
The Coldest Heart in Etheria (BL)

In a world filled with simplicity and joy, where peace is a shared privilege, not everyone embraces the mundane. Welcome to Etheria, a realm where magic is real—mythical creatures, sorcery, dark magic, and potions coexist with everyday life. For some, Etheria is not just a place; it's home. Enter Etheria, School of Magic and Enchantment, where every impossibility is a potential reality. Here, the extraordinary is an everyday occurrence, and the unexpected is the norm. Our narrative unfolds through the eyes of Nolan Alexander Starr, a seemingly tough soul with a heart softer than the most delicate enchantment. As Nolan commences his journey as a student at Etheria, his story delves into resilience, magical revelations, and the forging of unforeseen connections. "The Coldest Heart in Etheria" invites you to immerse yourself in a world where chilling exterior may conceal the most enchanting depths. Accompany Nolan as he unravels the mysteries within Etheria, discovering warmth in unexpected places and unveiling the extraordinary hidden in the ordinary.

miku_miyuzumi · Fantasía
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10 Chs

08: Eldryn the Great


Professor Harold Guindell's Potion and Powder class had always been an intriguing adventure, but today, my anticipation was heightened by the diary we'd acquired the previous night. As the professor animatedly discussed the alchemical wonders born from the fusion of unicorn hairs and a touch of glowing power, my mind couldn't help but drift towards the secrets hidden within the ancient pages.

"By mixing a unicorn's hairs and adding a little glowing power, an interesting item can be made, such as?" Professor Guindell posed the thought-provoking question to the class. While my classmates seemed engrossed, my thoughts lingered on the untold tales waiting to be unraveled within the diary's brittle pages.

Ana, always attentive and ready to contribute, raised her hand. "Yes, Ms. Van der Berg?" acknowledged the professor.

With a confident stance, Ana stood up and replied, "The concoction will create a hair glowing serum." The professor's nod signaled her correctness, and my imagination ran wild with the possibilities of such a mystical potion.

"That's correct, and what is the purpose of such a serum?" Professor Guindell continued the discussion, engaging Ana in a playful exchange. Ana, ever witty, responded, "If you want to stand out, or if a rock star wizard is going to have a concert," eliciting laughter from the entire class.

"Thank you, Ms. Van der Berg," the professor acknowledged, his tone light and encouraging. As he distributed papers detailing the materials required for the next class, my curiosity heightened. The diary would have to wait; practical magic beckoned.

"For our upcoming class, please gather the necessary materials. Some can be found around our campus, and others are available for purchase in Etherdale. Feel free to acquire them before our next meeting. Until then, take care, and you are now free to leave," concluded Professor Guindell. The promise of new enchantments and the quest for magical ingredients awaited us.

After gathering my belongings, I joined Ana, Allison, and Luke, who were already waiting. The chill in the air indicated the onset of winter in Etheria, prompting Ana to wear her mittens for warmth. We decided to head south towards the magical forest, where Eldryn's wisdom awaited us.

"Why do we need purple spotted mushrooms? They tend to be quite pricey," Allison pondered, scrutinizing the paper handed out during class. 

"Well, they are rare, grown in the moist parts of the forest, and quite poisonous if not handled professionally," I explained, setting the stage for our journey into the enchanted woods.

Luke, always practical, speculated, "I guess our next lesson must be about poison powder" cautioning us about the slippery steps as we descended the stone stairs.

Finally reaching the grass field, we entered the magical forest, where the air seemed to hum with ancient secrets. As we approached Eldryn's hut, the comforting sight of smoke emanating from the chimney assured us that the great elf was at home.

"He's home," I whispered, glancing at the diary tucked safely in my bag. The excitement of the upcoming lesson and the warmth of Eldryn's hut filled our thoughts.

"Eldryn?" I called out, knocking on the door. "It's me, Nolan. The four of us are here. Can we come in?" The anticipation hung in the air until Eldryn's soft, old voice responded, "Nolan? Nolan Starr?"

"Yup, it's me," I affirmed, pushing the door open. The familiar scent of Eldryn's abode wrapped around me like an old friend. The room, with its timeless charm, triggered memories of countless visits.

"Well, this is quite nostalgic," Ana remarked, capturing the sentiment that enveloped us. As we inhaled the delicious aroma wafting from the pot on the stove, I couldn't help but wonder about the magical concoctions Eldryn had prepared for us this time.

