
The Crimson Champion

Brutus Crescent was a normal young man in his village, where he eagerly awaited his coming of age ceremony, a special ceremony that would tell him what he was meant to do in life. He believed it would be the most eventful day of his life. And it was. Just not in the way he'd hoped... Follow Brutus on his journey to destroy the mentor that betrayed him and took away everything he ever loved.

Lavak · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Shana's Bio

Name: Shana Shaddori

Title: The Azure Thief

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Birthday: September 12th

Height: 5"6

Appearance: Shana has orange eyes, medium length hair the same color as blue ink, and caramel skin, just like her mother. She has a slim but curvy build. She may not look very strong, but she inherited her father's extreme strength, so anyone that underestimates her is very foolish.

Outfits: Shana wears black cloth armor with a hood that's very easy to move around in. It doesn't offer the protection of a full suit of armor, but it doesn't matter too much because she relies on her speed and blending in with the shadows to dodge attacks. Her casual outfit is a dark blue (like her hair) crop top and skirt.

Weapons: The Gale Daggers and the Avelyn. The Gale Daggers are light green colored daggers that enhance Shana's wind magic. Her mother made them for her so she could protect herself. The Avelyn is a magical crossbow that she took when she left Solaris. It magically reloads infinitely after each shot.

Abilities: Shana inherited both her mother's wind magic and her father's strength. She can use the wind magic to speed herself up or to silently float into the air.

Backstory: When Shana was 8, her family was attacked by a strange elven man with purple skin. Her mother was killed and her father blacked out, but before the assassin could kill Shana and her father, Yuri Solaris showed up and dealt with the assassin. When her father woke up, Shana noticed that his eyes had a strange purple tint to them that was never there before. Her father agreed to become a general for Yuri, so Shana, her father, and their behemoth Skullcrusher went to live in Solaris. Yuri noticed that Shana was incredibly good at hiding and pickpocketing from her mischief around the castle, so he had her train to be a thief and a spy. Shana noticed that her father was different since the night her mother died. He acted cruelly to people in need so she distanced herself from him. When she was 13, she met Lorelei Melnith and became her friend. Over the next two and a half years, they tried to find a way to get rid of Yuri. Shana tried to convince her father to help her, but he refused and tried to throw her in the dungeon. Luckily, she was able to get away and she took the magical Avelyn crossbow as she left Solaris. One year later, she was cornered in the town of Lazarus by Solarian soldiers that were trying to capture her, but she was helped by Brutus Crescent. In return, she decided to help him by spying on the movements of the Solarian army.

Other: Shana tends to casually flirt with people she's friendly with, although she stops if she's asked to. She always gives everyone she's friendly with a special nickname.