

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasía
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26 Chs

A sheer of hope

Sounds of plate could be heard shattering on the ground as the noise was directed from the kitchen to have Hailey rush to the kitchen wondering what had happened and on reaching there,she saw her mother on the cold floor with tears filled eyes.

"Mother! what happened?"Hailey asked with squinted eyes as she brought her hand to pet her.

"Tell me Hailey! what are we supposed to do.we can't just sit here while two of my children's life are in danger"Mona said a look of worry and sadness written all over her face.she was devastated at the occurence of what had just happened.

"Why don't we go to the palace mama at least it is better than just staying here unsure of whether they are safe or not"Hailey suggested but she got a no for an answer as Mona shook her head to what her daughter had just said.

"Are you crazy Hailey! If we should do that now without having any sort of power on our side do you think the king would let us go? be sure to know that you will either be locked up in the palace cell or be beheaded."Mona warned knowing how their society worked.

The rich and the poor were very different from each other.there were certain privileges in which the rich enjoyed that the poor didn't which was how it had been from the start and there was no one who was going to change that.

The palace on the other hand was a no go area.no one dared to pass their boundaries,even the rich people of the society knew not to make the mistake.

Hailey heard her mother say and she thought for a second before an idea came to her head.

"But mother what about aunt Isabelle! Surely her husband lord Nicholas should be able to help us"Hailey said to have Mona's face suddenly lit up as a sheer of hope could now be seen in her eyes.hailey was right in some way.he was the only one who could help them right now as she knew he was well acquinted with the king.

Grabbing Hailey's arm by surprise,Mona said,"you are right! we should leave for her house right away"

Hailey smiled.glad that her mother listened to her for once.

Mona now stood up straight heading straight to her and her husband's bedroom to see mr rain by the window side looking at the trees that were just outside their house.

"I think there might be a way for us to get our children back"

Mr rain heard his wife's voice from behind him to have his eyes sharply turn to her as he quickly got up to his feet.

"I am leaving with Hailey to lord Nicholas house.if there is anyone that can help us at this moment is Isabelle"Mona said and Mr rain was quite for a while a deep sigh weighing on his shoulder.

"We don't have any other option.you should go"Mr rain agreed with his wife's decision as it was their only hope at getting their children back right now.

Mona didn't bother saying anything else as she left with Hailey following beside her,the two going by the local carriage.

It took them about an hour to get to their bus stop which was at Hillary town.the two had momentarily stopping to admire it's beauty.

It was nothing compared to where they were living not even In the slightest.the town spoke of wealth in which no visitor that came to visit would miss it.it was a town for the wealthy.

Hailey wowed at the beautiful artifact she saw in front of a building they walked by.the town was bestowed upon with a lot of beauty.

Hailey wanted this kind of life.a life so beautiful she wouldn't have to know the hardship of the world ever again which was why she had always dreamt of charming a young bachelor that beffited to be called a part of people in the higher society but none had looked her way which was kind of discouraging.but she knew she was a fine young lady that any man would be smitten by so which was the problem then?

They walked a few more steps before arriving in front of a majestic black gate that screamed of luxury and Hailey couldn't help but gape at the sight in front of her.she was sure the cost of the gate alone was enough to fend for her family throughout an entire year!.

Placing a slight knock on the gate,it was soon to open to reveal a masculine figure in front of them his eyes narrowing down at them.

"Excuse us please but we are here to see my sister Isabelle"Mona said to the man who was no doubt a guard man as he continued glaring at them like they had committed some sort of offense.

"Wait here"said the guard as he closed the small entrance door in which he had opened leaving Mona and Hailey standing there waiting for the guard to come back.

Minutes passed by and Hailey and Mona were still standing by the gate side to have the people who were randomly passing by shoot their gazes at them making Mona feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you sure the guard went to deliver our messa...…."Mona wasn't done talking when the opening to the small entrance gate suddenly opened and she had thought it was the guard but it was her sister who showed up instead.

"Mona!"Isabelle called out running to hug her sister a smile now lit up on her face.

"Such an august afternoon.I didnt expect you here is anything the matter?"Isabelle asked disengaging from the hug as she studied her sister's expression.she knew her sister wouldn't have come here just to visit her there was definitely something wrong and seeing Mona's face right now she was right.

"No wait!not out here,come in please"Isabelle offered and Mona nodded as they all went inside the house.

Hailey's mouth was left wide opened as she looked around the mansion in front of her.she had never been to Isabelle's house before and though she knew Isabelle would be living the life of a queen,what she was looking at right here definitely exceeded what she had expected.

The three sat down on the soft comfy chair in the living room and immediately they were sitted,a butler was quick to rush to them with his head bowed.

"Is there anything you would like me to do milady"the butler asked.

"Just have one of the maids prepare some milk for my guest"Isabelle said but Mona was quick to decline,

"Please don't bother at all"

"No I insist" Isabelle said with a hand gesture to the butler and he could well enough understand what she meant as he now bowed and left.

"What is the matter Mona I would be happy if I can be of any help to you"Isabelle now turned to Mona a look of worry now plastered on her face.

