
The Cold Senior Sister Always Flirts With Me (GL)

** THERE ARE SOME MISTAKES WITH THE TRANSLATION AND OUR TWO PROTAGNISTS ARE BOTH GIRLS . THIS IS A GL NOVEL. ** The cold and sinister* Yan Jue, the tsundere dog, has passed through the book and transformed into a fox demon in a book about cultivating demons and eliminating demons. In the book, she is a cannon fodder villain who needs to madly charm the male protagonist and absorb his Yang Yuan in order to improve her cultivation. The heroine of this book is Qi Xianqing, the elder sister of the Zhenhuo Sect who has killed countless demons and is not close to the mortal world. Yan Jue knew very well the consequences of fighting for a man with the heroine. The final outcome was that she was pierced through the chest by the cold heroine Qi Xianqing with a sword, and her heart was cut out and used as a precious material for Shuiyun Sect's alchemy. She seems to have been set up to train the male and female protagonists, and has not survived Chapter 10. Yan Jue then made a careful plan: in the early stage, she would gain experience by the heroine's side, and then go down the mountain to escape when she was almost done practicing. However, Yan Jue soon discovered that the heroine Qi Xianqing's physique was a rare fairy body, and her blood had a fatal attraction to monsters. Every time Yan Jue saw Qi Xianqing, she couldn't help but feel weak in her legs and wanted to hold her and sniff her hard. Later, Yan Jue finally got ready to go down the mountain, but saw the cold and aloof senior sister walking towards her. Yan Jue subconsciously felt her legs go weak and was hugged by Qi Xianqing. Qi Xianqing rubbed her accidentally exposed fox ears and asked softly, "Don't leave, okay?" - Unfortunately, Yan Jue looked like a human during the day, but turned into a fox demon at night. One time she took a walk at night and met her senior sister Qi Xianqing who was practicing swordplay by the Lingtan. Yan Jue looked at Qi Xianqing, who had a frosty face, and the hair on her body was about to explode. sHe turned around and was about to jump away. Qi Xianqing suddenly squatted down, holding a bone that he didn't know where it came from, with a smile in her eyes: "Come here." Who would have thought that in the eyes of outsiders, the senior sister who is not stained with smoke and dust is like an immortal, her favorite thing is Furry, when the moonlight is like water at night, he will sit by the spiritual pool and chat with a fox. Yan Jue unknowingly discovered many secrets of Qi Xianqing. During the day, Qi Xianqing and the male protagonist were in and out of each other, and they were the couple of the gods that everyone in the sect envied. At night, Qi Xianqing touched Yan Jue's head with a tired expression: "He (the male protagonist) and I were just acquaintances, and I don't know why he kept pestering me." "..." During the day, Qi Xianqing led the sect to dig. The lair of a thousand-year-old pangolin spirit looks at the litter of cubs it left behind with a look of indifference. At night, Qi Xianqing hugged the little fox Yan Jue and murmured: "You shouldn't dig a nest. It takes three years for the pangolin spirit to make a new nest. Its children are so cute, I'm afraid they will starve and freeze." "..." - Qi Xianqing has regarded slaying demons as his life rule. Thousands of monsters died in Qi Xianqing's hands, but she only knew that she had never been soft-hearted. But Qi Xianqing didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of a demon. Qi Xianqing once despised the king who was confused by the fox. But she didn't expect that when it was her turn, she just wanted to immerse herself in the gentle land, pamper her and love her well. Even if he is willing to go to hell for her.

Kirisuna1 · LGBT+
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87 Chs

Chapter 80 Night Talk

Yan Jue had seen the witchcraft of the Demon Sect in the original book very early.

It's just that the plot is a little different from the original book now, so she's not sure if the male protagonist is the same as in the original book, and Qi Xianqing used witchcraft.

That's why when he was in Hantan that day, Yan Jue asked Qi Xianqing if he had any feeling of dizziness recently.

Qi Xianqing said no at the time, and Yan Jue was relieved.

didn't expect the male protagonist to still use witchcraft.

Yan Jue thought like this, only to feel that his face was heavy, and a gloomy aura surged from the bottom of his heart.

Yan Jue knew that Qi Xianqing had fallen for Chu Fu's witchcraft technique, and today's energy consumption must be not small.

And this spirit candle fruit is full of spiritual energy, which is very suitable for restoring Qi Xianqing's energy.

Yan Jue saw Qi Xianqing eat his pickled preserves, so he turned around and went out to get hot water.

After all, Qi Xianqing is here today, and she still has to abide by the least hospitality.

Qi Xianqing turned his head and looked at the girl's busy figure, his eyes flashing slightly.

