
The Coldest Heart in Etheria (BL)

In a world filled with simplicity and joy, where peace is a shared privilege, not everyone embraces the mundane. Welcome to Etheria, a realm where magic is real—mythical creatures, sorcery, dark magic, and potions coexist with everyday life. For some, Etheria is not just a place; it's home. Enter Etheria, School of Magic and Enchantment, where every impossibility is a potential reality. Here, the extraordinary is an everyday occurrence, and the unexpected is the norm. Our narrative unfolds through the eyes of Nolan Alexander Starr, a seemingly tough soul with a heart softer than the most delicate enchantment. As Nolan commences his journey as a student at Etheria, his story delves into resilience, magical revelations, and the forging of unforeseen connections. "The Coldest Heart in Etheria" invites you to immerse yourself in a world where chilling exterior may conceal the most enchanting depths. Accompany Nolan as he unravels the mysteries within Etheria, discovering warmth in unexpected places and unveiling the extraordinary hidden in the ordinary.

miku_miyuzumi · Fantasía
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10 Chs

03: The History of the Moonlit Festival

The Moonlit Festival or, the Night of the Lost Souls.

The Moonlit Festival, also known as the Night of the Lost Souls, held a rich history in Etheria. It began with a tale of love and desperation, featuring a mad wizard who sought to reunite with his departed wife.

In the serene hills of Claredows, a wizard lived a tranquil life with his wife, a woman devoid of magical abilities. Despite her lack of charm, their love was pure, and their days were filled with happiness. However, fate took a cruel turn when illness befell the wizard's beloved wife. Desperate to save her, he exhausted every magical remedy he knew, but his efforts were in vain.

Heartbroken, the wizard made a painful decision. Leaving their secluded home in Claredows Hills, he embarked on a quest for knowledge and mastery of sorcery to conquer the forces that had stolen his wife from him. Years passed, and the wizard's travels led him to diverse realms, where he encountered both benevolent and malevolent beings.

One fateful day, as the wizard traversed a desolate landscape, he stumbled upon a feeble, crinkly old man surrounded by wicked wizard bandits. Driven by compassion, the wizard intervened, saving the old man from harm. Grateful for the wizard's kindness, the old man offered him shelter for the night.

As night fell, the old man revealed his true identity – Grim the Reaper himself. Instead of retribution, Grim acknowledged the wizard's compassion and gifted him a unique, ominous book of immense magical power. The wizard accepted the gift with curiosity, feeling the dark aura emanating from its ancient pages. Grim, with a sinister laugh, imparted his final warning to the wizard.

"Use it wisely, don't let the darkness get into your head."

Consumed by the desire to revive his wife, the wizard delved into the forbidden contents of the book. The arcane knowledge within was both captivating and perilous. With newfound purpose, he stumbled upon a revival incantation that ignited a spark of hope in his heart. The memory of his beloved wife drove him to unlock the dark arts, leading him back to Claredows Hills with an urgent mission.

Desperation and determination fueled the wizard's attempts to bring back his wife. Spell after spell, incantation after incantation, he pushed the boundaries of magic. Yet, the relentless pursuit of power took its toll on his once-benevolent spirit. The darkness that the wizard had vowed to conquer now infiltrated his being, clouding his judgment and blurring the lines between right and wrong.

The wizard, once guided by love and compassion, now grappled with the shadows he had unleashed. As the wizard continued his relentless quest, the balance between light and dark within him teetered precariously, and the consequences of tampering with forces beyond comprehension began to manifest. In his relentless pursuit, he delved into dark arts, eventually attempting a powerful spell that opened the gate to the Afterworld—a realm where the souls of wizards resided.

Having faced countless challenges and errors, the wizard now stood at the threshold of his ultimate goal. The sense of accomplishment and happiness flooded his being as he envisioned a future where he and his beloved wife could be together once more.

For a brief moment, the wizard succeeded, bringing his wife back from the beyond. However, his actions caught the attention of the Holy Orders, the most powerful wizards within the Government of Magics. The seven Holy Orders arrived at the scene where the mad wizard had caused chaos, creating a memorable and intense battle in the wizarding world. It was a tumultuous and chaotic fight, filled with madness and disorder. The seven Holy Orders stepped in, concluding the mad wizard's quest and once again separating him from his beloved.

Despite their victory, the Holy Orders faced an unexpected challenge—the inability to close the opened gate. Undeterred, they encircled the gateway and, pooling all their magical energy, attempted to seal it shut. The result was a sacrifice that transcended time. The bodies of the Holy Orders turned to stone, forming a timeless monument that still stood today.

Every four years, during the full moon, the spell weakened, allowing the gate to open once more. This night marked the Moonlit Festival, a time when the spirits of the departed were free to roam the world. Families seized the opportunity to connect with their loved ones, visiting them on this ethereal occasion.



As I recounted this history, the weight of the story lingered in the air. The Moonlit Festival held a profound significance, bridging the gap between the magical and the afterlife. The tale served as a reminder of the lengths some would go for love and the enduring consequences that followed.

"Woah, did he really do all that for his wife?" Allison exclaimed, completely captivated by the story. I closed the book, detailing the Moonlit Festival, where the wizard's saga unfolded.

"It's love, Allison," I responded.

"Love can truly be powerful; the wizard went to great lengths just to be with his wife," Ana added, echoing my sentiment.

"If our theory is correct, what could they be searching for here in Etheria?" Luke pondered, directing the question to our small group.

"The forbidden book—don't you think it could be related to that?" I proposed, introducing a new concept for consideration.

"Did the book mention where they hid the book?" Allison inquired. I flipped through the pages of my book, searching for any clues.

"Uh, no... it simply states that after the Holy Orders sacrificed themselves, the book was entrusted to the President of the Government of Magic at that time. That person happened to be President Stefano Marchessi," I explained as my fingers traced the words on the page.

