
The Crimson"Karōshi

Cj_Wild · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter9:Happy birthday

Kasumi :Now I'm gonna leave my trusted adviser Cerberus to deal with you ,while I'm at a meeting with my council. Good day to you all ,Now get out of my site.

Kasumi Pov: Later on that day I walked down to my war room. As soon as I walked in everyone was already seated in their respective places . And we got straight down to business. We need to find out why these creatures keep attacking and what they hear to prove. As the meeting was coming to its close I turned to one of my soldiers in my army and said to him "I'm leaving you in charge while I am gone and my head adviser is coming with me but my other advisers will be here. And if anything goes wrong and I found you are the cause of it again your head is mine, Got it". As he nodded his head. Good I said As I walked away. As the team and I set off to find the problem. Before we were a little miles away I cast a hearing spell across the hold kingdom. So whoever tries to betray me they will wish they hadn't . As we were in the midst of our travels I asked one of my friends to play some music while she's on the horse.

Weeks later

Kasumi : Dam couldn't sample it...well there goes our hope in finding the salutation ,lets go guys because it's a long journey back to the kingdom. 

Moments Later~

While we arrived back in the kingdom I  the hearing spell was created by all my subjects that welcomed us back. I went to my throne and thought "let me try my hidden door this once". When I took the door behind my throne that no one knew about I stopped myself from opening when I heard talking. So I cracked it open just a little and saw that it was one of my advisers talking to whom I expected to be the one who I let in charge. 

Adviser : You need to stop this. This has gone on long enough if the king was...

Warrior: You mean that sorry excuse of ki...

3d pov: The warrior stopped in his tracks when he saw my shadow lurking beside him and looked up to be face to face with the king.

Warrior:M..My liege I didn't mean...

Kasumi :I hold my hand up to stop him from talking. I gave you two chances and you just dug your grave I said As took my mother's SWORD and beheaded him. Looked at my adviser and told him to get somebody to clean this off my Throne. Now would you excuse me? I have to say happy Early birthday to my little girl. As I reached her room she was up. When I opened the door I said happy birthday my little Angel. As she ran up to hug me I told her I have three gifts for her. I made her an outfit to match her mother's and I also got her a pet lion and a pet tiger. It's black dress with gold trims , two crystal rings with gold loops to make sure it stays on her fingers, a zip choker that runs to the right of her dress a black and gold sash on her left arm and Six crystal earrings.

Kasumi: And what are you going to name a new pet tiger .

Mavis: I'll name Her..... Kona

Kasumi: Okay Kona it is..

This Kona the pe Golden Tiger

Kasumi :So what do you make another one..

Mavis: What other one...

Kasumi: guards bring  them in...

Kasumi:  I had to travel  to a lot of places to  get these  particular  Lions .

Why papa?

Because these Lions were nearly Grove to Extinction That's makes these two the most Rare Lions you can get or find

Oooohh, What's  the breed of Lions called papa...

Kasumi: Their called Barbary Lions

Woooow, A Barbary Lion.

So what are you gonna name him..

Mavis: Hmmm , I don't know Dad, can you name them for me?

Kasumi: Okay, Let's see... How about... Zeus and Titus

Kasumi:  And don't work there trained You like your gifts sweetie 

Mavis : l love them Papa

Happy birthday my little princess