

SadaoMaou · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The Awakening

Constellation Emperor's vision became clear he saw a ' beautiful women with long brown hair, fable eyes pale white skin, luxurious clothes ' he understood that she was his mother in this life she was praising Argus for his looks next to her there was his uncle who had Grey hair,silver eyes and pale white skin he was carrying a long sword in his hand while releasing murderous aura Argus's mother said " stop little brother Rex don't release your murderous aura or else I'll just shred you into pieces " Rex says "big sis Hira it's not my fault I just returned from a battlefield after killing 10 thousand soldiers their minimum level was 6th rank intermediate mage " and they started to quarrel then a voice came all hail Grandparents of new born delmar THE Sovereign of aquatic realms and the patriarch of Delmar family - Alvis Delmar and The royal guardian of woods and duchess of Delmar family - Alana Delmar every bowed their head and started give to greet them

Argus was shocked

Suddenly a royal horse cart appeared in the air it came and a old man with white hair and white beard , red and blue eyes representing Fire and water ,royal clothes came out he was Alvis Delmar and a old women from elf race with white hair, spring eyes , royal elven dress came out she was Alana Delmar

When they saw their grandchild they w felt a emotion of overwhelming joy as the grandmother Alana told I'll give him a good name every one agreed She told "he will become the guardian of sorcery and no one would ever harm him so I will name him Argus ! Argus Delmar ! " everyone liked the name except Argus himself he told not again ! (he shouted no one understood it )

Alvis Delmar told my grand son will be a Legendary sorcerer .Everyone came and started giving Argus some gifts . Alvis Delmar chants a spell and creates a protective barrier around him . Alana Delmar gave her Grandson sprit seal which gave Argus a ability to make bond with any creature for once and a ability to create spritual space beyond time and space for his familiar. Argus thinks he is very lucky because he got the highest rank seal.

Hira Delmar gave a healing technique named aquatic healing that could heal his small wounds.Rex Delmar gave him craddle with wood,earth,wind attributes and other siblings of his mother gave him 50kg gold,100kg silver and a bag full of salt.

Argus' thinks he is back where he started he had 9 official disciples and founder of Delmar family was my unofficial disciple he was most powerful person at that time.He thinks that Aaron Delmar had left something before his death because he teaches his disciples to leave something for their desendants and Aaron had some idea of Argus's future reincarnation and he decides find it'.

Argus checks his consciousness and finds many techniques ,ancient symbols , spells , etc were revolving around a Golden orb upon that their was a golden light in a shape of a sword . He laughed and told 'my techniques , throne , sword has reincarnatedwith me' .

Argus told that for ' his break through he needs to create an array and chants few spells and at last he was successful to create it by sunset . He tries to use his techniques but with his current strength could unlock only 1 skill which was "Divine eyes" when Argus tries it his eyes becomes golden and he gets a shock that this Delmar family has 4 low rank Bloodline, 3 intermediate Bloodline and 1 advanced rank Bloodline but most surprising thing is they have "Supreme Divine Bloodline named Azure Bloodline".

Argus knew that he didn't awaken any Bloodline after thinking some time he drops the idea becausehedidn't even had aability to cultivate.

Argus came back to the present time when he opened his eyes he saw few people running towards him after 'they asked him about his health' and after knowing his health condition then they

blamed each other and started fighting by one person named 'Orion The Strombringer' casted a wind spell called "Gale blade" he realized that he was in Wind Empire then another person named 'Professer Lyra The Runeblade' created a formation named the '100 sword slashes' in the time when both technique clashed there a voice came and destroyed their technique destroyed their attacks voice said "it's not allowed to fight in our Whirlwind academy" They both recognized the voice of their headmaster "Oliver The Cyclone Sage"of the academy they both apologized to each other.That voice told you both come to my hall then Argus told headmaster that 'I want to go to the woods for cultivation' Invisible being told "permission granted".

In the night Constellation Emperor reached the forest and he told "it's the time" he sees here and there but there were no one near so he focuses upon mana in the environment and absorbs it while concentrating it in the center of the body to create a core after few minutes he succeeded and Golden light pillar appeared Everyone rushed to him When they saw Argus every became cheerful because Argus not only unlocked all 580 meridians with highest rank and also created highest ranked white core he also awakened the 'Primodial physic'name Dual Elemental Body with water another element no one knew it was one of the strongest Light except Argus Sect leader and that and there a emotional movement where everyone were crying due to he took a breathe of peace and he says Oh! I'm saved at last .

Except Argus no one knew that he created 2 cores Black and White

in addition to it he didn't awaken Dual Elemental Body but awakened Primodial Supreme Divine 9 Elemental physic which was Most power physic in Elemental realm . Argus was happy because his previous life's physic had an ability to change itself in most powerful physic in that particular realm.

'Argus thought that why was he in a very small room of a academy in Wind Empire then he checked his memory

then he saw