
The Coldest Heart in Etheria (BL)

In a world filled with simplicity and joy, where peace is a shared privilege, not everyone embraces the mundane. Welcome to Etheria, a realm where magic is real—mythical creatures, sorcery, dark magic, and potions coexist with everyday life. For some, Etheria is not just a place; it's home. Enter Etheria, School of Magic and Enchantment, where every impossibility is a potential reality. Here, the extraordinary is an everyday occurrence, and the unexpected is the norm. Our narrative unfolds through the eyes of Nolan Alexander Starr, a seemingly tough soul with a heart softer than the most delicate enchantment. As Nolan commences his journey as a student at Etheria, his story delves into resilience, magical revelations, and the forging of unforeseen connections. "The Coldest Heart in Etheria" invites you to immerse yourself in a world where chilling exterior may conceal the most enchanting depths. Accompany Nolan as he unravels the mysteries within Etheria, discovering warmth in unexpected places and unveiling the extraordinary hidden in the ordinary.

miku_miyuzumi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

06: The Story Untold


As the elemental spells class concluded, my friends and I strolled leisurely back into the bustling campus. Students hurriedly passed by, eager to reach their next class, while we took our time, still animatedly discussing the duel that had just unfolded.

"That was awesome, Nolan, you kicked his ass," Ana exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

"I still couldn't believe it, you almost drowned the next heir of the Valois family," Luke chimed in, still in shock from the intense duel.

"I don't know, guys," I said, turning to face them, a hint of doubt lingering in my mind. "Don't you think I went too far?"

"Too far?!" they all exclaimed in unison, their eyes conveying disbelief at my question.

"He deserves all of that, after all these years of him being an asshole to all of us," Allison interjected, a reminder of the relentless torment we had endured from Leon and his friends since our first year.

"Yeah, yeah, you guys are right," I conceded, nodding my head. "It was kinda fun beating his ass." A smile spread across my face, and soon, the four of us burst into laughter, finding humor in the events that transpired earlier.

Now, let me clarify something. I might have mentioned being attracted to Leon, but that attraction wasn't always there. Especially in our earlier years at Etheria, Leon embodied the term "spoiled brat." He and his clique tormented everyone, always getting away with it due to the influence of his mother, Mrs. Lumine Blanche Valois-Noir, a prominent figure in Etheria.

Mrs. Lumine Blanche Valois-Noir, from what I heard, was a beloved figure during her time at Etheria. She possessed a softness that could be compared to a red rose, captivating everyone with her charm. Despite their family's reputation for employing dark arts, she defied people's expectations by being the exact opposite of what they assumed her to be. On the other hand, Leon's father, strong and kind-hearted, radiated a warmth that could be likened to a lion, a source of strength and gentleness combined.

Despite his parents embodying the virtues of a red rose and a lion, Leon seemed to have forged his own path—one marked by a demeanor that contradicted the very essence of his family's legacy. It was a paradox that intrigued and perplexed me, and one that made me wonder about the hidden complexities within his upbringing.

Reflecting on my first encounter with Leon in year 1, I recalled extending a friendly hand, only to be met with disdain. He refused friendship, deeming me unworthy due to my supposedly charmless background. It was then that I found solace in my three current friends, who welcomed me and made me feel accepted.

Fast forward to year 3, during a fútbol practice, they managed to tamper with the showers. After the session, we unsuspectingly used the showers, only to discover that our hair had turned an unfortunate shade of green. The absurdity of the situation left us enduring the green hair ordeal for a laughable two weeks.

These were just a few instances among the countless pranks Leon and his cronies had pulled on us. The damage had been done, leaving scars that couldn't be erased. Perhaps it wasn't entirely wrong to revel in a little laughter at his defeat. Retribution had its own sense of satisfaction, and for the first time, I felt a sense of justice in getting back at him.

My friends and I couldn't contain our laughter as we walked to our next class, reveling in the aftermath of Nolan almost submerging Leon. The air was light, and we were savoring the moment when an interruption abruptly silenced us.

"Aren't the students supposed to be attending their classes at this time?" a deep, harsh voice accused us. Our laughter came to an abrupt halt, and we turned our attention to the source of the voice. I recognized him immediately.

