
the color of blue

Shinnoya_Mcleod · Ciudad
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the color blue..start within you

Subaru Armin is a fourteen year old boy who think the world is sh*t he normally play virtual games or go out to buy new games. He thinks school is foolishness so he didnt bother waste is time going every day he lives with is mother Melisa, an his father Shinobi is younger, sister an brother. Subaru he doesn't have any friends in the real world only in the virtual games which is name mobile legendary is user name is still Subaru Armin he is the best ranking game player in the world Subaru start to play the game to escape from the real world because it was sh*t for him he has two friends in the game Sabrina an Reiner. Sabrina care's alot about sabaru because is attitude in the game an in real is actually the same so Sabrina of to get is head straight . Reiner is Subaru close friend they argue alot like two idiots but he respect those two friends.they meet a little village name Midlothian it was a nice village to visit until the kite army destroy half of the village" thousands of people was kill children's an adult was killed. some person's evacuated the village only person who didn't have any where to go stay some die at the same spot because of starvation an health problems person even start to develop diseases that are serious . To be continue

let's see if this story get any likes if it interest y'all I will continue to write but if it's foolishness I will stop...

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