
The Cold CEO Woman

Anita Baker, doesn't expect for the Cold CEO Liam Jackson to fall in love with her and choose her over her best friend Temisa Patrick She submitted a proposal for a job with them but was offered a job as his assistant secretary. She never expected Liam to fall in love with her, but Love happened. What will Anita do when her best friend is supposed to marry him and his fiancee?. Run away for her best friend sake, even though she knows she loves Liam and has slept with him in his office, or stay and accept his marriage proposal to her?. Read to find out?.

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

<p>At BENSON GROUP, Mr. Taiye Jackson is sitting in the front row of the conference hall, where he is meeting with various board members from his other companies. He quietly instructs his personal assistant to introduce the new head to the group.<br/><br/>The employees are eagerly waiting to meet the new CEO, Liam Jackson, who is the son of Mr. Taiye. Although Liam's name has been announced, none of the workers have seen him yet. Mr. Taiye Jackson was the former CEO, and his late father, Mr. Benjamin Jackson, founded the Benson group of companies.<br/><br/>The employees are nervous about the new CEO, as rumors suggest he is cold and unfriendly. They have heard that he can be arrogant, mean, and unappreciative. Despite this, they know he is hardworking and has been managing private businesses in the states. Liam initially refused to return to his country to take over the multimillion-dollar companies, as he found nothing interesting there. However, his God-fearing mother, who is devoted to prayer, convinced him to come back home.<br/><br/><br/>Liam learned that his mother faced challenges in her marriage to his father, as his grandfather initially opposed the union. Despite other women trying to seduce his father and calling his mother barren, his father remained faithful to only his mother, Mrs. Juliet Jackson.<br/><br/>His father supported Mrs. Juliet even when his family doubted her ability to have another child after Liam's birth. Liam understood that his mother's miscarriages were a result of her fear of losing his father to another woman.<br/><br/>Despite his love for his parents, Liam was upset when his father deceived him into returning home from the States by pretending to be ill. Upon his return, Liam was annoyed to find his father healthy and active, attending business meetings.<br/><br/>In the headquarters of the Benson group of companies, known for their oil, gas, and steel production, Liam prepared in a private room for a meeting with the company's board members and partners. He adjusted his tie and dressed in a white shirt, black trousers, and shoes, with his suit laid out on the table. His father had introduced him to the team managing their business ventures.<br/><br/>Liam takes a deep breath and then picks up his suit to put it on. Just then, his assistant Brown Anderson, who was assigned to him by his father on his first day at the company, knocks on the door. Liam responds, "Come in."<br/><br/>"Boss, it's time for the introduction to start," Brown tells him. Liam nods and puts on his black suit properly. When he steps out, his father's spokesperson announces to the people in the meeting hall, "Welcome Master Liam Jackson, the new CEO of Benson Groups of Companies Limited." The hall erupts in applause as Liam walks to the front and takes the microphone from his father's assistant, Mr. Silas Greystone, to address the staff.<br/><br/>"Thank you all for coming and witnessing my appointment as the new CEO of BENSON GROUP. Let's continue to work with honesty and dedication to make our company even better. Thank you for joining me on this journey," Liam says before handing the microphone back to Mr. Silas. He then steps down from the podium, receiving more applause as he takes his seat. Some of the top executives and staff stand up to shake his hand as he approaches his seat.<br/><br/>Liam shakes hands with the top executives and then they all return to their seats. His father, Mr Taiye Jackson, smiles at him softly and stands up to deliver his speech before Silas gives the final closing speech.<br/><br/>"Thank you all for coming and witnessing this new chapter with our new CEO, my son Liam Jackson. I want to thank our past employees for their hard work in building our company's reputation and making us one of the best production companies in Nigeria. I urge both old and new employees, as well as retirees, to cooperate with our new CEO and support his decisions for our company's global growth. Liam has just returned from the states and is ready to lead us. Thank you all once again, and now I hand it over to Silas to wrap up the meeting for today."<br/><br/>Mr Taiye hands the microphone to Silas, who shares updates on new products and prices before closing the meeting with his final words. The attendees and top workers stand up and leave the meeting hall as the meeting with the new CEO concludes.<br/><br/>Liam stays behind with his father as the number of people in the room decreases. He approaches his father, who is talking to his friend, Mr John Patrick, a trusted managing accountant in their company.<br/><br/>"Father, can I talk to you for a moment?" Liam asks, wanting to have a word with him as he finishes his conversation with Mr John Patrick.<br/><br/>"Sure son, I'll be with you in a minute," Mr Taiye replies as Mr John turns to face Liam.<br/><br/>"Congratulations on your new position, Master Liam," Mr John smiles slightly at Liam.<br/><br/>"Thank you sir, it's an honor to meet you and work alongside all of you," Liam replies.<br/><br/>"You can always count on us, Liam. Your father is my boss and a good friend. I am thrilled to see you taking over his position. I believe you will lead us to even greater growth than your father and grandfather did," Mr John expresses his confidence.<br/><br/>"Thank you, sir," Liam smiles softly. He enjoys hearing words of praise from friends, colleagues, and elders as it motivates him to work harder.<br/><br/>"You're welcome, Liam. Mr. Taiye, I am leaving. My daughter will be very upset with me for missing her school convocation today. She has called me to attend with her mother," Mr John Patrick explains.<br/><br/>"I cannot miss your son being introduced to us as the new CEO. I have asked her mother and her elder brother to attend her convocation on my behalf. She will be very annoyed with me for not being there," Mr John adds as he faces Mr. Taiye.<br/><br/>"I am sorry to hear that, Mr. John. I hope she understands," Mr. Taiye sympathizes.<br/><br/>"Yes, boss, she will," Mr. John responds with a faint smile, ready to leave. Mr. Taiye then proposes, "How about I make it up to her by introducing her to my son? Perhaps we can extend our family friendship to a marriage. I am sure she will appreciate that."<br/><br/>Mr. John quickly declines the offer, saying, "Thank you, boss, but only if she accepts."<br/><br/>Mr. John knows his daughter's stubborn nature and does not want any issues with his boss. However, Mr. Taiye insists, "Why wouldn't she accept? Liam is handsome, and every lady wants him. What did she study in university again?"<br/><br/>Liam's frown deepens as he listens to the conversation between his father and Mr. John. Women are not his interest, and he does not appreciate his father trying to set him up with a girl he has not even met, especially just because he is friends with her father.</p>