
The Chronicles of WTF

Xavier died, because of Truck-Kun. This was both a tragedy and a convenience. All though he was only twelve his life was lame and boring. So being put into a different world was more than exciting for him. He was given three wishes by ROB and then placed in the world of a random anime. With Xavier being a anime lover and a meme lord this was amazing.

M3M3L0RD · Cómic
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1 Chs

Hey Rimiru I Got Isekai'ed To

(Author's Note)

Im writing this purely for fun so if something seems stupid or sounds wrong please don't hate. I just wanna have fun. Also thank you for reading.

The world is a cruel place. It's always out to get you. It sucks, it really sucks,but it's not all bad. At least that's what I thought before I was turned into mince meat by a speeding truck. (Frigin Truck kun)

I used to think life wasn't all that bad. Now I know how boring it actually was compared to literally anything else. So in some ways I'm glad I died. In others not so much.

Now I know you didn't come here to listen to me babble so let's get to the juicy part shall we.

Xavier: "Why is it so dark in here?"

Xavier: "Wait where is Here?"

Xavier:"I'm very confused as to dafuq is happening."

Xavier:" oh yeah I died..."





ROB:"Be quiet you are too loud".

Xavier"Wut who dafuq are you".

ROB: "I'm a god of reincarnation here to give you three wishes".

Xavier:" oh.. That.. Is.. AWESOME!"

ROB:"Oh you're a weeb aren't you, well whatever doesn't matter to me."

Xavier:"Correction I am a Meme Lord."

ROB"... So anyway what is your first wish."

Xavier:"It is very simple I want semi creative minecraft powers."


Xavier: "I want to be able to travel to any anime world during the first episode of the anime right next to the MC."

ROB:" Granted what's next."

Xavier:"I want the soul of determination from undertale."

ROB:" Your last and final wish is granted."

Xavier:" Alright cool so what happens to me."

ROB *Smirks* "You'll find out soon enough."


With The mutter of that last word Xavier suddenly saw a blinding flash of white and purple light.

Xavier:"Aw shit here we go."

Xavier is suddenly in a cave that looks very familiar. 

Xavier:"Wait a minute stone cave, glowing crystals, a lot of flowers, and a small body of water.

Xavier:" I am 100% in "That Time I Was Reincarnated as a Slime"."

Xavier:... FUCK yeah this is awesome.

It was at this moment Xavier notices he has a health bar,hunger bar, hotbar, chat button, and inventory button.

Xavier:"YESSS minecraft powers this is soo awesome."

Xavier:" huh what's that over there?"

Xavier was referring to the shiny yellow floating star about 10 feet away from him.

Xavier:" No way it couldn't be could it nooo.."

Xavier: "I'm gonna touch it."

As Xavier touched it a screen appeared in front of him.

*Seeing this new world form around you fills you with DETERMINATION.*

Xavier:"I love my life now."

Xavier:"Wait if i'm correct Rimiru should be being named by Veldora right about now."

Xavier:" I gotta go find them."

As Xavier wandered through the cave for about five minutes he finally found Rimiru.

Xavier:" Ah there he is."

At this time Rimiru was using a ability called predator to absorb Veldora the Storm Dragon so he would not die from a seal that was put on him called unlimited imprisonment.

Xavier: "I.. forgot he did that."

Xavier walked up to Rimiru hoping he did not attack.

Xavier: "Hello there Mr.Slime."

Rimiru looked at Xavier with confusion because slimes cannot speak.

Xavier: "Oh yeah you haven't killed the bat that lets you speak yet have you".

Rimiru: [Visible confusion]

Xavier: "I know you have no reason to trust me,but follow me if you want to be able to speak."

Xavier had seen a lot of that specific bat when he appeared here. So he figured he would help Rimiru out. They walked for a few minutes until they saw the best of bats.

Xavier:" Do you want me to deal with them?"

Rimiru: *Nod*

Xavier: "Alright let's see what I can do".

Xavier: *opens chat*

 /effect @s resistance 99999 5

/effect @s strength 99999 5

/effect @s speed 99999 5

/effect @s jump_boost 99999 5

/effect @s regeneration 99999 5

/effect @s slow_falling 99999 5

/give @s iron_sword 

/enchant @s sharpness 5

/enchant @s unbreaking 3

/enchant @s mending 1

Xavier: "That's what I am talking about!"

Xavier lunged at one of the bats with unrelenting force. He swung his mighty blade at the bat. The bat screamed in pain and fell to the ground. The rest of the seven bats charged at him.

They started to bite and claw at Xavier,but his regeneration and resistance were to, strong for it to harm him.  Xavier struck the rest of the beast down with ease. Afterward Xavier turned around to Rimiru and bowed.

Xavier: "Well then use that eating skill of yours to eat them."

Rimiru: *Nervous nod*

Rimiru hopped over to the bat and ate him. He made a foul face as he did (it tasted like shit). Then Rimiru turned to Xavier.

Rimiru: "What the hell are you?!"

To Be Continued...