
The Crazed Player

*Uploads 3 times a week* In a world full of magic Ashton was bullied everyday. Almost everyone in the world was born with some type of ability that could be awakened when they reached the age 16. However, Ashton who was apart of the 0.5% of human kind to not be born with a ability. It was so rare to not have a ability and that caused Ashton to become an outcast and get bullied everyday. It wasn't a far stretch to say that Ashton was one of the most unfortunate people on earth. In the whole Earth's existence there have only been 10 cases of people being born without abilities. While Ashton was cursed his sister Tiana was blessed by the gods and received a high grade ability which caused for them to not be able to interact on public. Warning : If you cannot handle gore like materials or get disgusted easily do not read the novel. Art is not mine! if it is yours and you want me to take it down please ask and I will

Toni_Glennan · Acción
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10 Chs


In a world, full of magic humans weren't the only race that walked the planet. Many other races walked the planet such as demi-humans, Dwarfs, demons, vampires, beast men, and elves. Even though there were many races on Kazuk everything was quite peaceful. But it wasn't always as peaceful here on Kazuk. About 400 years ago there was a big war between all the races which led to thousands if not millions of casualties. The war lasted 10 years with no sides gaining the advantage, as the years past the warriors of each race were getting tired of fighting each other and seeing their comrades die so the leaders of each race came together and created the "Starfrost".

The Starfrost was essentially a peace treaty. It stated that all races would unite together and begin living together and helping each other in times of need. Although this rule was created many people from each race were displeased by the outcome. For god's sake, they lost their loved ones and now their leaders wanted them to live peacefully with the ones that killed the people they held dear to them how preposterous. Many people started revolting and causes trouble and bad blood between each race and this caused people to end up dead and innocent citizens to ask for a solution.

The leaders had to come together once more and set an example for the people who broke the rule they were branded as exiles and were kicked out to the most dangerous place on Kazuk. The place was called Death Man's Land as anyone who went there never was heard from again and was presumed to be dead. This led people to stop causing trouble and start living peacefully. Around this time of peace, Xana Academy was created. At first, the academy was laughed at but it soon became a powerhouse as it was home to many great and powerful leaders that helped save humanity from monsters.

Over the years many academies were created but they never lived up to the reputation of Xana Academy. Now to the present time 3500, many different races were seen walking on the streets it was very common to see a mixed family walking down the streets. Everything looked quite peaceful, surrounded by tall buildings, floating cars, and the sound of laughter coming from the streets. Although everything was peaceful in normal times there were still monsters out in the forests roaming.

You might be wondering what are the monsters? The monsters are dangerous creatures that like to feast on the blood and carcasses of the different species. Even though they enjoyed the taste of the different species when they were hungry enough they would resort to cannibalism and also kill other monsters. Occasionally, a hoard of monsters would leave the forests and try to attack civilization. At first, they may have succeeded but as the years went on technology and humans got stronger.

The technology nowadays was very advanced for god's sake they had flying cars that flew over 900 miles away. Even phones were a thing of the past and replaced with watches as they were lightweight and didn't require you to carry them. The watch had the same features as a phone but it also had special features that allowed you to access the information inside of your head for privacy. Houses also had a drastic change throughout the years.

Mansions were so outdated and modern houses were in. Almost every house was modern but there were still some mansions around but it was very few. Even stoves weren't the same. Before you would have either electric stoves or gas stoves but now you had rune-powered stoves that enhanced the flavor of any dish you made. Everything was powered by runes as it was the 'new way' or the 'new it'

Even money changed. Before it would just be regular paper money but now we used gladier crystals as currency. Gladier Crystal's varied in colors some were clear some were orange and yellow and others were blue and purple. The darker the color the greater the value. Clear was the lowest value priced at 1 USD, yellow priced at 50 USD, orange priced at $100, blue ranged at $1000, and purple ranged at 1 million USD. The reason why Gladier Crystals became the new currency was simply that people thought that they were beautiful and that it made them feel rich.