Because Qi Xianqing was in his room, Yan Jue went to Du Yan to clean up first.

The two quickly cleaned up.


Outside the window, the sound of rain was incessant, occasionally mixed with the whistling of the wind or two.

Yan Jue made a simple bunk under the bed and slept on it.

Qi Xian slept on the bed, staring up at the ceiling in a daze.

Yan Jue is really a very clean person, and there is no smell in the room.

You can smell the fragrance of the girl on the pillow, and then there is a burst of water vapor pouring in from the window.

The smell of the fairy body floated on the tip of his nose, Yan Jue closed his eyes unbearably, and subconsciously clenched his fists.

I can't help but want to get close to her, I want to get into her arms and smell her smell, when it becomes a little fox, it can unscrupulously burrow into Qi Xianqing's arms, but now it can only be separated from Qi Xianqing by two steps.

She hasn't been close to Qi Xianqing for a long time.

In this case, the temptation of that smell to her did not decrease but increased.

Yan Jue tried to fall asleep, but couldn't fall asleep, and looked at Qi Xianqing from the corner of his eye.

Qi Xianqing was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, breathing very lightly.

Qi Xianqing has always slept peacefully, and she can't be sure whether she is asleep or not, with Yan Jue's understanding

of Qi Xianqing

, she knows that the other party should not be asleep.

Yan Jue was about to close his eyes and continue to sleep, when he suddenly heard Qi Xianqing's voice sounding from the bed: "When I was playing Wutai today, my junior sister seemed to know Chu Fu's movements for a long time.

Yan Jue's heart chuckled: "Well, you haven't noticed him, but my attention has been on him."

Once the

male protagonist is enchanted, there will be no intersection between him and Yan Jue.

Today's male protagonist entered the demon in advance, which means that Yan Jue's crisis in the early stage is completely over.

The reason why Yan Jue resolutely stood on the stage of performing martial arts when she knew that the Demon Venerable and the male protagonist were planning to harm her was also because she knew very well that if the Heavenly Dao would definitely let her confront the male protagonist, she would not be able to escape at all.

Since you can't dodge, it's better to bump into it head-on.

can not only complete the plot line quickly, but also test what Tiandao wants to do again.


the purpose of the Heavenly Dao sure to let her die

Three links and seven whites. Or is it just to push the male protagonist into the devil?

Now it seems that Tiandao is quite tolerant of her as a cannon fodder villain.

But then came the trouble...

Yan Jue was originally lying on the ground, but suddenly sat up, pretending to be casual and said, "Senior sister, the cave we went to before lived a person in the Demon Dao, which I discovered by chance.

Yan Jue began to make up nonsense: "Once when I went out for a walk at night, I saw Chu Fu enter that cave. Every night after that, I saw Chu Fu carrying things into the cave. Before Chu Fu entered the demon, he had an extremely close connection with him.

Qi Xianqing's eyebrows moved: "Hmm."

At this point, Qi Xianqing also had doubts.

Because he had discovered that Chu Fu had a lot of magic weapons before, as a preparatory disciple who had not officially entered the inner gate, it was impossible to have so many magic weapons.

Someone is providing Chu Fu with a steady stream of magic weapons.

Yan Jue: "But the death of the people in the demon path is very strange, Chu Fu obviously provides him with water and food every day, but he is still dead."

"You say, will he take away the body of a certain master in our sect?"

Yan Jue and Qi Xianqing hesitated for a long time before saying this.

First, this is too unbelievable, and it is still a question whether Qi Xianqing believes her or not.

First, Qi Xianqing has always been the most respectful person, how could she be suspicious

of the head she has always respected the most because of her words


Yan Jue can just point to it.

Anyway, Qi Xianqing is so smart, he will definitely pay attention to her words.

In the dark, Qi Xianqing's voice was a little hoarse: "Senior Sister Yan means that I should pay attention to the high-level leaders of the Five Dragons Gate.

Yan Jue swallowed his saliva, Qi Xianqing's understanding was really good: "This is just my guess."

Qi Xianqing was silent for a long time, and said: "I didn't directly tell the head of the master about the cave, but told my master and asked the master to convey it on his behalf." "...

Qi Xianqing was silent for a long time, and said: "I didn't directly tell the head of the master about the cave, but told my master and asked him to convey it on his behalf."

Yan Jue breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Qi Xianqing has the most basic vigilance.

The magic weapon in Chu Fu's arms is the same every day, who gave him the magic weapon, if the person in the demon sect in the cave is really dead, no one will give Chu the magic weapon again. People are suspicious.

