
The Cowboy and the Harelquin.

Love and Lust and everything in-between. Striker is out to complete his task and full-fill his contract with Stella. Blitzo is trying to sort out some inner turmoil From a breakfast interloper: : Where Blitzo awakens to the smell of bacon pancakes and a half naked cowboy who is looking to cut a deal with the business imp. to The Wrath of a vengeful Cowboy: a date night gone wrong when agent 1 and Agent 2 arrive on the scene. and many more. come join me.

Mouse87Mouse · TV
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23 Chs

The Nightmare is Over

Love was meant to be unconditional, but for a young Harlequin love proved to be anything but complexed. Blitzo's body aches as he peels himself of the muddy floor. He continues to fight off his inner demons.

The churn: whispers echo in his ears. these demons are unwilling to let him go, he struggles and fights them.

But he cannot wake up, to help warn off the agents who had kidnaped him and Moxie. His body slumps forward, the only thing keep him upright is the rope tied around him.

They appear, lurking in the shadows of his mind. Gathering at a glistening white staircase. winding up: like a stairway to salvation. and perched upon a porcelain throne sat the Ares Goeita prince a bored expression on his face. Unwilling to let him go, Blitzo reaches out to the staircase.

Only to feel a coil of rope lasso his neck a drag him back, Moxie's eyes widen as Fizz stood his arms crossed unwilling to let his Harlequin ascend. They were standing their ground against a dramatized version of Stolas. A golden manacle soars down the winding staircase clasping around Blitzo's neck

Long after dealing with the persistent agents . Moxie and the gang rush Blitzo into a human world hospital. Hoping to find a way to wake him up. It was their only option. Stolas was in hysterics as he carries his little imp into the hospital. His eyes glowing eerily. He composes himself long enough to utter a few incoherent things before reducing into an inconsolable mess. Fueled by a murderous rage he made sure that Blitz was comfortable in his hospital bed before he disappears out through an open window. In search for answers for once not caring about his status he was on the warpath cutting anyone down who looks at him twice. His murderous rampage continues as he searching for the remaining two kooky, agents.

He had though nothing of- but now was the only thing he could think of. Lost, in a sea of his own misery and unsure of how he could help his little imp.


With the reluctant help of Stella, Striker appears in the hospital. Nightfall had waned as he sneaks past the murderous couple who was standing watch. They were curled up on the hard plastic chairs waiting for news about their boss. He is briefly halted by a blind night nurse. who asks if he is here to see A tiny crimson devil. She was really sweet, a Vuluptous figure with perky breasts. Unwilling to turn the cowboy away believing Striker was here to see his husband.

From the bent and scratched out pictures she had found while combing through his items. It was a few pictures of the harvest moon festival. one of Striker sleeping peacefully cast out underneath the stars. Half naked, Blitzo curled up in his arms a tiny doodle revealed they were not alone that night.

Loona stiffens upon seeing the snake imp approach. he aims the gun at her head pulling back the hammer . Loona growls her body covering Blitzo. Striker's arm moves back to his side as he grits his teeth knowing something like the would have happened.

"Ditsy blueblood get him into this?'

Loona ignores him, biting her tongue. The Cowboy talks to Blitzo surprising the hellhound. Behind closed eyelids the nightmare parody of Striker digs his claws into Blitzo while Striker strokes Blitzo's head with his hand.

Loona growls as she watches Striker disconnect the machines, lifting Blitzo into his arms h walks out of the room- only to be thrown into the wall by a well placed roundhouse kick. Loona snarls blocking his path.

"They don't have what they need here" growls the Cowboy aiming his gun and firing Lonna dodges and the wrangler keeps firing his arms tightens around the Boss. As a bullet buries itself into Loona's leg imbedding into her leg. she howls in pain as Striker gets up, kicking her in the face he points the blessed revolver into her muzzle. a snarl peeling at his lips.

Blitzo's body jerks, but he cannot wake. he can hear his daughter struggling. There are tears in his eyes but no matter how hard he tries they keep dragging him further and further away into a muddy nightmare.

