

Chapter 5

The day was as beautiful as the gates which lead into Aunt Josephine's courtyard. Jordan was mesmerized by all of the decorated art placed so perfectly to capture a visitor's eye. The gates were all ready opened as if their arrival was expected. Jordan gasped at seeing the colorful butterflies adorned intricately within it's unique pattern.

A pond which was positioned in the center of the circular drive held a fountain. The fountain featured a life sized sculpture of a small girl sitting on the ground near an oak tree holding out her hand that a butterfly sat upon. Water poured down into the pond from the sculptures edge. As Victor assisted the driver with unloading their luggage, Jordan walked over to the pond to get a closer look at the little girl. To her amazement she was startled when the girls head moved in her direction. She smiled and giggled then turned her head back to it's original position. Jordan also noticed movement in the butterfly.

"Jared come, look, the girl head moves and the butterfly wings have movement too."

Jared walked over and stood in front of the little girl. She did the same with him as with Jordan.

"I remember reading about life like sculptures in my technology class. Her face looks familiar."

The twins moved closer to investigate the little girls face. Seeing their interest in the fountain, Desiree approached standing behind them.

"The sculpture is of your Aunt Jo as a child. From the artwork I see around the courtyard she has very expensive taste."

The driver said his goodbyes and thanked Victor for the generous tip.

"Enjoy our wonderful city. My card if you need my services again."

"Thank you." Acknowledged Victor.

Victor joined his family by the fountain.

"What an enchanting sculpture."

"Mother said it's Aunt Josephine." Jordan replied.

"Well she was indeed a lovely child. Shall we go find her?"

The twins took off running down a path leading to a very large stunning house. A couple of private bungalows used by guest that Jo entertained were in view as the family proceeded up the path.

"Slow down you two, you are not home."

"Let them have fun Desiree, they're not hurting anything."

"I thought Aunt Josephine was home, I don't see anyone."

"Did you inform her we were arriving a day early?"

"No, I wanted to surprise her."

Victor was about to reply but, they had caught up to the twins. They were standing in front of superlative Mahogany double doors touching the carved butterflies. Victor could tell that the carpenter hired for this particular task truly was a master of his craft. The butterflies seemed as though they were about to take flight.

"By the look of the doors and everything I've seen so far, your aunt is a very wealthy woman. I know she sold her interest to your mother in the family ranch but, that money didn't buy all of this."

Desiree nodded her head in agreement with Victor.

To the left and right of the main entrance were covered walkways which flanked the house leading to two separate doors. Jared walked over to see what the sign on the door to the left read. He heard sounds coming from inside.

"Father I hear voices in this room named Kama...Sutra. What's Kama Sutra?"

Red flags went up in Victor's head. Desiree grabbed for Jordan but, she'd already ran past her headed for the door.

"Victor! Stop her."

Moving as fast as he could Victor positioned himself in front of the door impeding entrance to the twins eager curiosity.

"Victor please take the children to the courtyard." Urged Desiree.

As Victor and the twins turned to leave the door to the Kama Sutra room opened.

"Desiree. You are here?"

"Yes Aunt Josephine. We are here."

Desiree's hand movement gestured towards her family.

"This is indeed a surprise. I didn't expect to see you until tomorrow. A heads up would have been appropriate."

Desiree's voice became loud.

"What is going on here? Why do you have a Kama Sutra room? And, why didn't you give me a heads up?"

Desiree was fuming but, before she could continue to interrogate her aunt a familiar face appeared behind Josephine.


There stood Maximo Léon, Max to his family and friends. Desiree's elusive father. The man who left her mother with a broken heart. The man who was barely present in her life.

"Wait, what the hell is going on here aunt Jo? Are you two living together? Mother always avoided telling me the story of why your relationship was so strained for all these years. Why you left home the way you did. Why you avoided being in each others lives. But, now I see."

Josephine stepped aside to let Maximo by. Desiree looked at her father in disbelief. He was as handsome as ever, it was as though she was looking at a male image of herself. She knew her father was a man with a wondering eye but, she never connected him to Josephine. Never.

"I was baffled when mother would refer to you as a Harlot but, all is clear. She is your sister! Of ALL the men in the world you had to FUCK! my papa?"


Desiree turned to Victor's sharp voice, she was unaware that the twins were listening, she thought Victor had taken them to the courtyard.

