
The Creator's Descendants

The continent of Eberon was blessed by the deities in a faraway past, where humans were born, and the first civilizations were built. Though the so-called Creators had long left that world, traces of their magic remained, and two powerful Descendants lived among the deities’ creation. A conflict between the Descendants – half-human, half- gods - traced back the beginning of history until the present times. In each generation, two males were born, always as enemies and fighting till death. One of them wanted power, creating a World Government to rule over humans. The other sought balance and freedom for the people, leading armies of rebels against the authorities. Darkness cursed the continent of Eberon and the islands surrounding it. Until hope finally arose... Imprisoned since her childhood, the 15 years old ALTHEA discovers the meaning of freedom when 17 years old DOMINIC and 20 years old JOSEPH enter her path, leading her to a journey where ALTHEA will uncover her origins and understand the mysteries behind her overwhelming power. The young girl soon discovers that she is a break of a cycle that lasted thousands of years and that her god-like abilities are the hope of a new world. During her journey, Althea undergoes hardship and adverse conditions. In such a harsh environment, she must search for inner strength to overcome a lengthy series of trials against powerful government forces and destructive enemies. Her first mission is to unite the people against their rulers, while adjusting herself to freedom gradually amid revealing dreams and the buoyancy of comrades Legends, prophecy, a vast power struggle, and supernatural elements provide a unique otherworldly setting. Althea wrestles to triumph within the inherent strife around her, gaining a sense of her own potential. As the stakes increase, we watch Althea grow, acquire new abilities, and fulfill her role with the help of resourceful supporters through training and enemy encounters. She then, struggles to accomplish her first mission before facing the real enemy, ORION, the Creator’s Descendant.

Allici_Edragal · Fantasía
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16 Chs

The Navy

After departing with Heath, we went back to the main street of Lyrus. As usual, there was a big movement of people but, as I entered the crowd, I realized that this time there was something different: the place was full of scattered and armed soldiers.

"Shit!" cursed Dominic, increasing the pace.

"If we start running, we will attract attention." said Joseph, analyzing the situation with a serious expression. "Let's split up. It's riskier if we walk together.

"We cannot leave Althea alone." Contested Dominic immediately.

"Dominic. Be rational." said Joseph even more seriously than before. "They won't recognize her face, but we can't say the same about ours. Right now, she will be safer on her own."

A moment of silence followed when finally, Dominic nodded his head, showing agreement.

"All right, so let's keep moving. Every second we lose, the situation becomes riskier. Althea, keep going straight on the main street. Don't talk to strangers."

"Should we meet back at the boat?" I asked; but without forgetting the fact that, maybe, I didn't know how to find the boat so easily.

"Yes. Be careful in any case." replied Joseph.

"I will."

Then we separated. Joseph went to a small street in my right direction and Dominic to the left. I continued moving forward, walking with my head down and avoiding looking into the eyes of the soldiers passing by me. The crowded street seemed even more confusing and messy, which made me extremely nervous. "You're safe, Althea. They won't recognize you." I repeated mentally.

I continued walking further in the crowd when I saw an empty street on my left. At that point, I couldn't see any of my companions anymore. I decided then to change my route since I thought it would be even less likely to find an enemy.

The name of the little street was Mitslayne and, except for a couple passing by it was deserted. Unlike the main street, there were no stores around me, but walls. The silence took over my mind as I walked further away. But it wasn't just the silence that caught my attention. Fear pulsed in my veins with every heartbeat. Had they both escaped? Had the soldiers recognized them and were they in danger now?

My mind began to generate flashes of my past. I remembered the darkness and the sound of the chains. I had to calm down. I was safe. They were going to be safe.

The street ended and I came across two exits: one to the left and one to the right.

"And now Althea? Where are you going?" I asked myself. "Maybe to the right?"

Then, I took my course. This street was vast, and I couldn't see the end of it.

Time went by and the sun was at the top of the sky. I kept walking down the same street, without looking back. At that pace, I was sure that I would never find the boat.

I reached the end of the street and the anger took hold of me. A poster was hanging on the wall in front of me with the written phrase "Dead End".

"This must be a joke! This poster should be at the beginning and not at the end of the street!" I cried out loud, infuriated.