Fizz has him wrapped in his expandable arms, " No one will love you like I love you BlitzO" he cackles.

Verosika has a vice-like grasp over his hips her head over his chest. "Why do you push away the one you love? BlitzO I Loved you BlitzO, I would have done anything for you, to you"

A dark chuckle emits from somewhere behind him as Stryker appears his hand caresses the back of his horn as a shudder races down Blitzo's back. Stryker stood behind him as a golden chain tugs at his neck. The owl prince wings it around his clenched fists.

But Stolas is stopped by three entitles were feeding from the Harlequin, unwilling to let go and willing to fight for what was theirs.

"You filthy blueblood he ain't goin anywhere with you, he is staying here, in the muck and the mud where he belongs Stryker growls draping an arm around Blitzo's shoulder.

"You need to wake up, my little impish one this is all a hallucination they are feeding you lies" Speaks Stolas. wrenching the imp forward.

"Your daughter is in trouble I fear Blitzy"

Stryker sneers leveling his pistol above the Boss imp's shoulder and fires.


Meanwhile Striker wipes the blood from his pistol. As Loona groans kneeling clutching his stomach a bullet is buried deep within her side. she grits out in pain. Her body shaking as her lifeblood spill out onto the floor at Blitzo's feet. She peers up at her father. Fear swells within her as she claws at the floor dragging her limp body towards her comatose father who is teetering on his feet Striker stood over him, with a dripping syringe.

What did you do! she accused blood dripping form her mouth as she crawls across the floor, Striker kicks her in the face as she tries to crawl on top of the crimson devil.

Wha-What the fuck did you just give him! he has a fighting chance! and you might've ruined it! She cries gargling on her own blood.

There was something different about this cowboy, something darker and terrifyingly nightmarish.

"Your going to have to go through me to get to him she growls rising to her feet standing over Blitzo. Letting her chain blade clank to the ground a vicious snarl on her lips

"You get him over my dead body she snarls. Striker's eyes widen in surprise as she brought he weapon down, he could feel the wind gust against his face as he move to the side, whipping out his tail she snaps her jaws. Striker cries out in pain as blood drips from her jaws.

She flings him into the wall.

Ruby red eyes intensify bloodlust shinning through. Striker crawls to the Boss imp burrying the muzzle of his gun into Blitzo's side. Stopping the hellhound in her tracks.

"This ends now little girl, daddy is coming with me his eyes are swirling flickering back and forth as he pulls Blitzo's body against him. "So long as he keeps fighting in here" he says tapping Blitzo's head. " He still has a fighting chance out here.

"Do you knowing something we don't!"

"Plenty, enough to keep me dangerous" the cowboy answers. And once were through here I'm taking him back to wrath, finding the grimoire and shredding the contents though the nine rings of hell.

"Doesn't something seem off ta ya, sweetheart" something lingering in the air.. these doctors are bought and paid for my a human organization!. They wreak of human filth! But you had to fight me on this-" the Cowboy continued.

"Blitzo isn't your, he's ours were his family!" growls the hellhound. Family means shit, coming from your mouth. I've been watching you little lady, real close like and all I see is that your too caught up living it up, being the life of the party! you never once considered him! so don't pull that shit with me! Striker snarls.

And, here I thought I'd be like a second father to ya, considering I'm not letting this one go, I've worked to hard to claim him.

The floor moved out from underneath them as the walls warped and oozed mud the hospital crumbles away before her eyes.

And that's when the dust clears and she see him dressed in his boss attire, using the last bit of willpower to pull Loona and Striker to him.

Blitzo twisted in Fizz's arms, Verosika clung to his hips her hand gliding across his chest only to settle into his open chest. Blitzo's hisses feeling the Sucubus start to nibble. While Stryker's face is burried into the crook of his neck. His teeth scraping across candy apple flesh A golden manacle around his neck.

Blitzo can't turn away feeling Stryker slide his knee between his legs. He forces Blitzo to look up towards a bloody throne, twisted and bent owl feather lay scattered across the floor.

Blitzo refuses to look at his daughter in the eyes, his eyes are glued onto the horrid murder scene of molted feather and a mutilated corpse of Prince Stolas.