"Alfonso Valois."

Yep, you heard it right. A member of the infamous Valois family—father of the Ministry of Dark Magic and Leon's uncle. His imposing presence cast a shadow over us.

"You fools should not be squandering your time on frivolous laughter, especially when the times call for powerful and skilled wizards," he scolded, eyeing us as if we were mere weaklings. I straightened my posture, meeting his gaze with defiance. I refused to be intimidated by this old wizard.

"I believe our laughter is justified, given the circumstance that Nolan came close to submerging your nephew," Ana responded confidently.

Alfonso chuckled dismissively, "Well, what can you anticipate from that feeble individual? My sister fell under the spell of a charmless man. In the end, they married and bore a child who doesn't even compare to my dear Theodore." His insulting words stung, especially when aimed at Leon.

"You don't know what he's capable of," I retorted. Alfonso seemed taken aback by my response, turning his attention to me and closing the distance between us.

"Well, what is he capable of?" he asked mockingly, a smirk playing on his lips. I met his eyes without flinching.

"Capable of being better than you," I declared loudly. I must have struck a nerve because his expression soured at my words.

"Why, you!" He was about to cast a spell, and we were ready to fight back when, out of nowhere, Professor Felix Marlowe intervened.

"Students, it's time for class, now," Professor Marlowe declared, stepping between us. Alfonso Valois reluctantly diverted his attention to the headmaster.

"Greetings, Mr. Alfonso Valois. It's a pleasure to have you visit our cherished school. May I inquire about the purpose of your visit?" Professor Marlowe asked, professional and composed. Alfonso responded, "I've come to engage in a discussion with the headmaster, Professor," looking at him with an air of formality.

"I suppose it's a private matter?" Professor Marlowe inquired further. "Very private," came the cryptic reply.

With a gesture from the professor, we were urged to leave, "Well, what are the four of you waiting for? Carry on to your class." We didn't waste any time and left swiftly, relieved that the confrontation was avoided.

"Goodness, is he genuinely preparing to engage in a battle with a group of students?" Allison exclaimed once we were out of earshot.

"The Valois family is exceptionally peculiar; the only one who seems conventional is Leon's mother," Ana remarked.

"Guys, are we neglecting the crucial detail that the scoundrel mentioned?" I reminded them. They looked at me curiously, seemingly having forgotten it.

Drawing them closer, I whispered, "Leon's dad is charmless." Their expressions shifted to utter shock. It was a revelation they couldn't quite believe.

"Let's go to class first, then we discuss everything. Tonight, we'll continue the search," Luke suggested, and we all nodded in agreement. We gathered ourselves and headed to the classroom, leaving behind the tense encounter. This day would undoubtedly be etched in our memories.

Nolan. Dining Hall.

The classes had come to an end, and night had fallen. My friends and I sat in the dining hall, quietly having dinner. The fatigue of the day lingered in the air, and a lot had transpired, adding to the weariness.

Breaking the silence, Ana spoke up, "Don't play with your foods; we still have something to do tonight." I nodded, swallowing a mouthful of mashed potatoes and taking a sip of water. Piercing a large piece of turkey with my fork, I focused on my food.

"Let's keep it as discreet as possible. We'll be in big trouble if someone finds out," Luke suggested, and I continued to devour my meal. As I looked around the dining hall, my eyes inadvertently wandered over to the table of the House of Viguier.

Setting my cup down, I noticed that Leon was absent. The three troublemakers from his group were present, but he was nowhere to be seen. Was it because his uncle visited, or was it lingering effects from the earlier duel? Something seemed off about him today, and it wasn't characteristic of Leon. The curiosity gnawed at me, intensifying as I wondered what could be the cause of his unusual absence.

Our surroundings bathed in the dim glow of the magical orbs, Allison initiated the planning.

"Let's settle our plan first in the common room, once everyone's asleep. Second, we need to ensure Mr. Fickle is out of the picture," he explained in hushed tones. I nodded, absorbing the details as I listened.

"We could use the sleeping powder from the Dust and Potions class," I suggested, and unanimous agreement followed. With the method in place, we proceeded with the rest of the plan.

