
Tim Revenge

Tim is entering the Main Cafeteria, even though it is the entire Cafeteria of this prison, there were supposed to be two, but The Boss decided to use that one as a Shooting Range for guards to test on wooden target or inmate who are on death row, feeling suicidal or having depression. Tim is going to the desk where the Chef is putting on the meal he served to anyone on this day. He takes his meal and walks to the table where Lenard and Rodriguez are sitting.

"Hey!" says Tim to those two inmates from Cell 3. "Is an available place here?"

"Sure." responds Lenard who is moving a few inches to give some free space to Tim.

After Tim has sat close to Lenard, he puts his meal on the table, and he starts eating it. While he was eating the meal, Lenard observed that Tim has a few bruises on his face and all over his body. Lenard asked the man about those injuries and when he did that, Tim responded to Lenard.

"The guards came and beat me. Like in every night since that day we were trying to escape, but it wasn't successful.". He eats a small portion from the mashed potatoes, and he continues to tell his story to us. "The guards were rough on me, and one of everyone else who was at North Block when we got lined up and executed."

"Ah hell..." says Rodriguez which made Tim to stop speaking up. "And was all that King's fault."

"It wasn't his only fault." says Tim trying to defend the King who's not here anymore. "It were the other inmates who were not respecting the plan and decided to go by themselves."

"His action was too fast." says Rodriguez. "The best would've been to be united if we ever are going to do that again. But I do not want to do it anymore. I do not want to see much more blood getting split up all over the place, just to see a fat prick laughing like a maniac."

"His laugh..." says Tim looking at the mashed potatoes like it is something terrifying about them. "How can a man like him can enjoy someone dying?"

They stood there in silence, eating and not saying anything, until Tim says a word which made these two inmates feeling surprised.

"We should form a gang."

"Why?" asks Lenard toward Tim.

"Remember the guys who were once sent to wreck them. When these guy's groups are gone, and there aren't many groups on this Prison anymore, so I am thinking to create a secret group only known by us. Would you like this idea?"

"In my opinion it might be working." says Rodriguez. "But at the same time, I think it will be better to not do anything risky at this moment since the things were heating up."

"You're right." says Tim. "Let it cool off then we are going to start another escape attempt."

"But you know... Let's keep this idea for the future situations, alright?"

"Alright." says Tim feeling a sad. "By the way, would you help me to beat a guard who is right there?" he points at a guard who's staying on the wall, waving a police bat on his left arm. "He is one of the bastard who was slapping my butt."

"Disgusting." says Lenard to Tim, and this made him feel a little confused.

"Anyway. You help me beat him?" asks Tim.

"Sure." responds Lenard and Rodriguez.

These three are raising from their table, go to that guard and proceed to beat him until he almost passed out. Tim was punching the dude in the face, while Rodriguez was kicking his legs, and Lenard was just applying a few uppercuts to the dude's face. When the guard fall down, two more guards entered the Cafeteria, with their weapons ready. They probably watched the security cameras, and they decided to intervene in their actions.

"You bastards!" says a guard charging with his stick to Lenard.

Lenard managed to do a single dodge, but the second attack has hit Lenard elbow and this made Lenard to fall on his knees. Before the guard would be able to do another hit, Rodriguez punched that guard and sent him flying almost two feet from Lenard. Rodriguez is helping Lenard getting up on his feet.

"Thank you." says Lenard to Rodriguez.

"No problem, friend." says Rodriguez going to that guard who just punched a few seconds earlier.

Tim is taking that other guard's body, and he threw him on the guard who's laying on the ground unconscious. Lenard is going to the guard who was thrown by Tim and as soon as he saw him getting up, Lenard applied a punch to the guard face, who put his back-down and holding his face in pain.

A few seconds later, after Rodriguez finished the last guard, these three are doing fist bumps at the same time and leave the Cafeteria while the inmates there are looking at the not so dead guards laying there. These three people are heading to outside, because they wanted to do some sports while their stomachs are full.