
The Crestfallen Crown

Vera Wisteria is a Lady from the Kingdom of Sapphire. Escaping from her responsibilities, she decided to join the famous house for aspiring sorceress—the House of Valor. But as a sequence of war, betrayal and more unfortunate events, involving the mysterious Mistress of the House of Valor, will she be able to choose between saving her Kingdom or helping the House of Valor to safety? Or will she choose something beyond that would lead to a rollercoaster ride of a reincarnation?

HechiceraTheWitch · Fantasía
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10 Chs

#7 Taking A Difficult Road

l probably woke up and stumbled across a valley. At the bottom of it was a huge mansion. Peculiar as may it seem, it was beyond majestic yet holds a mysterious aura.

The valley was darker than the night.

The path towards the mansion wasn't safe either, as thunder rolled down before my eyes.

"Stop right there!" a voice thundered.

"What do you seek, Lady?" the voice asked again.

My mouth moved as if it has its own life.

"I came to seek the House of Valor. The voice told me to seek the House of Valor. It did warned me of a path to take."

"What else?" the owner of the voice seemed amused of what he or she heard.

I saw myself taking a deep breath before answering the Voice.

"The voice instructed me to take the pathway that directly leads to the huge mansion. That is said to be the House of Valor. And when asked by the Mist and the Voice, they are to lead me to that path where the sun never rose. Where the wandering souls are forever lost, and where the spikes burn thy feet. Where the roses are black, and its thorns are to prick thy skin. Where the wind sends down a chill, whilst the owls hoot and the predators shall lurk. Where the ocean bottom engulfs complete darkness. And if blinding lights shall appear before thee, you can now freely enter the mansion that was once a foundation of a fallen kingdom but now the House where all of the gallant survives. Fear not about basic necessities and resources, for the Mist shall provide you things you'll need day by day. But it is up to you, whether you survive or perish with the souls trapped forever in the valley."

"Thou perfectly recollected the bid of the voice you are proclaiming to have sent you. Any idea of who it may be?" the Voice asked, as if it was toying me.

"I fear that I don't know who is the voice that summoned me. For in my family, no one practices sorcery, nor performed witchcraft. I'm the only one who dared to touch the needles." I bravely said.

"Do you have a mother? A father? Siblings?" the Voice inquired.

"I dare say I have a mother. For she is worried sick of my decision, praying for my safety. I dare say I have a father. For he gave me a kingdom to happily hide away instead of pursuing this extremity. I dare say I have siblings. Older brothers and younger brothers. For they are aware that I am their only princess, and are worried I might not return. I dare say I have a family waiting and praying for my life. But I also dare say, I'm beyond daring and I can surpass my limits, even it costs me this precious life."

Even answering the Voice, I did not falter.

"Very well then.. Take a dip into the River of Souls. This is your first and probably last life." the Voice said.

"I dare agree. I shall take a dip but I fear not for my life." I bravely shot back.

"Mist, let this prominent Lady Wisteria of Sapphire take a dip into the River of Souls. And lead her the pathway that directly leads to the mansion. Pronto." the Voice said before disappearing.

The Mist appeared.

"I believe you are Lady Vera Wisteria? Are you not?" the Mist quietly asked.

"I cannot deny nor confirm that. For now, I have no identity."

"Run while you still can, Lady of Wisteria." the Mist warned.

"I will not run away, thus I'll suffer. Let it be. I can do this."

My determination didn't waver at all.

'When will you stop spacing out and sorting out my memories of the past?' a voice, that is inside my head, hissed.

"And that's our lesson for today. Goodbye class."

As Professor Wallace—the one who replaced the idiot professor I managed to kick out—was fixing her stuff, the whole class already got out.

I stood up to leave but I felt dizzy.

"Ms. Smith, the next time you are not feeling well, please do enter the clinic or don't bother to go to school yet. Send me an excuse letter and I'll understand. Okay?" she gently said.

But the voice inside me excitedly roared like crazy.

'It's her! It's her!'

I nodded at her while clutching my head.

"I understand, Professor Wallace."

"I don't feel comfortable to be called by my last name. Call me Wendy instead. Tut-tut! Off you go now, youngling. You are beyond pale, thou must go home early and rest." she smiled at me gently.

I warmly smiled back.

"I understand, Professor Wendy. Adieu."

I slowly get up and called mum.

"Mum, I need to be fetched please. I think I'm sick. I've been spacing out and my professor said I was pale."

"Noted, darling. Your dad will get there soon. Stay at the school clinic, I'll dial Avia to nurse you until you father arrives."

"Thanks mum—"

But before I could say anything else, I felt the weight of the world on me.

And yet again, I blacked out.