"It seems that your day is not going well young lady." Spoke a voice behind me.

Shit. Shit, shit and shit!

I turned very slowly and tried to prepare my heart for what was to come. Four men were standing in front of me. Three of them were soldiers and one had a different uniform, where his name and title were written: Major Clark.

Dominic was wrong. I was sure that Major was a higher rank than Lieutenant.

"Are you perhaps lost?" Major Clark asked while approaching me. He was a tall man, dark-haired and not older than 30 years old. If he weren't a Marine, I would believe he was a friendly person.

"Try not to look suspicious, Althea."

"Hmm, well... You could say that. I think I got in the wrong street." I replied, trying to show off an innocent smile.

"I see! What a coincidence since we turned in the wrong way as well. You are not from here in town, am I right? It's not common to see a young woman like you walking alone on the street like this." continued the Major while the other soldiers kept their distance from us, whispering something I couldn't hear. I took a step back and hit my back on the wall.

"Calm down. We won't hurt you." said then one of the soldiers. "We're only looking for two criminals who apparently are in this city. You wouldn't happen to know them, right?"

"No. I don't know any criminals." I replied, facing them with a severe expression. I was not good at lying.

Suddenly the Major came even closer and looked at me with a different expression, analyzing me from top to bottom.

"Wait a moment. I've seen you somewhere before. Your face is something I wouldn't forget." said Clark looking for something in his pocket. "What's your name?"

I didn't answer. Were Joseph and Dominic wrong? Was it possible that the government had released my name?

"I'm sorry, it's getting late. I have to get going. My parents must be... worried." I improvised.

"Major, can you come here for a moment?" asked one of the soldiers.

"Yes. Don't move, miss. Don't even think about disobeying my request." said Clark while taking a few steps away from me.

I obeyed him and stood still, trying to get a plan in my head. I was clearly not ready for fighting yet. I focused then on trying to hear what the soldiers were talking about.

"I am sure of that, sir! she is the girl who was released by Knight and Greyston a few weeks ago. I wouldn't forget that face, and besides, she has a massive reward on her head."

"How so?" asked Clark. "She is just a young girl! There's no way she's such a criminal. Dominic Knight is not the type that would waste his time to free some random girl. She must be seventeen at most!"

I felt my adrenaline"raising, and when I realized, I was trying to escape from there. However, I was stopped by the other two soldiers who held me and pushed me against the wall.

"Hey, calm down! What are you trying to do?"

Clark now had a piece of paper in his hand, which he stared at intensely. Then he raised his eyes and faced me.

"Althea... That name..." said Clark with his half=closed eyes. My body shook. Now I had no more escaping. "Calm down, I won't hurt you. I just want you to explain to me what the reason behind this monstrous reward is. I doubt very much that you are a cold-blooded pirate or a murderer. Your crimes are listed as "Serious confidential crimes against the government" in the report I received. Origin: confidential. Family name: confidential... This is ridiculous. It is also written here that we are not allowed to hurt you or ask questions and that you are only... fifteen years old! There must be something wrong."

"Something wrong? I never killed anyone! Nor am I a pirate or anything like that." I spoke with a slightly altered voice. Whenever I was accused of crimes that I had not even committed, I couldn't contain my anger. "You kept me locked up for nine years! Nine years! Do you think it gave me time to become a rebel or murder someone? Do you think I was a criminal when I was six? If you doubt something that is written there more than me, ask your superior."

"Hey, respect girl! You're not talking to anybody." said one of the soldiers while pushing me stronger against the wall.

"No, it's okay, John." replied Clark. He seemed like a good person, even though he was part of the Navy. "It's interesting your point of view. Is there anything you want to ask to clarify things? Something that's in your report? But I can only answer simple things; no details."

I blushed.

"Tell me as much information as you can." I asked.

"Here it says that your name is Althea, which is already something strange because there is no last name. Born on August 13th. Level five criminal. A high priority of capture. Without permission to take action, that could hurt her. The reward of 70 million gold coins."

70 mi...

"Wh… what?!"

"Exactly what you heard. That's why you are a top priority."

70 million! That reward was absurd; there really must have been something wrong with that report. It was a far greater reward than Dominic's.

