
The clock and the wizard

I supposedly died. and I met with God and he sent me to another world. The rest is history. {None of the Ben 10 characters belong to me other than my own and I'm writing for fun so don't expect anything grand or fancy}

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4 Chs

Secrets Revealed: The First Confrontation

[Gwen's POV]

My name is Gwendolyn Tennyson. But I have a secret that no one knows. I am a superhero (yet unnamed) who protects the nights of Bellwood with my incredible powers.

It all started when I was 15 years old, 3 months before my trip with Tim and Grandpa Max.

My school had organized a field trip to visit the Dexter Corporation, the largest experiment corporation in Bellwood.

When my class arrived at the laboratory, we were faced with a scenario that came straight from a science fiction movie. After that, a woman in a lab coat who said she was our guide began to explain to us how the work, experiments, etc. work.

After some time and starting to get bored, I started to observe what the class was doing. Then I notice a boy with glasses gets stung by something. On the other side, I see a boy using some product to clean his dirty shirt. After 30 seconds, a bunch of animals make a beeline for this kid and start mating with him. A very disturbing scene.

Then I see a black cat next to me. Finding this little creature cute, I crouch down and reach out to pet the kitten, but apparently he didn't like my action and scratched me. Quickly stepping back and seeing my hand, which now had three reddish lines, I turned my gaze in the direction where the cat was, which now no longer had the little black animal.

The other day I woke up floating on top of my bed and some things in my room too. After these events, four weeks had passed and I saw on the news channel an article about two students who died after their visits to the Dexter Corporation. One died of poisoning and the other of several sexually transmitted diseases.

Regarding mine, I could levitate things and make objects that had a pink tint, make projectiles and build platforms. After 2 months of learning and improving my powers, I realized that with my powers I could help people.

And a month had passed and no crime had happened, fortunately, but unfortunately I couldn't debut as a superhero.

Coming to the end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation, I decided to go on a cross-country trip with Tim and Grandpa Max. I also planned to reveal my powers to Tim. Maybe in one of these cities there might be some offenders and I could fight them.

After my meeting with Tim, we went straight to the camp and Grandpa with his strange taste for exotic foods that I will honestly never understand. Hoping that Grandpa would consider our gastronomic lives, I hadn't brought anything, just some sweets.

Feeling envious and happy that my cousin had taken measures to address this situation, but also unhappy that he had a lot of sweets and still wanted more.

Tim is strangely obsessed with sweet things, perhaps more than half of his life has been with something sweet in his mouth. Another unusual thing is that he never got sick with this eating disorder, nor did he ever get sick for anything. Maybe he's some freak of nature because of this.

After we go to the campfire and Tim says he's going for a walk, I start to get worried about his delay. Telling grandpa, I'm going to look for him.

Some time had passed when I heard two voices, a familiar voice and a strange one. Approaching the voices, I see an impossible scene: a human being in purple flames and Tim with charred clothes. I scream in fear at the same moment I see a glow coming from Tim.

[Tim's POV]


Tim- 'Here we go.'

Gwen- Tim, what is this!?

Tim- Actually, I...

I interrupt my explanation after feeling Violet's intentions behind me, quickly turning to look at her and stopping her from committing a tragedy.

Tim- Violet! Please put your hands down, she is not an enemy.

After my plea, Violet drops her hands and walks up behind me, glaring at Gwen, perhaps not liking the name she's been labeled with, giving me a tight hug like a child hugging her favorite toy, this time without charring my clothes. And a frown forms on Gwen's face after seeing this intimate scene.

Tim- Gwen, please calm down. I'll explain everything.

Gwen- *Sigh*... okay, but I expect a good explanation for all of this. And you, stay away from my cousin!

Trying to distance myself from the charcoal girl but failing, I begin my incredible explanation pulled out of thin air.

Tim- So, what happened was, while I was walking, I see a light in the sky and at first, I thought it was a shooting star, but then it turns and starts coming towards me. The shooting star was actually a comet, but when I went to see the crater, it wasn't a comet that had fallen, but a capsule. As I approached the ball, it opens up and shows an object that looked like a watch, then it jumps onto my wrist. After some time messing around with this thing, a hologram of some beings appeared, and when I pressed the button, Violet appeared, and shortly after that, you did too.