"Oh my god, the ill-fated President Marchessi," Ana suddenly blurted out, her expression revealing a familiarity with this character.

"Do you know him, Ana?" Luke asked.

"The unfortunate President Marchessi, a skilled wizard within the realm of Etheria, delved into the study of mythical creatures after completing his education. Through exploration and further learning, he honed his skills and amassed knowledge, eventually becoming the esteemed headmaster in Etheria," Ana explained to the three of us.

"He became a headmaster here?" I asked, surprised.

"Indeed, his expertise in mythical creatures is a key factor that allows us to study them even today," Ana continued.

"And how did he become president?" Allison inquired.

"My ancestor, six generations back, attended this institution during President Marchessi's time as headmaster. In his autobiography, he detailed how President Marchessi rose to the presidency by assisting during a global crisis, leading to the formation of the initial seven Holy Orders. Despite being eligible for the role of Etheria's representative, President Marchessi declined, citing concerns about the capabilities of mythical creatures. Instead, he was appointed president by the Government in recognition of his contributions. However, the biography further reveals President Marchessi falling gravely ill during a covert mission, acting strangely after obtaining an unusual item. The once brilliant wizard's descent into darkness left him troubled and unstable, ultimately finding solace in death," Ana recounted.

"That's got to be the book. I mean, the story adds up," I asserted firmly.

"It's clearly the book," Ana agreed. Luke and Allison nodded in agreement as well.

"So, this book is so powerful and evil that anyone who possesses it has a huge possibility of becoming mad and unstable?" Allison questioned, seeking confirmation of the unidentified qualities of the book.

"It was given by Grim himself, the Reaper of Souls. How evil can that book be?" Luke added, deepening our curiosity. The four of us fell into a contemplative silence, pondering our next steps.

"How about we find President Marchessi's old office?" I suggested, prompting the three of them to look up, intrigued by the prospect.

"Are you crazy? I don't want to get in trouble," Allison protested, his eyes reflecting concern and anxiety.

"I agree, let's find it," Luke chimed in, supporting my suggestion.

"What? Luke, you're a head boy; you should be setting a great example for all of us," Allison retorted.

"Why are you so afraid, Allison? Your tall stature is nothing more than a display of arrogance and anxiety," Ana teased, earning a chuckle from me.

"Firstly, we're in our sixth year, our final year, and graduating is a must. Secondly, it's too risky, and we don't want Mr. Fickle to find out. Remember when we got caught in our third year? Lastly, I might miss playing in this year's Ethereal Carnival Cup; my parents would be extremely upset with me," Allison explained his concerns. The three of us exchanged glances, silently acknowledging our understanding of his predicament.

"If that's your concern, we won't pressure you to come with us," I assured him.

"You're right, there are too many things to worry about. Don't worry, you don't have to come," Ana added.

"Just enjoy your sleep peacefully, and why don't you take charge while I'm out, okay?" Luke suggested, passing Allison the role of proxy head boy.

Allison looked at us with an open mouth, appearing confused, but we were accustomed to his reactions.

"So, how about tomorrow night? 8 p.m. at Vollmer's lounge room," I proposed.

"What about Mr. Fickle?" Ana inquired.

"Don't worry, we're in Year 6; we probably know what his agendas are," Luke reassured.

"Uh, hello, you're clearly leaving me out," Allison interjected, catching our attention.

"Whatever, big guy," I said, and the three of us laughed, while Allison's face showed annoyance.

The four of us lingered in the library, engaging in casual conversation and laughter. Eventually, Luke suggested we head back to our respective common rooms since it was getting late.

"You staying, Nolan?" Luke asked.

"Uh, yeah, I have something more to do," I replied. Luke nodded, and the three of them bid their goodbyes, urging me to return soon.

After they left, I returned to my studies and attended to my tasks and assignments. Immersed in my books, I lost track of time, realizing that I might be the only one left in the library. The vast room was shrouded in darkness, with the moon casting a soft glow through the large windows, revealing a stunning view of the stars.

I found myself captivated by the beauty of the moon, an ever-present celestial wonder that never failed to enchant me. Unbeknownst to me, someone had taken a seat in front of me.

"You know, it's late, right?" a voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned to find Leon, still in his uniform, arms crossed, his bright blue eyes reflecting the moonlight, adding to his allure.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired.

"I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing here?" he responded, turning my question back to me.

I rolled my eyes, picked up the book I had and began walking to return it to its shelf. Leon followed closely behind.

"Go away," I instructed as I placed the books back on the shelves.

"That's so rude of you, after all I did," he remarked, persistently referring to our previous encounter.

"Look, I'm grateful that you helped that night, but stop annoying me, okay?" I replied with annoyance in my tone.

"How could you forget that already? Are you 'quick' to move on?" Leon emphasized the word 'quick.'

I shot him an angered look, signaling that I wasn't playing around anymore. He seemed to get the message and backed away, leaning against the shelves while I continued organizing the books.

"By the way, did you like it?" Leon asked, catching me off guard.

"Why do you ask?" I responded.

"I'm just curious," he replied.

I gulped, unable to lie. Despite being poisoned during that time, the pleasure he provided was undeniably intense.

"Yeah... I liked it... a lot," I admitted softly, looking down out of embarrassment at the truth.

"Do you want to do it again?" Leon added.

"What?" I asked, genuinely shocked.

"I said, do you want to do it again?" Leon repeated, firmly placing his arm on the shelf to trap me on either side. His eyes bore into mine with passion and desire, causing a sudden surge of heat both inside and outside. My reactions were spiraling into chaos.

I hope you all like it, please give your feedback to my story. I hope you support and love this story, and follow Nolan's journey at Etheria. Thank you guys!

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