In the Kingdom of Zalran, there were 3 prestigious families. The strongest family was the Steel family, the 2nd was the Baker Family, and the 3rd was the Lo family. First, there were 4 prestigious at first but the 4th family called the Zeus family was completely wiped out due to a rumor that they were planning to revolt against the kingdom. Even now we don't know if the rumors were true or false. But that doesn't matter now, does it?

Now the reason why these families are prestigious was that they took action when the academy was first implanted into the world hundreds of years ago. The Steel family was the first family to succeed in having a genius graduate from the academy and created the Hunter's Association which was popular among students and adults. The Hunter's Association was a business that profited over Monster Corpses. You could sell the corpses of monsters to the Hunters Association and earn money.

This became very popular as it was a way to both increase your strength and earn money at the same time. As the business was so profitable and benefited the citizens our family was named a prestigious family and because of this, the Steel family decided to become loyal to the strongest member of the council Sir Dalloway Stuman. The Steel family wanted to please him as much as possible and had their children hunt monsters and kiss the ass of Sir Stuman. As the years of ass licking progressed the Steel Family stayed number one.

However, now the academy was seen as a very influential and powerful organization that even the prestigious families couldn't harm. Their power was only second to the royal family. (Sir Dalloway Stuman's Family) Meanwhile in the Xana Academy competition and bullying was very common. If you had a weak potential or grade you would get bullied and treated like trash. However, if you had a high potential or grade you would be treated like a queen/king. This is why in the hallways you saw children being beaten and teachers just watching and looking away like they didn't care.

In a certain part of the hallway, you saw one teen who was quite small and malnourished compared to the muscular men surrounding him. The one thing that attracted you over there was the handsome face of the bullied youth. There were wounds all over his body but his eyes were still shown with passion. The handsome boy being bullied was the middle son of the Steel Family who was known as useless because of his lack of talent and grades.

Meanwhile, a group of girls watched as Ashton was being punched in the stomach multiple times. However, there was a certain girl in the group that stood out the most. Besides the creepy smiled she displayed right now she was quite beautiful and had a good figure. The girl had soft and delicate facial features with plump red lips, big perky breasts, a small waist, and a huge backside. If you looked close enough you could tell the similarities between the two youths.

The well-developed girl was indeed Ashton's sister Tiana Steel. You might be confused about the fact why his sister is just watching while her older brother gets beat up with a smile well let's run it back a few minutes.

~A few minutes earlier~

Ashton was walking in the hallway when he heard a feminine voice call his name that belonged to his sister. "Big brother!" Tiana said with a big smile while walking toward Ashton. "Hi, Tiana" Ashton replied with a smile while looking at his adorable sister come up to him. "Brother, I need help," Tiana said with a complicated facial expression. "What's wrong, lil sis?" I asked Tiana with a confused facial expression.

"I can't find my keycard to the house," Tiana said with a sad expression and I felt pained whenever my sister was sad. I reached in my pockets and pulled out her key card and handed it to her. She looked a little shocked and a hint of disappointment appeared on her face for a split second before it went back to the happy face. Tiana grabbed the keycard and looked at me. "Thank you so much, big brother," Tiana said with a big smile on her face.

"No problem sis. Just don't lose them again." I said gently scolding her and she smiled at me before shaking her head and leaving. I continued walking my way but I soon met Alex which scared me.

~Back to present time~

I kept getting punched and punched over and over again by Jason. I coughed up blood the last time he punched me and had a pained expression on my face. My whole body was in pain as Jason punched me all over. Jason was a Barbarian and was very strong. Alex stood at the back but soon raised his hand and Jason stopped hitting me. "Hopefully you'll learn your lesson this time and stop talking to my girl. Guys let's go" Alex said with disgust.

I fell to the floor and fell unconscious. When I woke up I found out that I was in the nurse's office. I was very confused about how I got here and tried to get up but that was when I felt that sharp pain in my stomach and torso area. "Stay laying down your injuries aren't completely healed yet so you are still feeling pain. You should rest the whole day so your injuries can heal fully." the nurse said.

I listened to what the nurse said and laid back down before I slowly started feeling drowsy and fell asleep.