
The Crone's Love

This novel is in dual POV. Two People. Two Eras. What will happen if they collide? Will they clash or form a bond unseen? Will there be another time, or will it just go through a cycle, repeating itself in a repetition of themselves? *** Everyone has heard of Crones in fantasy novels, haven't they? You know, those ancient ladies that pop up now and then giving mysterious messages to the protagonists when they need it. They have always facinated me. But... not enough to become one. Lillian Quill. That's my name. Or was, regretfully. I loved to read fantasy novels and escape from my reality. But I didn't expect the forsaken God to fulfil my wishes and reincarnate me into one of these novels. I am Lilith. The All-knowing Crone now, unfortunately. And what you are about to read, is my story. *** Albion De'Brounche. The notorious Casanova of London. Well, I was. Now, facing the wrath of God, I am "Eden." An unknown plebian. If you do not know the term, I am a commoner. Like you. Faced with a world of creatures, unexisting in Earth, I'm driven to absolute madness. Yes, a madness with you as the cure. Be that as it may, I am Eden. Whether I'm pleased with it or not. And you are about to read my journey in this horrendous world. Off you go to read, you don't want to lose my favour and deal with Lily now do you? Join my discord server~ https://discord.gg/hZVwTUM3aA **The cover art belongs to me

Nyxxie_Auclair · Fantasía
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8 Chs

[Lillian] - III

I felt Valerianne jerk her head up with violence. Soon, her eyes turned toward the Imperial family. Her lips rose to an eerie grin, not taking her eyes away she replied, "No, I have not done anything you've accused me of."

Her words fueled the already-lit flames of fury. A rotten tomato flew and struck the Duchess on the forehead. But the young lady never faltered. Eggs, rotten vegetables, waste, and rocks flew across the platform, hitting not just the Duchess but everyone on the stage. A banana peel smacked the priest and his face reddened with shame and bitterness. The knights furrowed their eyebrows in frustration. But the duchess stood tall, unfazed by the things happening around her. The aristocrats were perched on the gallery below the dais, watching the show, as were the Imperial Family, all until an object flew and almost hit the Crown Princess.

"Enough!" Came the roar of the Crown Prince, Elois Viturin de Ionadi, silencing the crowd. He then stood up and righteously declared, "For the complete disregard of human life and the practice of evil sorcery, Duchess Valerianne of the Feyrer House shall be stripped of her title and she will pay for the souls she sacrificed with her own."

Cheers were heard as Elois declared the outcome.

The Duchess-no Valerianne smiled hearing the edict. Rather than a smile, it resembled a madman's smirk, as she recognized Elois' attempt at winning public opinion to his side. Of course, the Crown Prince had to keep the big picture in mind as a future monarch, which was a part of the reason for the public execution.

The knight dragged Valerianne to the guillotine, forced her on her knees, and positioned her head in the guillotine. He pulled her by the hair, forcing her to look up, "you're no longer a noble you wench. How does it feel to be the very commoner you detested? You're lucky you have such a simple death unlike your victims," he spat and slapped her.

Blood trickled down her lips, her eyes widened and she clenched her jaws. She attempted to free her hands and hit the swine, but as expected she wasn't able to.

"These damned cuffs," Valerianne cursed.

"What did you say?" asked the knight.

Valerianne looked up, this time willingly, and said, "You will pay for that, bastard."

The knight gave her a smug look, "You have to be alive to do that bitch,"

She gritted her teeth and stared at the knight's face, memorizing it.

You will regret that, Sir. I inwardly sighed.

"Execute her!" Elois' command rang as the blade headed for her neck. The blade sliced her neck, creating a sound that echoed throughout the hamlet.

I was pushed out of Valerianne's body. I stood like an apparition, observing the scene before me.

Gasps and screams filled the square as her head rolled down. Her eyes were seemingly alive, evident with contempt towards the people gathered.

Blood splattered everywhere, staining the priest, knights and the commoners and priests near the platform. The high priest furiously rubbed the blood off his body, afraid that the blood would contaminate him.

It had ended.

Or so they thought. I smirked. She would return.

Once again, the world plunged into darkness and here I was once again, before the brown piece of paper.

"And? What of this girl?"

- Recruit her -

"For what?"

- ... -

- Just do it -

"Woman, I have no reason to do what you say. I do not belong to this world, you cannot command me." I arrogantly announced and grabbed the piece of paper.

I tore it to pieces. Watching as the tiny bits of paper floated in the air before disappearing.

Well, she must be seething with anger now. But who cares?

I hmphed and proceeded to take a shower. I could use one since my clothes are filthy. I stepped into the warm water. The foggy bathroom, the comfortably warm water made me want to stay here forev, but I knew I had to leave soon.

I was still naked, the cold shower didn't seem appealing. I walked out of the hot tub after drying myself with a towel. I wrapped it loosely around my body and went to the corner of the room. There stood a foggy mirror, I swiped my hand across it and the image of a woman appeared.

She was breathtakingly beautiful. Silver hair flowing freely through her shoulders and back; blue eyes sparkled beautifully under her long silver lashes, red lips slightly parted, and a perfect jawline; a small mole above her lip. But her skin was flawless but the most striking thing was her aura. It exuded a powerful sense of peace and serenity. It radiated a sense of sophistication and elegance.

This was me. Or at least the body I'm occupying.

I don't even remember my original appearance. Or have any memories about my previous life. Just a vague shadow of the things I knew of the world I once lived in, and my name.

Lillian Quill.

I lifted my hand and began scrawling letters on the mirror. Lili-

A sharp pain shot through my arm, making my fingers clench and causing a sharp twinge in my abdomen. It spread from my shoulder down to my left foot and I fell to the ground with a thud. My heart pounded against my ribcage as the feeling subsided, leaving behind a burning sensation.

I looked as the characters on the mirror disappear. It's such a pretty name. But a pity that I can't say it out loud.

The damned Goddess.

I ran a hand through my wet hair and sighed in frustration, why is this happening to me? Why?

I looked back at my reflection in the mirror. It was as if the pain had been nothing but a fluke. As if it never existed. The pain was gone just a few seconds ago. But the Goddess is playing a cruel joke on me.

Suddenly, I felt a furry thing rub against my legs. I looked down and found a black ball of fur on the ground, purring. My cat, Alana.

"Alana," I picked her up gently, stroking her soft fur. "Why did you follow me in here?"

My cat simply sat and rubbed itself against me, purring louder and louder.

I sighed.

"I see..." I muttered.

My cat continued rubbing herself against me while looking directly at the reflection of my face.

"You're not going to leave without saying goodbye, are you?" I asked her.

She let out a soft meow in response and then layed down and closed her eyes, ready for sleep. I scratched behind her ears and walked outside, setting her on her bed.

"Goodnight, Alana."