"Is that Eldryn's special soup?" I inquired, moving closer to inspect the pot. "Of course, it is. What else could it be?" Eldryn chuckled, revealing his wrinkled yet warm smile—the same smile that had greeted me since my first visit.

"Eldryn!" we exclaimed collectively, our voices resonating with gratitude and excitement. In the heart of the magical forest, surrounded by ancient trees and the wisdom of this being, we felt a sense of belonging that only Etheria could offer. There it stood the greatest elf of Etheria, Eldryn the Great.

"Kids, my, you have grown," Eldryn said, casting his gaze over all of us. Luke, ever thoughtful, pulled something from his bag and handed Eldryn his favorite treat, a blueberry pie. "For you, our beloved friend," Luke's face lit up with a smile. "My favorite blueberry pie. Thank you," Eldryn exclaimed, his appreciation evident.

"We should've visited earlier. We're so sorry; a lot has happened, especially during the Welcoming Party," I expressed, offering a sincere apology. Eldryn, showing concern, responded, "Don't worry, Nolan. I'm aware that you also fell victim to poisoning. How are you feeling now?"

"I wouldn't be here if I was not, right?" I chuckled, sharing a lighthearted moment that brought laughter to the room. In that laughter, my heart swelled with joy.

"Eldryn, we are here to ask you some questions," Ana interjected, smoothly shifting the conversation. Eldryn, still focused on cooking soup, inquired, "What is it that I can do for you?"

Ana got straight to the point, asking about the late Headmaster Stefano Marchessi. Eldryn paused from his soup preparation, turning to us. "Oh my, the unfortunate Mr. Bright Loving Creature. He was genuinely kind, especially towards us peculiar beings. He was one of a kind," Eldryn reminisced, his words carrying a sense of both admiration and sorrow for the departed headmaster.

"Why don't we all sit down first for some warm meal and tea? I'll tell my story while we are eating," Eldryn suggested. We all nodded in agreement and settled at the long table with small chairs, mindful of Eldryn's elven stature. Eldryn resumed his soup preparation, and we waited patiently, eager to hear the tale that would unfold along with the warmth of the meal.

"We used to fit in here, now it's just we're big," Allison remarked, attempting to find a comfortable position on the diminutive chair. "We have grown, Allison, that's what it is," Ana replied, trying to balance on her own petite seat.

Eldryn, ever gracious, began arranging bowls and spoons while adding the final touches to the soup. "Suvir maethon dîn anhûin," Eldryn pronounced in Elvish, presenting the steaming meal with a graceful flourish. The aroma of the soup wafted through the air as he placed bowls in front of each of us, with the enticing blueberry pie at the center of the table.

"Mae govannen, mellon nîn," Eldryn uttered in Elvish, marking the commencement of the meal. We all echoed in unison, "Mae govannen." As we indulged in the warm soup and delectable blueberry pie, memories flooded my mind. I couldn't help but reminisce about the times we spent here, the first being when we helped Eldryn deliver books to the library.

Eldryn, a storyteller at heart, regaled us with tales of dragons, wizard bandits, and myths and legends about Etheria. Over time, our visits to this quaint abode became a tradition, a time to check in on each other and seek Eldryn's wisdom. This time, however, we had a different purpose—to inquire about the late headmaster.

"Eldryn, we found this at the late headmaster's office," I informed him, handing over the diary. Eldryn opened the diary and scanned its pages. His eyes revealed a mix of emotions, clearly missing the person and recalling cherished memories.

"This notebook holds a lot of his memories here," Eldryn remarked, closing the book and placing it on the table.

"Mr. Bright Loving Creature, he was the kindest of them all. No one compares to him, but it all changed when he became the President of the Government of Magic," Eldryn shared, taking a sip of the soup.

"Is that when the mad wizard was defeated?" I asked, and Eldryn, taking a sip of tea, responded, "Yes, but before that." He continued his narrative, detailing the headmaster's journey, "After his time here as headmaster, he was offered to be one of the Holy Orders, representing Etheria. He refused, saying he wants to focus his time in mythical creatures, the animal lover he is. But then, he was elected as the President, he accepted it, and with that opportunity, he shows his world his love for mythical creatures, to us, he fought for our rights." Eldryn expressed with genuine sincerity; enduring the perception of being an outsider for many years must have been challenging. Despite the difficulties, the late headmaster did what was necessary, and I hold deep admiration for his actions.