Mona took a deep sigh as she looked around to check if anyone was present and on sighting none she finally turned to face Isabelle.

"This might be a little too much for you but you are the only one who can help us with the situation Isabelle."Mona said pausing for a bit and it only got Isabelle more curious her eyes requesting for answers.

"What do you mean"Isabelle questioned wondering what was going on the frown on her forehead deepening.

"The king has taken Cathy and dylan away to the palace with him although Dylan followed on his own free will so he could make sure his sister was safe but I can't guarantee right now of the two are anywhere near safe"Mona said to have Isabelle's eyes widely open as she now used her hand to hold her forehead.

"That girl!! Why did she have to take the painting from the palace!" Isabelle muttered but it was loud enough for Mona to hear.

"You knew about the painting?"Mona looked at her sister Isabelle who looked entirely confused.

"It's a very complicated story Mona. earlier on that day…..she had told me that the king had helped her to take the painting out of the palace,am not sure how true that is but if it were I am not sure of what to make of this situation" Mona said knowing it was entirely impossible for the king to had helped Cathy with the painting.if he wanted to catch her right there and then he could have but he didn't and rather helped her with the whole process and now he shows up to take cathy away?

"This isn't good"Isabelle said as her face had quick to turn pale.

Hailey who just sat there listening to the two was confused on what was going on.what did she mean the king had helped Cathy to steal a painting from his own palace?

"What's going on here"came a deep masculine voice from behind them as the three turned to look at who it was to see it was no other than lord Nicholas who was tapping his feet to where they were.

Hailey had seen him once and that was it.but she had well enough recognized his face.his steps moved steadily till he was in front of them his eyes studying the two people that were in his living room.

"Nicholas!"Isabelle called out surprised as she stood up to go meet him.she didn't expect him so early today.

"Please smile"Isabelle whispered beside him seeing as how his face looked cold and harmful rubbing off his aura everywhere.

"Lord Nicholas"Mona too got up on her feet as she bowed at him to have Hailey too do the same.when it came to status it didn't matter whether the person was the mother or grandparents of the person as long as the statuses differ,they would be treated with respect.

"Why are you so formal are we not families?"came lord Nicholas words to have the two raise up their head and they watched him struggle to let out a smile in which they returned.

Isabelle smiled at him glad he atleast respected her sister which sort of came as a surprise to her.Nicholas was a man who didn't care about anyone or looked in their direction even though they were said to be related to him,he didn't care.

Well at least she had seen how he had treated his own parents.

"What brings you here sister in law"Isabelle heard him ask and her gaze was quick to turn towards him.what had gotten into him today.

"Ummmm...there is a bit of a problem Nicholas.she was just telling me now the king took Cathy and her brother to the palace against their will"Isabelle was the one who spoke purposely specifying the Cathy part as she knew him and her got along pretty well which was something that came as a wonder to Isabelle.

"Oh"was only what he said to have Isabelle's eyebrows furrow at him as he now made to turn and leave but Isabelle stopped him.

"You are the only one who can help us right now Nicholas"Isabelle said as he now turned to face her his eyes glaring at her which was a sign for her to stop but she was trying to do.but Isabelle wasn't going to stop till she got him to carry.afterall,it was her sister they were talking about here.

"Why should I? Surely the king has a good enough reason for what he did"Nicholas simply said to have Isabelle frown at him.

"What reason could be good enough than him locking them up in the palace cells or better still if they are not dead yet"

"Did you care to check what crime they had committed?"Nicholas shot the question at her to have Isabelle turn mute.

Knowing that he had made his point, Nicholas turned to leave but Isabelle was quick to go on her knees her hands going to touch his feet to have the other two who were in the room with them turn to each other with a shocked look on their faces but they dared not say anything.

"Please"Isabelle pleaded raising her face to look at him as she met with his eyes but he was unmoving as he just stared down at her with a cold gaze.

"What do you want me to do"Nicholas said with a cold tone as if he didn't care.

"So you prefer them to just die?"Isabelle questioned not leaving Nicholas's gaze even though they sent daggers at her right now.

"This is the king we are talking about isabelle.he does what he wants and if he had wanted to kill her he would have done so already and if he did I would know about it"Nicholas said to his wife that was now at his feet but she now stood up to her feet her face now turning sour.

"They are humans Nicholas. do you expect them to survive in the palace?"Isabelle said to have Hailey turn to Mona wondering what that statement was for.

Was it supposed to help convince him or what? Hailey thought wondering why she should utter such an insignificant statement but little did Hailey know that there were other creatures that lived amongst them that they didn't know of.

Nicholas stared at his wife for a while his hands now sliding into his pocket.

"I'll get them out of there"saying this, Nicholas left to have the women in the living room heave a sigh of relief.

"God he was so scary"Hailey whispered silently not wanting the man to hear her while she got a glare from his wife instead.

Isabelle was aware of the fact that the palace was full of vampires.in fact she only just found out the existence of these creatures but how could she not when her husband was one himself.although sometimes she feared him but somewhere she knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

Him agreeing to get Cathy and dylan out of the palace just proved it which made her happy that he had listened to her especially when it was something that had to do with the king.