she was of no use to them and only brought about problems and honestly,now that she was gone Nick hoped it stayed that way.

He took a glance at Ronald as he pondered about it a little more before deciding there was no need to worry. if they crossed paths,he was sure Ronald would walk past her.

The sun had already set when Ronald arrived at madiville village, his steps steady as he landed on the muddy grounds of the village.villages like these tend to be easily flooded when rain fell.

His steps were calculative as he walked through the lonely arena, his eyes moving back and forth but to him the village seemed calm and peaceful.if anything had taken place the villagers would have gathered in circles by now but he decided to explore more as one couldn't be really sure.

He moved his feets along to where more people were and upon arriving at the crowded area different heads turned to look at the man with fine clothes who was on the grounds of their lowly village as they whispered to each other's ears Wondering what a man like himself was doing there while some ladies couldn't help but blush at the man's beauty and physics not to talk of the fact that he looked like someone who was from an extremely wealthy home.

While his eyes kept darting back and forth searching for any abnormal thing, his eyes lazily caught on to a girl with honey blonde hair.her blue eyes looking around as if she was waiting for something.he didn't realize when he had stopped walking as he continued staring at the girl.

She stood at a corner with her hands crossed as she muttered some words under her breathe.his eyes curiously watched her as he could now see another girl of her age walk up to her to have her uncross her arms now placing it on her side.she looked at the girl with a narrowed eyebrow looking down at the girls hands.

"Where is it?"he heard the girl ask the other one, his ears catching on to her voice as he mesmerized in the tone.

"Just wait a little longer, I'll be back"the other one said, offering her a smile while she hurriedly left there, leaving her alone again.

Standing alone at a corner once again,Cathy cursed her luck today as she now wished she had never even left home.first, it was her shoe that was now covered in dirt as she had mistakenly stepped in a puddle and now she was standing in the cold waiting for Marie who forgot to take the keys from the shop"Warn yourself stop coming to my face"Cathy grumbled talking to her hair as it kept coming to cover face while she would fix it over and over again.

While trying to get the hair away from her face,Cathy unknowingly stepped on a stone and due to the slippery floor she tripped and almost fell just that the man that had been watching her all this time was quick to catch her.

Cathy's eyes widened realizing she almost fell feeling grateful to whoever had caught her in time.maybe it was marie.cathy thought but the hand holding her right now was rather firm and strong making her wonder who it was as she removed the little hairs that had been blocking her eyes to have her blue eyes finally meet with his black ones