"After that success, the mad wizard appeared, and I guess you all know how the first Seven Holy Orders sacrificed themselves?" Eldryn inquired, and we nodded in acknowledgment.

"That's when things started to change. After that incident, each time he visited, he got worse and worse. Until one night, I snuck into his old office. He was going crazy, like someone possessed Mr. Bright Loving Creature," Eldryn said with a somber tone.

He retrieved the diary, opened a particular entry, and cast a spell in Elvish. The letters flew out, forming a haze of memory smoke. Within the mist, Eldryn's memories and those of the headmaster unfolded, revealing the haunting transformation that had occurred over time.

[Memory Haze]


"What happened to you?! You've changed!" I exclaimed with frustration, unable to comprehend the drastic transformation before me. This wasn't the person I once knew; he had evolved, but for the worse. My anger surfaced as I confronted him while he continued writing in his notebook and signing his signature.

"I don't know! I don't know! I'm trying my best to stop, but..." he began, pulling at his hair in a desperate display of frustration and anger. "I can't stop it. It's gotten into me."

His cries pierced the air, a cacophony of pain, anger, frustration, and sadness. Each emotion seemed to blend into the next as he sobbed, his appearance now a reflection of the internal turmoil. His once-neat hair was a mess, facial hair thicker, under eyes dark as charcoal, and his sanity slipping away.

"I have to hide it. I have to! Hide it! Hide!" he declared, descending into hysteria, panicking and creating chaos around him.

"What is it?! What are you going to hide?!" I demanded, following his frantic movements. His mind was clearly in no condition to think straight.

"The book! Book! Dark book! Wizard go boom!" he exclaimed in a nonsensical manner. The realization struck me; it must be the book he confiscated from the mad wizard. That dark tome was the catalyst for his disturbing transformation.

"Must hide it!" he continued, hastily packing his belongings, driven by a frantic urgency to distance himself from the ominous influence of the book.

"Hold on, where is the book?" I questioned him firmly, seeking answers. He froze, stopping mid-action. Slowly, he retrieved something from his suitcase and turned towards me. In his hand, he held a black book with burned pages, exuding an indescribable dark energy. It felt sinister and perilous, leaving me to wonder about its origin.

"With me, and I... must... hide... it," he uttered, the gravity of his words sinking in. His demeanor shifted from delirium to seriousness. Nervousness gripped me, and fear clouded my eyes as he placed the ominous book back into his suitcase and closed it.

"Farewell, Eldryn. I will miss you dearly," he whispered, and with that, he left. The air hung heavy with uncertainty, leaving me standing there, grappling with the weight of the mysterious and sad events that had just unfolded.

[End of Memory Haze]

"Whatever the content of the book is, it's the one responsible for his changes. That book, that's the one that took my dear friend. He is the reason he suffered a painful destiny," Eldryn conveyed emotionally, and as the memory haze faded, our faces reflected the sorrowful impact of the revelation. Witnessing all of that must have been exceptionally hard for Eldryn.

In an attempt to calm my emotions, I took a bite of my blueberry pie. The sweet taste provided a small respite from the weight of the revelations.

"Eldryn, do you know where he might have hidden it?" Luke inquired, continuing our investigation. Eldryn flipped the page and pointed at the last entry.

"'Happy Ending,' that's where I'm assuming he hid it," Eldryn shared, leaving all of us puzzled.

"What is 'Happy Ending'?" Ana asked for clarification.

"It's not a what, it's a where," Eldryn clarified.

"Well, where is where?" Allison added, seeking more details.

"Not here. But it's where Nolan's mother came from," Eldryn stated, directing everyone's attention towards me. The revelation left me in shock.

"You mean? He hid it in the charmless world?" I sought confirmation, trying to comprehend the unexpected connection.

"Yes, after all, his family is charmless, he is the only one with charm, and 'Happy Ending' was the tavern where he used to hang out a lot. That is where he celebrated with his family when he became President of the Government of Magic," Eldryn explained. A heavy silence settled among us as we processed the newfound information. The forbidden book was in the charmless world.

This revelation marked the beginning of an undoubtedly challenging adventure.

Hello everyone! I hope you are all liking my story so far. Don't be shy to leave comments and feedbacks, they are highly appreciated. Thank you for all the support!

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