"You will take me to the barracks?"

"Probably. We have to find out if this is not a mistake." responded Clark.

"Is there any chance that I can escape?"

"No. But I'm sure you won't stop trying. John, Linnus, Aire. Arrest her."

I tried again to run away from them, but it was useless. They blocked the passage in front of me, and there was no other way out. I would have to fight.

But that was not necessary.

Just as I was a magnet for danger, Dominic was a master at saving me in my worst moments. His tall figure appeared on the roof of one of the small buildings around us, ready to attack. The three soldiers were now grabbing me by my arms while I tried to free myself and fight back. I tripped over one of them and hit my head on the wall, falling to the ground taking the soldier whose name was John along with me. None of them seemed to notice the presence of another person there, except Clark, who now had his back to us, facing the figure on the roof.

With an absurd jump, in my opinion, Dominic came down from the building and landed standing in front of the Major. Clark walked away from him and turned to me and the other three who were trying to immobilize me.

"Soldiers! We have company. Mr. Knight has finally decided to join us."

"What about the girl?" asked one of them.

"Leave her to me." responded Clark, who was now standing next to me and holding me tight. I turned to Dominic, asking him with my eyes if I should fight Clark at that moment. He understood my question and shook his head to the sides, answering me no. I obeyed and set out to observe what was about to happen.

John, Linnus, and Aire drew their swords and went towards their opponent. The first blow was dealt by the military, and Dominic defended himself brilliantly. The blows that followed were fast, almost invisible. Dominic dominated the three soldiers with the same ease he dominated the Hunters on the previous island. In just over a minute, the fight had already ended.

"Excellent! A real general!" applauded Clark.

"Ex"general." said Dominic with the calm voice I already knew. "Is that what Orion sent after me? Three frail soldiers and a Major? Let her go, and let's get it over with."

At that moment, Clark drew his sword and put it around my neck. The expression on Dominic's face changed instantly.

"Hmm, I see. So indeed, you are here to save her. I would never expect that from a cold-blooded man. You tell me then. "Spoke Clark, still threatening to cut me with his sword if Dominic moved. "Why is this fifteen"year"old girl being sought by the World Government, and how can the reward for her head be so absurd? What is so important about this girl to make Orion move mountains after you? What is so important about her that someone like you deserted?"

"Ask your superiors." answered Dominic with a tone of disgust.

"You are in no position to deny me anything. Answer my question!"

The Major's personality changed, and he seemed to be angry at Dominic's behavior. I felt the edge of the sword touching my skin while trying my best not to let even one expression of pain pass through my face. If Dominic noticed anything, I knew he would kill Clark without hesitation, and I didn't want that to happen. There was no need for blood to be spilled.

Dominic then hesitated for a moment. He was looking for the correct answer for Clark, who seemed more and more nervous.

"Think Major Clark. The answer is right in front of you. What does Orion fear more than anything? He knows that new times are coming and that rebellion is inevitable. The prophecy is true, and the world will finally know about it." said Dominic, using enigmatic words.

"Don't give me that nonsense! These things are just nonsense invented by people who do not accept the Government. There is no other Heir besides Emperor Orion." Clark shouted.

"That is correct." Spoke Dominic. "There is no Heir."

These words were enough to leave Clark in shock. He put down his sword turned my face in his direction. At that moment, Dominic found the opportunity to attack him, and I jumped away from them while their blades clashed with each other. Both were fighting with skill; however, Clark couldn't defend himself for more than a few minutes from Dominic, and after a nice blow, the Major's sword fell into the ground with a loud noise.

"Indeed, a true General." said Clark. "But your victory doesn't make all the nonsense you said true. I refuse to admit that an Heiress exists and that Orion is hiding this information from his allies. Finish this battle, Dominic Knight."

"Dominic!" I shouted, interrupting the last blow from his sword. "Leave him be, and let's go. Please!"

He looked at me and then turned to the Major. He kept his sword still positioned in the direction of Clark, waiting for a counterattack. But the man did not move. He looked at Dominic, incredulous with his pity.

"Now it's up to you to decide on which side you want to bet your life on. Open your eyes, Major." Spoke Dominic, turning his back to him and coming towards me. "Let's go to Althea."