Gwen was a bit stunned by the massive dump of information but remained skeptical due to the rushed explanation.

Gwen- But that doesn't explain...

Max- Kids, what's going on here? And who are you?

Taking a deep breath to once again use my newest ability "wind explanation," I begin my story again.

Tim- So, Grandpa, while I was walking, I see a light in the sky, and at first, I thought it was a shooting star, but then it turns and starts coming towards me. The shooting star was actually a comet, but when I went to see the crater, it wasn't a comet that had fallen, but a capsule. As I approached the ball, it opens up and shows an object that looked like a watch, then it jumps onto my wrist. After some time messing around with this thing, a hologram of some beings appeared, and when I pressed the button, Violet appeared, and shortly after that, Gwen appeared, and you did too.

Having received a critical hit from my ability, Grandpa Max tries to process my explanation and makes a decision.

Max- I think it's best if we leave here; maybe someone might see your friend and cause a commotion.

Throughout the entire journey, not a single word was spoken while Violet clung to me, Gwen momentarily glanced in our direction, and Grandpa seemed quite pensive.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the campsite, heading towards the campfire, and just like before, not a word was spoken. We sat around the campfire, and then Grandpa broke the silence.

Max- So, Tim, you said the watch came from space inside a capsule, and this watch can summon beings like her, right?

Tim- Yes, Grandpa.

Nodding his head, he turns his face towards the suspect sticky Pyronite and begins his interrogation.

Max- So, Violet, who are you, where do you come from, and why are you here?

After hearing Max's questions, Violet goes into contemplation. "Who am I?" She didn't know. "Where do I come from?" Nothing. "Why am I here?" Violet didn't know the answer; the only thing she knew was who Tim was, what world he lived in, and how that world worked.

Something no one knew was that the mysterious device implanted information in aliens about the user, their society, and what revolves around it. All this information was taken from intercommunication satellites, but due to the inactivity of the plumbers on earth, no communication means were activated.

Violet- I don't know where I came from or why I'm here, and I'm Violet.

Violet might seem indifferent as she said this, but with each word spoken, her flames turned increasingly blue, which left Max gaping at the sight of a multicolored Pyronite. 'Never in all my life as a plumber have I seen a subspecies of Pyronite,' Max thought. Even with all these years of plumber operations, not a single subspecies of the Pyronite race had been cataloged.

Seeing her expression of sadness, I approach her and give her a hug while whispering to her that everything will be okay, and with that, her flames start to return to normal.

And darn it, how could I forget that even though Violet is a Pyronite, which is basically a rocky body, she is still very similar to a normal human being, so she also needs clothing; otherwise, she will look like an exhibitionist.

Quickly, I think of a suitable uniform, and with a "poof," Violet is momentarily enveloped in a bright light, and the vision of the plumbers' suit is revealed, but without the gloves and boots.

Violet- Tim, what is this?

Tim- I made a suit for you.

Violet- Does that mean this suit is a gift?

Tim- Yes, do you like it?

With a big smile, she says "Yes", and her flames turn a strong shade of orange, once again leaving Max gaping, and taking advantage of this moment for my interrogation.

Tim- Grandpa Max, what do you know?

Max- I don't know what you're not talking about.

Tim- Grandpa, you weren't worried about the flaming being but rather who he was; furthermore, every time Violet changes color, you are surprised, and all this indicates something you have limited knowledge of.

Max remained silent, undecided about whether to tell about his past and deprive his grandchildren of a normal life.

Tim- Grandpa, please speak. I can't take off the watch, and possibly beings from another world who are not friendly may try to come after this artifact with this great technology, and the way she got here couldn't have been a planned landing; furthermore, it's very likely that they're already after us.

Max- I think you're right... alright, I'll tell you everything.

In the next few minutes, Max recounted his years as a plumber, omitting certain parts. In addition to talking about Violet's race and planet, which was called Pyros, he also talked about how she was different from the other Pyronites with her colors and body composition.

Tim- I think this is something from the watch that may have taken my DNA, and it affected your body and its peculiarities...

But the sound of the radio is heard from inside the Rustbucket talking about mysterious robots attacking a nearby camp.

