

cosmicRider · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening in a Medieval Nightmare

Chapter 1: Awakening in a Medieval Nightmare

In the dim light of a moonless night, Thomas lay motionless on his tattered couch, a relic of his once-vibrant life. The room was awash in shadows, a fitting reflection of his existence since that fateful day in the MMA cage. Thomas had been a titan of the sport, an unstoppable force who had collected medals and adoration from fans worldwide. But as time passed, success had transformed him into something he had sworn never to become - arrogant.

His downfall had arrived on a night etched painfully into his memory. An opponent, younger and hungrier, had taken him down with brutal efficiency. It was a loss that shook the very core of his being, but the physical toll was even more profound. His back and shoulder bore the scars of that merciless bout, injuries that refused to heal despite numerous surgeries and endless hours of therapy.

As Thomas stared at his reflection in the cracked mirror, he could scarcely believe what he had become. Gone was the chiseled physique that had once defined him. In its place was a bulging mass of flesh, a stark reminder of the years spent sulking in self-pity, indulging in comfort foods and numbing his soul with alcohol. Friends had deserted him, fans had moved on, and his glory days were nothing but distant echoes.

One sweltering summer day, when the sun's unforgiving rays seared through his grimy windows, Thomas decided he couldn't bear the weight of his own disgrace any longer. He had to move, to find some semblance of redemption or, at the very least, a way to salvage the tattered remnants of his life.

Heaving himself off the couch, he wobbled unsteadily, his knees protesting the sudden activity. The room seemed to mock him, every faded trophy and dusty medal an indictment of his former self. With determination and pain etched across his features, he began to clear away the debris of his self-imposed exile.

Weeks turned into months as Thomas embarked on a journey of self-discovery, albeit a painfully slow one. He begrudgingly returned to the gym, confronting the memories of his past glories and failures head-on. The pain in his back and shoulder was a relentless companion, but he refused to surrender to it. Day by day, he shed pounds and excuses, rediscovering the discipline and drive that had once defined him.

But just as he was beginning to glimpse a flicker of his old self, fate intervened in the most unexpected way. On a crisp autumn morning, as Thomas strolled down a quiet suburban street, lost in thought, disaster struck. The world around him seemed to warp and twist, and before he could react, a modern steel beam plummeted from the sky, striking him down.

Pain seared through his body, far more intense than anything he had ever experienced in the MMA cage. His vision blurred, and his breaths came in ragged gasps. He was certain that this was the end, that his tumultuous journey through life was finally reaching its conclusion. But as darkness closed in, an inexplicable sensation washed over him.

The world around him dissolved into a kaleidoscope of swirling colors, and he felt weightless, as though he were suspended in the void between dimensions. It was a sensation both terrifying and exhilarating. Just when he thought he couldn't endure it any longer, the chaos subsided, and his vision cleared.

Thomas gasped for air, but the air he breathed was different. It was filled with unfamiliar scents - the earthiness of damp soil, the scent of animals, and the distant hint of wood smoke. As he pushed himself up from the ground, he realized that something was profoundly wrong. The clothes he wore were not his own; they were rough-hewn and smelled of age and dust.

Confusion gripped him as he surveyed his surroundings. Gone were the familiar streets and buildings of the 21st century. Instead, he found himself in a vast, open field surrounded by dense woods. The moonless night sky above was unblemished by the glow of city lights, and the only illumination came from the myriad of stars that sprawled across the heavens.

"Where...where am I?" Thomas muttered to himself, his voice trembling with uncertainty. He looked down at his hands, which now bore calluses and scratches, as if he had been engaged in hard labor. Panic began to well up inside him, and he realized that he had no recollection of how he had arrived in this bewildering place.

As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, the distant sound of hooves clattering on cobblestone caught his attention. Turning toward the noise, he saw a group of mounted figures approaching. They rode under the dim light of lanterns, their faces obscured by cloaks and hoods. In their midst was a carriage, its wooden wheels creaking as it rolled over the uneven terrain.

Fear gnawed at Thomas's heart as he watched the approaching procession. He had no idea who these people were or what they wanted, and the unfamiliarity of his surroundings only added to his growing unease. He took a step back, his mind racing with a thousand questions and no answers in sight.

The cloaked figures drew nearer, and Thomas's heart pounded in his chest. It was then that he realized the enormity of his situation. He was no longer in the 21st century, in the world he had known. He had been transported to a place that felt ancient and foreign, a world unlike any he had ever known.