The rain struck on the window, little by little, like the strings of a piano fluttering.

Yan Jue couldn't help but ask, "What kind of person is Uncle Boss?"

Qi Xianqing: "The head of the uncle is a jealous and hateful person, when the fairy and demon war was in the war, he once killed thousands of demons and made a great career for Wulong Mountain. "

Yan Jue: "Chu Fu ... you"

Qi Xianqing's voice couldn't hear any ups and downs: "I'm used to it, since I went up the mountain at the age of eight, it was rumored that I was an excellent cultivation physique, and there were many immortal cultivators who came to the door to propose marriage, and wanted to double cultivate with me, but the head of the family and uncle all refused."

"But Uncle Boss seems to be very optimistic about me and Chu Fu."

Yan Jue was slightly stunned.

Qi Xianqing: "Chu Fu has a relationship with the Chu family.

Although he had seen it before, Yan Jue had never paid attention to this disgusting male protagonist's family.

Which family is the male protagonist from, and what is the story of the Chu family?

Qi Xianqing seemed to know that Yan Jue had doubts in his heart, and said lightly: "Back then, in the battle of immortals and demons, the three links,

seven whites and six immortals all participated, and the five great families helped.

Yan Jue: "But now there are only four Xianmen families."

Yan Jue often goes to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and once read a record about the Xianmen family, there are families who have cultivated immortals for generations, and their status is extremely respectful, and this kind of family is collectively known as the four great families.

Qi Xianqing: "The Chu family was wiped out during the Great War of Immortals and Demons, and Chu Fu can be regarded as a loyal martyr.

"It is precisely because of this that the head uncle has always liked Chu Fu very much, and Chu Fu asked him to be a preparatory disciple as soon as he entered the door."

In the silence of the night, the rain was pouring outside the window.

Yan Jue asked tentatively, "What do you think of demons?"

Qi Xianqing stared at the ceiling and said slowly: "If I see him, I will punish him quickly."

Yan Jue's heart was cold: "What about the demon."

In the

dark, Qi Xianqing was silent for a short time.

In fact, when she walked into the room that night, she vaguely saw several big fiery red tails in the air.

But it was only a fleeting moment.

Qi Xianqing had a faint idea in his heart.

But there are only some doubts about that idea, and it has never been confirmed.

She likes Xiaohu very much, and she seems to have a strange and never-before-seen affection for Yan Jue.

The more she tested Xiaohu and Yan Jue, the closer she felt that everything that happened was closer to the idea in her heart.

Every time Qi Xianqing thought of this, his mood would be very complicated, so he had to put it aside for the time being and not think about it.

Qi Xianqing actually escaped in this matter, braked in time in front of the truth, closed his eyes and didn't look at it.

Yan Jue and Xiaohu, are they alone or not.

Qi Xianqing is still uncertain, so he can only act as if nothing happened.

When Qi Xianqing was killing demons outside, he had never been merciful, it can be said that he had killed countless demons and carried countless demon lives.

Qi Xianqing knew very well that she was not a good person.

How could someone like her ...

Qi Xianqing frowned and shook his head: "I don't know either." "It's

better not to let me see it."

Yan Jue: "..."


Soon the first day arrived.

The warm morning sun was scattered into the room, and the wind that was still howling last night had stopped.

may be because of Qi Xianqing's presence, Yan Jue woke up very early.

When Yan Jue woke up, Qi Xianqing was still sleeping.

The girl's peach eyes drooped slightly, her exposed

arms were porcelain white, and she slept lightly.

It seems that yesterday's witchcraft did have an impact on Qi Xianqing, but Qi Xianqing has always been strong and never showed it.

Yan Jue got up lightly, took out two spirit candle fruits, and put them on the table.

When Qi Xian came to his senses, he saw Yan Jue coming in with a plate.

Yan Jue actually prepared a very hearty breakfast.

The square pale red pastries are a little ugly in appearance, but they are delicious to taste.

There were also two round spirit candle fruits next to the plate.

Qi Xianqing was a little surprised: "That spirit candle fruit, you use it ..."

When he ate the spirit fruit preserves last night, Qi Xianqing thought that Yan

Santong Qibai Jue was the only one that used the spirit candle fruit as the material.

But now I found that Yan Jue didn't know when he got a lot of spirit candle fruits.

Yan Jue explained: "I found a vacant land in the back mountain of the Shuiyun Sect, and planted it after eating the Spirit Candle Fruit.


Qi Xianqing smiled and ate slowly.


Because the Chu Fu Demon Incident only happened yesterday, the Five Dragons Summit was suspended for ten days.