Looking at Gwen, who was absorbing so much information at once, I approach her.

Tim- Gwen, could you help us?

Gwen- How?

Tim- I can feel your mana, Gwen; you have powers.

Gwen- You also have powers?

Tim- Yes, but I'm not as strong as you, so I need your help.

Even though I have exceptional mastery and a great amount of mana, I realized that I am a great power as a human being, nothing more than that.

Because of her lineage, she has always had a talent for magic, and her mana has always increased passively. Even though I trained her, Gwen naturally always had half of my amount of mana without training, but a few months ago, her mana increased a lot and decreased the disparity between us.


Gwen nodding in agreement and starting to move towards the camp, and Grandpa Max goes right behind her.

Tim- So, Violet, could you give me a hand?

Violet- Sure, Tim, I would do anything for you!

Violet didn't know why she liked Tim so much and could feel that she could do anything for him, but she didn't dislike that feeling.

Giving her a smile, I start running in the same direction as the camp.


The sight of the camp was chaotic, with children and adults screaming in despair; these people wondered how all this happened.

A once normal night was now in flames, with unknown robots attacking everything in their path.

**[Tim's POV]**

Arriving at the camp under attack, we began to plan our movements.

Max- These robots are possibly after the watch, so Tim and Violet will try to distract them and, if possible, defeat them, while Gwen and I help the civilians. Tim, Violet, be careful.

We nod to him, and with the orders given, Violet and I head to the site of our future battle, and honestly, I was very nervous about my first battle of many to come. 'It's time to be a hero.' I thought, deciding if this would be a good catchphrase for me or if another would be better.

Tim- Violet, you take care of those two, and I'll take care of the big one, okay?

Nodding to me, she runs towards the two mini robots and starts shooting fire bursts that weren't strong enough to melt them quickly.

Heading towards the big robot, I reinforced my body with mana since I didn't have a large physical build, and that was a great addition. 'I shouldn't have neglected my physical training.'

Raising my left arm and showing the watch, I shout. "Hey! Old junk, look what I've got here!"


Getting the robot's attention, it starts coming towards me, and without wasting time, I started a barrage of mana projectiles while trying to dodge its attacks. Still with difficulty, I managed to break one of its visors, and that almost got me hit.

Tim- I defeated all the bosses in Elder Ring using just underwear. I beat Cuphead with an ax and Hollow Knight with a shield. Dodging attacks is engraved in my soul!

In response to my passionate declaration, it launches a triple laser from its arms and head, which manages to hit me and throw me a few meters.

Tim- Aargh! That hurt...

In retrospect to my situation, Violet was much better off than I was. She had already defeated one of the two robots and was trying to take down the other.

I try to think of a strategy to finish it off quickly before I started getting tired. 'Violet is still dealing with that robot, and waiting for her isn't a good option since that thing can cause more problems. I need a decisive attack.'

So I reinforced my legs even more and started running around the robot, and with each step I took, a raised step was projected, forming a spiral staircase around it.

Reaching a considerable height, I jump, and my body starts to gain speed as I fall, quickly creating a long spear similar to Chastiefol in its true form.

With each passing second, my heart beat faster, and the world around me seemed slower. Getting closer and closer to my target, and finally, my spear hits the robot.

Centimeter by centimeter, my spear began to pierce the robot, and finally cutting it in half, and in Power Ranger style, it exploded as I walked away from it. A very badass scene.

For a first battle, I would say I did a good job, of course, but I could simply make sharp projectiles and be like a machine gun firing them until the robot was disconcerted, but where's the fun in that?

Looking at Violet, who seemed a bit out of breath after the battle, and right behind her was the charred robot, I felt a bit of sympathy for it and for my clothes. Approaching her and standing by her side, she lets out a tired sigh.

Tim- So how was your first completely unprepared battle?

Violet- I don't know... moments ago, I was very nervous, but then the fight became quite fun, and when I saw you get hit, I got really worried.

Tim- I'm sorry, I underestimated the walking scrap a bit.

Violet- I suspect that this will be very recurrent.

Tim- Maybe yes, maybe no, who knows...


{First attempt at writing a battle scene and although I may not have been as expressive as I had hoped, as a ultimate form, I am continually evolving.}