
Good friend, Albert

A few minutes later, Lenard and Rodriguez are sitting on their cells, reading their books they've gotten on this day. Both are sitting on their beds, relaxing, like some people are doing on their free day after three weeks of working in their hard jobs. While Rodriguez was reading his book, he looked a bit to outside his cell and he saw one black guy dressed in inmates clothes passing their cells, he also observed that he is carrying a knife with him. Rodriguez ignored this like it is only a normal thing in prison, which it really is.

Then, on the next cell, they do heard a man screaming. This made Lenard to jump out of fear, then Rodriguez told him.

"Don't worry, someone is getting rapped. Let the guards deal with it... Or his cellmate."

"... Is it really okay?" asks Lenard.

"Listen, kid." says Rodriguez closing his book, and looking at his under bed, where Lenard is going to live until his sentence it is over. "I don't know how prisons in Hungry are working, but here, on Sapphire Islands, are almost three times worse than normal American prisons. Here, everyone has one chance to get rapped by a crazy guy."

"And you can help me, right?"

"To not get rapped?"


"...Maybe." says Rodriguez who made Lenard almost faint, then he laughed and said. "Of course. You are black, right? So they will mistake you for being an Indian with skin problems or HIV."

"I am Hungarian."

"And what, doesn't all eastern Europeans are a little darker than the one from the west."

"That it is a stereotype, but it is also true... Sometimes."

Then, they heard a knocking on their door. Rodriguez looked at the bar, and sees a guard who is looking at Lenard with a normal reaction.

"Someone is waiting for you at the Visiting room...!" says the guard, who takes a clipboard and looks at it, then said with a loud voice. "Leonard Szekaka?"

"It is Lenard Szakacs." corrects Lenard.

"Whatever gypsy." says the guard feeling angry that he was corrected, but he couldn't beat Lenard since Rodriguez it is in the same cell and looks pissed at the guard, he opens the door. "You have one hour."

"Where is the Visiting Room, though?"

"Go straight, then you take right when you entered the Main Hall." says the guard who is leaving Lenard to go to that room by himself.

"You need help, little man?" asks Rodriguez to Lenard.

"Nah. I got it." says Lenard to Rodriguez. "Stay here and relax until I came back." and he proceeds to go to the Visiting room.

"That's what I was doing two years ago." says Rodriguez, continuing to read his book.

Lenard follows the guard which is escorting him to the Visiting Room, they pass a few cells where some inmates are sitting there and doing their business, while the others, are masturbating to a few posters of naked women. Yes, there were two who did that, but Lenard was surprised that those two have the courage to do this thing into the prison.

When he pass a cell, he saw that a man is getting beaten by another inmate. Lenard tried to make the guard see what is happening, but the guard just told him.

"Don't tell me how to do my job! Or you are going to be boiled alive!"

Lenard was looking hopelessly at the weak inmate, being beaten to death by the muscular one. He turns his back against the weak man and follow that scumbag guard to the Visiting Room. He is feeling sorry for seeing a stranger dying in front of him, and he also feels mad at the response the guard told him. These guards are probably much worse than the inmates itself.

They do enter the main hall, and from there, they are going to the Visiting Room. They saw two prisoners from different blocks, leaning on the walls and smoking something. That guard goes to those people, but he did a dumb decision instead of doing his job. He raised his hand and told them.

"Give me one, or I will give you one sausage between your asses!"

Those two people, being scared by the guard face when he said his warning, he gave one cigarette. He lighted by using one of the inmate lighter, and then he looks at Lenard, he looks at him like a senior after he showed the freshman entire school area.

"What are you doing here?" asks the guard to Lenard. "Visiting Room is straight ahead. Go and talk to a man who wants to talk with you."

"I will..." says Lenard going to the visiting room, ignoring the guard who showed the middle finger and saying an offensive word: "Gypsies!" (Not all Hungarians are gypsies! This also applies to Romanians!).

Lenard enters the room named Visiting Room. When he entered, he saw a bunch of inmates, talking to the phones with the people on the other side of the glass, some even sending a gift to the on the prison by using that drawer between the glass which is the only to send something from outside into Prison. Lenard looks around, and he sees a familiar face from the other side of the window. He goes to the room number 5, he sits on the chair, and picks the phone who makes possible the connection between outside.

"Hello, Albert!" says Lenard, feeling good. "D-Did you know why I am here?"

"Hello, Lenard!" says Albert in a southern English accent even though he is half-hungarian-half-spanish because his mother was a woman born in Barcelona, and his father was a man borne in Budapest. "Yes. I do know they put you here wrongfully. You did not commit that crime because it seems impossible."

" Well. Someone believes me." says Lenard. "But can you find a way to help me get out of here. I have seen already everything here!... People getting rapped. Murdered. Getting drugged! This seems like a hard place to live another day!"

"You are here for a day." says Albert.

"Yeah, well. Try to live a day here. Being in danger to have your ass penetrated or killed by some psychopath with a bat."

"You mean the inmates? How they can take the weapons here?"

Lenard looked on the other sides and there he sees one guard who is looking at him, holding an assault rifle. Then, he looked back at Albert, and he tells him.

"Please. Help me find a way out." says Lenard, feeling nervous.

"I-I will try." says Albert, but then appeared a guard to Albert, who is looking at him and tells him. "Only three minutes left."

"I understand." responded Albert and that guard goes back to do his business, and when it disappears, Albert opens the drawer, puts there a piece of paper, and then he sends that drawer to Lenard side. "This the photo I have found in your room. I think you might need it to give you strength."

Lenard takes the photo his friend passed him. He looks at it, and he couldn't believe that the photo he gave to him, it is about an important person. The woman in the picture is tall, about 1 meter and 73 centimeters, has white skin, a long black hair, green eyes, gorgeous lips that give you pleasure even at the shortest kiss, wears a bikini suit in yellow, and she strikes a nice pose in the picture. The background it is most likely the area called Balaton Lake, a great place where people are enjoying the salt water, staying a few nights on the cheapest and luxurious hotels and enjoying the activities you can do in Hungary. Lenard looks at Albert with a smile, and he tells him via phone, like he always did when they started to talk.

"Any news about Sophia?"

"She did hear about your transfer." says Albert with a sad tone. "And she did not like it. She is very devastated, Lenard. I do not know what I can do to make her happier."

"Tell her that I do miss her." says Lenard, feeling sad. "And that I do still care about her."

"I will, friend." says Albert, feeling sad for his friend situation and his love situation.