"Why are they still here? Can you please just take them out front?"

"Jared, Jordan, go to the courtyard and keep an eye on our luggage. We will join you shortly, okay."

"Yes father." Jared replied.

As the twins were walking away they over heard Aunt Josephine's words to their mother.

"You remind me of Vivian, the proper Bitch would have "Bitch Fits" too."

Before Jo could continue her berating about Vivian, Desiree slapped her with a vicious force.

"I refuse to be talked down to by the likes of you. My family will not be staying here. Mother tried to warn me about you without revealing your past. But, NO! I wanted the twins to see you. Jordan insisted on visiting here. She's only seen you once or, has it been more…?"

Desiree turned quickly to Victor he could see in her eyes at that moment she knew. She was putting the pieces together.

"Victor Cooper St. John! Please tell me what I'm thinking is not true."

"I… don't know what you're thinking."

"The hell you don't. You've been taking the twins to visit Aunt Jo. But, not here because they are not familiar with this place. So, where? And, when?"

"Desiree we will discuss this later, right now I think we have a more pressing issue to deal with."

"NO! Damn it, NOW! Right NOW!"

"See I told you, "Bitch Fits", just like her mom."

Desiree and Josephine started an all out argument. Every word more insulting than the next.

"Can I get a little help here?" Victor yelled to Maximo. He was trying to defuse the turbulent display of anger.

"Son, I learned a long time ago not to get between two women when emotions are running high."

"She's your daughter."

"And? She's your wife."

Victor grabbed Desiree and, Maximo Josephine.

"Good luck finding a hotel. The World Cup is being played here and ALL accommodations have been booked for months."

"Then we will fly to our apartment in Paris." she shouted to Jo.

Victor had had enough, he knew he had to get control of the situation fast.

"We will be staying here. It's the twins birthday, Jordan's choice was to come here. I didn't rearrange my schedule and meetings to fly to Spain and leave in one day."

Maximo looked between Jo and Desiree saying "You two will have to make this work for the children. Right now you both are acting like spoiled brats."

Feeling chastised Jo said, "I don't mind them staying. I adore the twins. The bungalow's are ready for your visit. One for the twins and the other for you. Each has two bedrooms and two baths. They are out back by the pool."

Victor gestured to Maximo.

"Please keep them apart while I go get the twins and the luggage."

"Will do." A smiling Maximo laughed.

Victor rushed off to retrieve the twins hoping to return to a peaceful environment. That was not to be. As soon as he and the twins approached the others he heard the words, "Sex Bots".

"You have Sex Bots here? This day just keeps getting better and better. Aunt Jo please tell me what is it that you do exactly? And, how is my papa involved?"

Victor piped in. "Can we settle the twins in their bungalow first, away from this very adult conversation."

"Yes that would be best. Come, follow me." Jo opened the doors to the house.

"Welcome to my home, please feel free to explore. The house only." She said while looking directly at the twins. "And, of course enjoy your very own bungalow."

Jordan was smiling from ear to ear with excitement.

They followed Jo through a well-appointed Great room to the sleek sliding patio doors which, opened to a huge lanai with a sparkling infinity pool. A view of the private pristine beach was only a few steps away.

"There is a trail that leads to the beach. Your rooms are this way twins."

The St. John family was captivated by the enchanted look and beauty of it all.

"Though I'm not happy with what we've discovered so far, I must say you have exquisite taste Aunt Jo."

"Thank you."

"You may swim at your leisure dear ones. I have made sure the both of you will never forget this birthday."

"I think we're already off to a good start." Remarked Desiree.

"Desiree!" Warned Victor.



"Shall we go inside you two?" Desiree rolled her eyes at Victor as she escorted the twins into the bungalow.

Maximo sat down by the pool while Jo showed the amenities to the twins and their parents. He knew he had some explaining to do. Old ghost were coming back to haunt him. He like Jo didn't expect their arrival this early. Max was just going to deliver the new Sex Bots and enjoy Jo's company leaving without Desiree's knowledge of him being there.

Victor felt safe enough to leave the women with the twins. It seemed as though they were focused on making them happy. He excused himself walking outside to find Max, intending to get some answers before the ladies joined them.

"Please have a seat Victor."

Maximo was sitting in a chair by the pool smoking a cigar.