Loona's mouth ran dry, the owl prince was unsuccessful in waking his little imp. Blitzo was far too weak to fight them all off.

A bullet whizzes in the air, Verosika screams as the bullet buries itself into her spine. The succubus's hands slip away as Fizzorolli grip tightens. Razor sharp teeth bite into the side of Blitzo's neck. Blitz groans reaching up, the scarlet imp winces as the clown continues to feed. Fizzorolli's grip tightens. From the lurking shadows a tail fizzes as a pair of glowing green eyes pierce right through him.

Loona stumbles back clutching her side as a burning pain spreads through her body she drops to her knees. this was too much too fast. what she was seeing wasn't real. Her head twisted back and forth there were two of them, three if she counted the one from the Hospital.

"Where the fuck did he slither of to" she wonders

Which one, she thought. Stryker's tail coils sliding up Blitzo's shirt rubbing his chest Blitzo gasps falling onto his knees and bringing Fizz down wit him. he could feel Fizz slowly slide down his panting exposing himself. Twisting around his upper thigh Blitzo bows his head trying to catch his breath blood dripping from his neck, his chest shredded by claws. His body burns as the Outlaw's clawed hand reaches up to cover his eyes.

"Fizzorolli licks his lips caressing Blitzo's chest he takes Verosika's place. one hand kneading Blitzo.

Another bullet rips from the looming shadows richening off the stairs. Followed by an eerie fizzing sound as it pierces the heart of Fizz's head the jester crumples to the ground his arms spiraling outwards only to lay limp at his side A smoldering hole in his head.

Blitzo fights his mouth running dry as Fizz tail slides out of his pants the jester's eyes starring back at him. laughing manically.

His mouth open as Stryker's tail coils around his neck. Brown mud swirls splattering across Blitzo's face his clawed hand digs into his chest as Stryker uses Blitzo as a shield. His voice is high pitched parody of the cowboy's. which had the hairs on the back of Loona's neck standing on edge.

The gunslinger could feel Blitzo's heartbeat pounding against the palm of his hand. His face a wild expression as he spots the steely green gaze of the original Striker poised his deadly weapon aimed at the distorted version of himself.

"Its time to wake up Blitz, its not real, none of it is- those bastards drugged you,"

There is nothing here sugar-cube, and that isn't me who hold you Striker shouts missing his hellish twin by a hair.

The golden chains and the heavy manacle that kept in place, disappears only to be replaced by a dirty rope as the hallucination sinks back twisting the rope with a sardonic smile on his face. \

"He's right you know" came the roughed up voice of the Boss imp, his throat burns after being unable to speak.

A muddy portal drips open, and everyone know where it leads. A skewed version of Millie's farm lingers in the giant mirror while the distorted form of Millie's family members call out. He grips the serpent's tail but the snake imp flick him up into the air firing his gun at both Loona and his double. Before catching Blitzo and hold him up by the neck, he squeeze's him drawing him tight against his body.

"Now where were we, darlin" the husky voice of the cowboy purrs into his ear. "your nothing but a tangible fear, a single fear! you all are! blitzo chokes he could feel the cowboy's claws dig into his flesh Stryker drags Blitzo, the imp's body is covered in mud and his white harlequin costume is saturated with blood.

Blitzo is pushed closer to the portal. "your nothing! Blitzo shouts wiping the mud from his mouth.

"This world isn't real its all in my head!" the Boss imp cries as the Outlaw draws closer to the gunslinger.

"Keep it up darlin and I'll have ya home by morning" Striker whispers under his breath.

Suddenly Blitzo screams as the hallucination cover his mouth twisting the rope around his jaws. "Figures you'd catch on eventually darlin, your the only one who holds sway to this world. So do me a favor sugar-cube, and shut up" growls the gunslinger.

His tail tightens as he presses Blitzo into the portal, Blitzo's claws scrape like mad. Loona leaps off the ground tackling the two to the ground Blitzo groans as Stryker hisses Loona grips Stryker by the vest snarling she grips his throat and lifts him up into the air.