While following Dominic's lead, I took one last look back and saw Clark still on the ground. He looked defeated.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally reached the forest that would lead us to our hidden boat.

"Good I followed you. God knows what would happen if I wasn't there to save you."

"I would find a way. I fight very well you know. And I've been training recently." I responded by pretending to be outraged at his disbelief. Dominic finally opened a smile and shook his head.

"Find a way? You want me to believe that? So first, tell me: How did you manage to find the only dead"end street in the whole Lyrus? I see that you are outstanding in finding a way." he questioned, still smiling. All my blood went up to my face while I tried not to die of embarrassment.

"How was I supposed to guess that?" I replied, angry and moving away from him. But he was undeniably faster than I was and reached me with only one step, blocking my way forward.

"You couldn't guess. So, don't be angry Althea, I am just teasing you." he said, holding my face with both hands, making me face him. He passed his arm over my shoulder and led me back to the boat. It was impossible to resist his charm.

"Will the navy not come after us after today's incident?" I asked.

"Yes, but I don't think they will move that fast. We will leave tomorrow at dawn, and I believe that Major Clark will still be in shock. Sooner or later, this would occur. Now that we are on our path, the news that the other Descendant is alive and fighting against the Government will spread, and a revolution will be inevitable. The world has been waiting for the Heiress for quite a long time. Therefore, I intend to make the most of these last few days of peace that we have together."

"Don't get your hopes up. I think your days of peace are already over. I am afraid that I will need your services for quite a while, Mr. Dominic Knight. " I spoke laughing. No word I had said was a lie, but I was still a little embarrassed when I said them.

"It is my greatest pleasure to be at your service, Lady Althea." he said, touching my hair. His touch gave me goosebumps, and I was sure that he was aware of his effect on me. And that he did it on purpose, for fun. I decided it was time for revenge.

I then took the hand that he was touching me and held it gently. It didn't seem to affect him, so I decided to play a little dirtier.

Trying to be the most delicate and unintended I could, I pulled Dominic closer to me. I leaned my head close to his shoulder, caressing his hand. I finally felt his body entering in shock. That had been enough to prove that I was not the only one who was affected by the proximity between us, so I moved away from him a little, but he pulled me back to himself.

"Don't." he said.

I didn't resist. I knew for some time that it was hard to stay away from Dominic. There was no way to avoid that. I would do whatever he asked.

He then touched my face again and looked deeply into my eyes. His green eyes were like emeralds and had such an intense gaze that I couldn't stop staring at them while wondering what Dominic had in his mind when he had such expression.

Suddenly, he took a deep breath and turned around, continuing his walk through the forest. It took me a few seconds to come back to reality and start moving as well. We walked in silence until we reached the boat, where Joseph was sitting and waiting for us.

"Oh, my God, how long it took you! Don't tell me you got lost, Althea!" said Joseph, holding back the laughter.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"Don't tell advantage Joseph, I know you were right." Dominic said, joking. My mouth opened in shock, and I looked at Joseph full of anger. Obviously, he had a vision of me being lost in the city and told Dominic to rescue me. No explanation was needed about the incident, but they insisted on going into details and discussing my entire trajectory from the moment they left me alone.

"Well, thanks to you guys, I'm safe and sound, now enough of rubbing my slight detour in my face, ok?" I said, annoyed. "How about we eat something?"

"That's not a bad idea. Let's forget about that for a moment." said Joseph. "Later we'll have to prepare a bigger dinner too since Heath is coming to visit us."

"What were you talking about at the shipyard? Does Heath intend to join us?" I asked as we entered the kitchen. Joseph and Dominic took some ingredients from the closet and the refrigerator and started making sandwiches.

"Joseph doesn't want to spoil the surprise, so I don't know if this will happen. But he is having many problems with the navy and seemed to like my offer to accompany us. But he is also a little hesitant. He still doesn't know where we are going and doesn't know that you are the Heiress. I intend to tell him everything today." said Dominic. "Will we do well, Joseph?"

"I can only say that Heath will react well when hearing the truth. If I tell too much, we run the risk that it will no longer happen." responded Joseph, focusing on cutting ham. I could see a little smile on his face when he turned around.

"That's good news..."

