
the complicated me

I born and brought in a very simple family..where I may not have lot of money..nd lot of love but yeah..lot of people around..... sometimes where I need to find out my own space to breathe....a family where guest's are treated like as if God has itself came to meet...rest we as a family members.. were not really that important...And that's the irony of life..we hardly give Importance to the people who are around...But this is how it is..Being a girl child I so gifted with lot of social obligation, dos and don't..and trust me and I was so ok with it..I accepted it all as I believe girls are supposed to be raise like that only..I mean this is how we girls are..my mother..my elder sister...and so many girls around me...All were given the same set of rules...we have a society for wat we are doing this all..to get fit into it....so the conclusion is..we girls need to know how to fit in...like in every phase of Life...I remember when as a kid I have never been taught that you should do things that makes u feel happy..but..I should do what makes other people Happy...so that I can fit into their expectations...and still I was ok with it...and what my idea to escape is that this is how we girls should be treated like...so question is..it was my fault that I didn't raise my voice?? Since I was really unaware what the reality was.... isn't it more easy to fit in the situations.. Rather than fighting against whole lot of people especially your loved ones and when you actually don't know that what we have to fight for.. yesh that's the point...why to make things complicated for you.