"Stay away from my father!" she snarls.

"Now, now sweetheart were practically family, once I get done with your daddy I'm sure to teach you some manners" The nightmare's tail coils around Blitzo's throat.

"Release me hound, or your master dies, I've been feeding off him, that your little bites barely phase me.

Blitzo claws at the tail around his neck, the rope tightens across his mouth as Blitzo drops to the ground.

"Don't listen to him Loony," Blitzo thought. suddenly he was dropped to the ground, and then kicked. Stryker whips Loona across the face sending her flying across the muddy plains.

The outlaw is beside him wiping the mud from his face, Blitzo's eyes are blurry as he tries to focus on the cowboy's face humilation dripping off his body. The jingle of spurs, sends a shiver of fear shooting up Blitzo's spine. The jingle of spurs draws closer as Striker shields Blitzo he had to keep him away from the portal.

"Help me! help me to stand, Blitzo signals. trying to move the only way I see us getting out of this is if I stand and face him. The surrrealness of the moment wasn't lost to him Striker clenches his jaw as his own tail wraps around his neck his body is hoisted off the ground his eye is snapped shut as he got sprayed in the face with mud.

His arm quivers and shake as he aims the gun at himself. But the other with a twist of his tail causes the cowboy's weapon to fall to the muddy ground. Striker sinks his claws into the pale tail that whips him across the face cutting his cheek below his eye before being whipped into the air and flung into the mud next to Loona who was wiping the mud from her muzzle.

The Gunslinger's tail lashes out slapping Blitzo to the ground before winding around his throat he drags the imp through the murky mud and with mud dripping off his body, his tail fizzes like a rattler. Stryker's eyes are swirling hypnotic spirals his fangs drip with venom.

Unwilling to release his victim. "your nothing! Blitzo chokes out, nothing real!" the boss imp hisses. his eye tearing as Stryker's hand replaces his tail.

Blitzo screams as Stryker's tail crack his back with a loud slap. Stryker pull the crimson devil taut against him his hand resting against his hip as he grinds into his ass. Blitzo gasps falling into silence.

"Silence! snarls the imp I am better than anything here and that includes you, Blitzy"

"I can take care of you hear sugar-cube, you can feed me your energy and I can protect you from the outside world"

"I am addicted to your body, you might've been Stolas's plaything in the past, but darlin you've just got a new master- and he is eager to break you in" And I want to break you, It'll be like breaking the spirit of a wild horse, I'll ride you like a bronco into submission.

"YOUR NOT EVEN THE REAL STRIKER!" Blitzo hisses as the hallucinations gave a sharp thrust causing the boss imp to buckle. "Your telling me you prefer a treacherous snake over a wet dream like me Blitzy" the hallucination growls grabbing his tail. Blitzo coils his tail around his writs as Stryker unbuckles his pants.

Desperate to subdue Blitzo.

Blitzo's eyes widened as he tried to escape but the wrangler twists his finger in Blitzo's tail pulling the imp closer Blitzo snaps his tail throwing mud in his eyes. Stryker howls as he stumbles back.

The wrangler laughs gripping harshly onto Blitzo's tail and yanking him close, he thrusts into Blitzo from behind his tail wrapping around his waist . The thrusts were deep, and penetrating Blitzo chokes on his own tongue. his face was pressed into the mud as he was made to take in a deep lungful his body writhes his legs curl as pain twists and tears through his body.

A tail cracks against the mud, Blitzo claws at the mud, snarling at the grinning snake imp above.

He could feel the pressure build as the sounds of a pair of spurs approach.

The Cowboy, the original Striker, appears behind the distracted rogue, covered in blood and dirt.

One eye was bleeding, snapped shut. A snarl on his face. As he listens to Blitz cough up mud. Blitz cries out, feeling his hot seed enter his body. His stomach coils in repulsion As Striker bite down on his neck rutting. </p>

The Cowboy cocks his handgun back, with a look of disgust and murderous intent</p>

>His tail swishes his trigger finger itches. his teeth grind together, his eyes flicker with malice.

Repeat it with more conviction, Sugar