"How about going for a swim then?" Dominic said out of nowhere. I gave him a surprised look.

"Joseph?" I asked, hoping he would have some bad news about Dominic's plans.

"Ah, don't worry. No accidents today. But I think the two of you will go it alone. I'll stay here and prepare dinner." he answered.

"I can help you!" I spoke, almost begging. For some reason, I was scared of being alone again with Dominic. My heart was still recovering from getting too close to him earlier in the forest.

"No need for that. The dinner will be a surprise for you. And I want you to enjoy the day as well." he with a smile. "It's not always that we can rest."

We finished eating, and I gave up convincing them to change their minds. I got up from the table to get ready, and before turning my back to the boys, I could see Joseph wink at Dominic, who was smiling back. It was evident that everything went according to their plans. I went down to my room, still annoyed, and changed into my swimming suit.

I went back to the kitchen and found Dominic ready, sitting next to Joseph. While they both looked very cheerful, I remained with a frowning expression.

"I think we should wait a little longer. It's not good to get in the water after eating." I spoke as my last argument.

"Half a sandwich is not food. Give it up. I won't change my mind. Come here." shouted Dominic, already reaching the other side of the beach, running on the sand.

"Oh my God. Please don't let him kill me." I whispered. I got off the boat taking care not to get out of balance, and walked in his direction.

"It took you quite a while, lady Althea." said Dominic, sarcastic. "Will you enter the water for good or for bad?"

"Hmm… certainly not for good." I spoke. He opened a smile at the same instant.

"Then for bad shall be."

I ran away from him at the fastest speed I could. I knew he would reach me fast, but this time he seemed in no hurry. We were like two children playing on the beach, and I couldn't stop laughing! But Dominic's physical stamina was much greater than mine, and I soon found myself breathless, unable to take another step.

"Already tired?" he said, stopping by my side.

"No. I just decided to take a quick break to admire the sea."

"How about admiring it even more closely?"

"I refuse." I said while "cheating" and knocking him down in the sand using my powers. But Dominic was fast in his reactions and didn't fall alone: he took me with him. I fell right on top of him, which cushioned the fall.

"Hey! That is not fair!" I spoke without getting up. "Now you managed to get me really angry. You're in trouble."

I held him against the sand in a useless attempt to stop him from getting up. He looked at me in an expression of "as if you could hold me". In a single movement, he managed to free himself and reverse the situation. He threw me on my back in the sand and held me in a way that I couldn't get up.

"You're the one in trouble." he contested. At that moment, I knew he would throw me in the water and that I couldn't run anymore. But we remained in that position for a few seconds, looking at each other in silence.

"Do I see a little pity in your eyes? Will you have mercy?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

"Pity? Not at all. I was just enjoying the moment admiring your face up close while you are still not mad at me. But I know you will forgive me."

He got up and took me along. I was no longer fighting against it. It was useless. Just as the first time, he picked me up in his lap, and I held onto his neck.

"If I die, I will haunt you for the rest of your life." I said.

"Of course. Hold your breath." he said as we went deeper. He dove in, and I could feel the freshness of the water cooling down my body.

After quite a time playing in the water, we went back to the sand and lay there, looking at the blue sky.

"So, was it so horrible?" asked Dominic.

"I must admit that I had fun, even though I feel a little childish for my age."

"I'm glad to see you smiling. I hope that little by little, you will be able to forget the darkness."

The wind blew from the horizon and softened the heat of the sun. The day was enjoyable and quiet. I was having so much fun that I even forgot about the meeting with the marines that morning. Indeed, that "new life" was not at all like the darkness.

"Dominic, can I ask you something? To satisfy my curiosity… How old are you and Joseph? And Heath?"

"If I am not wrong, Heath has twenty-nine... almost thirty years old. Joseph is twenty, so not much older than you. I am a little… older than you." he replied, with a concerned look on his face.


"Seventeen. Since a month ago."

"Very old indeed." I said, laughing at his concern. Dominic was a little more than 1 year older than me since I now knew that I would be 16 years old in a few months.

The sun was already touching the horizon, and the wind became a nuisance without the heat. We got up and went back to the boat that was covered with the smell of dinner. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and went upstairs to wait for Heath.