Ana chimed in, "According to the biography of my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandpa, his old office used to be at the farthest left wing of the school. Right past the statue of the griffin." She explained our destination. "But beware, that office is full of magical traps. He used to study mythical creatures of Etheria, and some wizards tried to steal his book, which contained information about all the creatures." Ana continued, forewarning us of potential challenges. I knew we were in for a bit of a puzzle, but it wasn't anything new for our group. We'd faced more dangerous situations before. I shouldn't underestimate that old chamber.

"Well, we're looking for clues about where he might have hidden the forbidden book," Luke added, prompting Ana to take a breath before responding, "Let's hope we're on the right track." Confidence emanated among us. We'd been through this routine many times, getting into trouble but never revealing the reasons. It was an unspoken rule among the four of us, understood without needing to be spoken aloud.

Nolan. Common Room.

I opted for a casual outfit for the night, with a long-sleeved shirt beneath a more relaxed outer layer. The thick pants were a necessity for the chilly evening. After slipping into my shoes and tying the laces, I added the finishing touch – a gold necklace that used to belong to my dad, or so my mom had told me. As I secured it around my neck, my fingers brushed the pendant, as if seeking some source of empowerment.

"Ready, Nolan?" Luke inquired, already prepared to venture out. I nodded, and we exited the room, joining Allison and Ana in the living area.

Ana noticed the cold, remarking, "It's getting cold, isn't it?"

"I think tonight marks the start of autumn," Luke added.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go," Allison urged. We were about to leave when...

"Where are you guys going?" The four of us froze, turning to the voice. "Finley?" I questioned, squinting at the figure, who then walked into the light, revealing himself to be Finley Stuart, a fellow sixth-year student from our house.

"We're going to, uhmmm... stroll," Ana nudged me, indicating my lackluster excuse. I winced at her nudge. Finley shook his head knowingly, accustomed to our secretive antics.

"I know you guys are up to something that will get us all in trouble," he stated sleepily. "Well, go now. I'll watch here and wait for you guys to come back," he added.

"Thank you, Finley," I acknowledged, and we continued to exit the common room. Without wasting any time, we first aimed to locate where Mr. Fickle usually lounged – near the school garden. As we walked through the halls, I led the way.

I heard footsteps approaching from the left turn and saw a light getting brighter. It was Mr. Fickle. I signaled for everyone to stop.

I exchanged a look with my friends – it was time for the first part of our plan.

Ana initiated the diversion, creating a loud thud for Mr. Fickle to investigate. "Hey! Who goes there?" he called out, shining his light. Spotting Ana, he shouted, "Hey! Stop!" and pursued her.

"Onto the next step," I directed, and Luke and Allison nodded in agreement.

As Mr. Fickle and Ana engaged in their chase, Ana skillfully led him to the Armor Hall, where various heroic armors were displayed. Silently tailing him, she evaded his detection until the final armor, where she blew dust in his face. In mere seconds, he collapsed and fell into a deep sleep.

"Well, that was easy. Great job, Ana," I commended as we approached.

Luke and Allison then managed to carry Mr. Fickle's body and hide it in a cleaning closet, ensuring his comfort.

"God, he's heavy," Allison complained, dusting off his hands.

"Let's continue," I urged them.

Now free to roam the halls without interference, we walked until we reached the griffin statue. Beyond it, a massive arched door appeared, adorned with intricate symbols. As we approached, a sign warned, "Do not enter. Magic traps ahead." Ignoring the caution, I nudged the door.

"It's locked, by magic," I informed them. Luke cast a spell, reciting, "Ni irọ ayé mi, kọọkan ti o nsọ awọn irọ ti ń sọ ẹ̀dá, ki irọ rẹ ń gbogbo wa bí irọ, kí o ka ipo rẹ kọọkan." With awe, we witnessed the power of Luke's family spell, and the door unlocked.

"Alright, guys, this is it," I declared, pushing open the door to the unknown.

Hi guys! The team is about to find out the secret behind the late headmasters office, stay tune on what they are about to discover. Leave your feedbacks and thank you for all the support.

miku_miyuzumicreators' thoughts