After all, after the male protagonist became a demon, he still waited for five years before he started to make his fortune, and at that time she didn't know that she was in Tiannan and Haibei. Yan Jue wasn't too nervous. ...

After all, after the male protagonist became a demon, he still waited for five years before he started to make his fortune, and at that time she didn't know that she was in Tiannan and Haibei. Yan Jue wasn't too nervous.

Don't be in a hurry yet.

It's useless to be in a hurry.

Yan Jue thought to himself, whether to go to the foot of Wulong Mountain another day to see if he can escape now, it is the right thing.

Yan Jue didn't really want to take a break.

During the competition, Yan Jue's heart was hanging.

It's better to let her fight early and finish it early. Anyway, she participated this timeThe purpose of the extra competition is just those 1,000 high-grade spirit stones...

Du Yan: "But the game table in ten days has come out, let's go to Wulong Square to have a look.

Yan Jue looked at the figure of Du Yan running over there, and pulled the corners of his lips: "Why are you more active than me."

Du Yan: "This is the first time I have participated in the Five Dragons Summit, and I am very happy to see you participate in the competition."

After all, he had won so many games in a row before, Yan Jue still had the most basic confidence in himself, Yan Jue smiled, walked to the front of the opposite station, and looked up: "Ten days later, I-"

Ten days later.

Yan Jue-Qi Xianqing.

She aligned with Xianqing.

Ten days later, she actually aligned with Xianqing.

Others also saw this arrangement one after another, and the huge square was instantly filled with whispering voices.

Everyone was discussing the battle between Yan Jue and Qi Xianqing.

After all, Yan Jue, a new disciple of the outer sect, is a big celebrity in the sect, and everyone is paying attention to her every move.

Du Yan was shocked: "Oh my God, you are really right to Meng Hengjun."

Yan Jue: "..."

"Senior sister is very good at assault and second killing, and every game is to solve the opponent within half a cup of tea." Du Yan solemnly patted Yan Jue's shoulder: "Good luck."


When Yan Jue returned to Shuiyun Sect, when Du Yan broke up with her, he gave her the latest issue of "Five Dragons and Hundred Things" by the way.

During the Five Dragons Summit, the Five Dragons Hundred Objects Chronicle is updated almost every day.

Yan Jue sat on the bed with a bitter face and turned the first page.

Count the past of Yan Jue and Meng Hengjun (a thousand ways of Yan Jueyin Qi Xianqing):

First do your hands and feet on Meng Hengjun's spell, and let Qi Xianqing kneel under the cold waterfall for an hour.

While Meng Hengjun was bathing, he took away Meng Hengjun's clothes.

Then on the Five Dragons Square, launch a life-and-death challenge to Meng Hengjun (emphasis added).

Everyone, pay attention, Yan Jue has been with Meng Hengjun for a long time!

We thought that Yan Jue would never make it to the time to fight against Qi Xianqing, but we didn't expect that it would come to this point now.

Three links and seven Bai Yanjue fell on the bed: "..."


On the first day of the break, the Jade Altar was still very lively.

There were several betting tables large and small in the tent, and the betting tables were crowded with people.

The largest and most crowded betting table is still about Yan Jue and Qi Xianqing.

Although the Five Dragons Summit will not reopen until ten days later, the latest battle list has already been released.

Therefore, the gambling table about Yan

Jue, a big celebrity, and Qi Xianqing, was also opened in advance.

Yun Straw had a cold face and stared at the betting arena.

Miss Shijia always has a little intersection, and Bai Chuli and Yun Straw always like to be together.

Bai Chuli had a bitter face: "Sister Yunjiao, my money has been taken away by Meng Hengjun, we must win a lot this time."

Yun Straw nodded, and took out more than a thousand high-grade spirit stones from the Qiankun bag.

After some observation, Bai Chuli is now certain.

Yan Jue did take shit luck.

From the beginning of the competition to the present, Yan Jue has been invincible and has an invincible momentum.

So Bai Chuli decided to put all the bets on Yan Jue this time.

She hates Yan Jue very much, so naturally she doesn't want to vote for Yan Jue.

No way, who made her penniless now.

Yan Jue's first few games were like a bamboo, and he always likes to win by surprise.

This time he will definitely not lose to Meng Hengjun.

No matter how powerful Meng Hengjun is, Yan Jue will always have a new way.

Soon, the side with the word "Yan" written on it was instantly filled with golden spirit stones.


After Yan Jue put down the newspaper, she lay on the bed and began to lie down.

She felt a lot of pressure.

Although this competition, everyone is very optimistic about themselves.

But that's all she has.

