
The Codex of Deus

Jake Osborn was your average 19-year old Otaku, while he was in the park, he found a mysterious book when he touches it he disappears! What will happen to him now?

osbornjake420 · Fantasía
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3 Chs


Jake was at his apartment which cost "him" $900 per month, which his parents paid for. He opened up some pirated anime website on his NacCook and opened episode 420 of Useful: Shippuden.

"No Useful don't" said Useless, as she sees Useful walking away.

"No, I must Useless" Useful expressed as tears ran down his cheek.

"This new episode of Useful: Shippuden is so good" cried Jake as he wept.

Jake was lying on his bed with his NacCook on full brightness, thinking about how much of a fan he was of Useful: Shippuden. He decided to go outside for once and go to the park.

He buys a Smortwater on his way there and goes on to drink while on his way. By himself in the park with the sun shining on him, as dogs and people walk by him, he finishes his water and throws it away, when he throws it away, he sees a ripped and roughed-up book. On the cover, it says <Codex of Deus>. 'Wow that seems pretty edgy,' thought Jake. When he picked it up, he all of a sudden disintegrated, completely wiped from existence, if he was still at Earth, he would find out that his entire existence was erased.

"Hmm, how did this young man get erased from existence?" said an unknown voice.

"Useful? Wait...who said that!" Jake tried to say but he couldn't feel his body at all.

Around a minute passed of confusion, he lost consciousness.

"Losing consciousness already? What to do ...well I can take him to the world of the strong since he has a strong "will" said the man as he pondered.

After what seemed like an eternity to Jake, he finally woke up to see a blurry figure that seemed to be staring at him.