The Psychic Trick of Beihai Xuantie, the Ten Thousand Swords Trick...

How can it be compared to the fairy sword candle shadow of Qi Xianqing.

Before you know it, the sky outside the window has gradually darkened.

Yan Jue closed his eyes on the bed, calmed his rapid heartbeat, and his body gradually shrunk.

Soon it became the appearance of the red fox itself.

Yan Jue sat up, raised his paws and licked his hair, flicked his four big tails, jumped out of the window.

The last rays of the sun shrouded the sky, and the little fox walked through the dense grass.

Yan Jue soon came to the Ice Peach Spring.

The moon didn't know what came out, and the bright moonlight shrouded the peach trees, quiet and beautiful. ...

r/& gt;

As soon as Yan Jue stepped into the fence of the Ice Paradise, he saw the beautiful woman sitting by the window, lazily supporting her chin and reading a book.

Qi Xianqing under the candlelight, his skin was snow-white, and he was going to that station, and he was holding the scene in the painting.

Yan Jue walked over with small steps, his paws stepping on the grass and making a small cracking sound.

Qi Xianqing saw that Xiaohu was coming, so he closed the notebook, walked out of the door, and squatted down: "You are here."

Under the

moonlight, Qi Xianqing's voice was soft: "What were you busy with a few days ago?" Why haven't you come for so long? It's

been a long time since we've seen each other.

Yan Jue made a coquettish sound between his teeth, four

three-way and seven white fluffy tails shook wildly uncontrollably, and a pair of big black ears folded back, clinging to his head tightly, arching into Qi Xianqing's arms.

The smell of the fairy body floats on the tip of the nose.


Qi Xianqing gently kneaded its limbs, helped it relax its muscles, and rubbed its ears.

No matter how he touched it, Yan Jue was very comfortable, his narrow phoenix eyes narrowed, and there was a gurgling sound in his throat.

This is destined to be an unquiet night, because Yan Jue is still thinking about the game.

Qi Xianqing suddenly found something, was slightly stunned, and pressed his palm against the little fox's furry chest: "What's the matter?" The heart is beating so fast.

Yan Jue was lying in Qi Xianqing's arms, opening her mouth, and slowly gnawing the girl's hand, very unstable.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of something on the table.

Yan Jue was slightly stunned.

It is more than a dozen small animals woven from ula grass.

Calves, ponies, lambs...

It's all made up by Qi Xianqing.

Yan Jue screamed, put his two front paws on the table, and tilted his head sideways to pick up the little rabbit.

Qi Xianqing's eyebrows curled and gave the rabbit to it.

Yan Jue's heart was very chaotic and annoying.

She knew that ten days later, if she really faced Qi Xianqing, the scene would definitely not be too good-looking.

Yan Jue bit the rabbit for a while, and didn't want to bite it anymore, she put her chin on Qi Xianqing's lap, making a lot of noise, and the four big tails flicked around, very unstable, and knocked things over.

Qi Xianqing stared at it

for a long time, then suddenly pushed away the chair and stood up.

She pulled out the books from the shelves, sat down in her seat, and opened them.

Yan Jue was stunned.

It's a notebook.

Qi Xianqing's martial arts notes, Yan Jue has seen it.

Xueba's notes are very useful, at least Yan Jue can learn a lot every time he reads them.

Yan Jue stopped moving for an instant, resting his chin on Qi Xianqing's thigh and quieted down.

Qi Xianqing turned the first page, and his voice was very soft: "Here, the Five Elements Sword Technique."

It may be that Qi Xianqing herself also has to review, this is all something that Qi Xianqing has learned before, and she reads the notes very carefully.

The night was quiet, the candles were flickering, and the house was filled with a faint fragrance of peach blossoms.

Yan Jue didn't know why Qi Xianqing suddenly wanted to review his homework, but he also listened silently with his ears pricked up, it was a very quiet night, Qi Xianqing's voice reading the text was very slow and slow, and it knocked in Yan Jue's ears word by word.

Yan Jue's eyes narrowed, and his big black ears shrugged one after another.

"The Five Elements Sword Technique is the sword technique that combines the sword with the spiritual root."

"What is the combination of sword and spirit root?" Qi Xianqing turned his pen and said slowly: "For example, you are, well, Lei Linggen, how do you integrate your Five Elements attribute with the sword."

Qi Xianqing looked at the note, and the cold palm covered its hair, and it was gently smoothed with one after another.

The little fox listened intently for a while, looked up at Qi Xianqing, and suddenly found something, and sighed in his heart.

But she didn't seem to be studying for herself...

It's like reading it to her!