
The Chronicles of sin's domination

this is fantasy story about a teenager named Rune who wakes up in Hell after dying in a tragic accident. He is given a chance to be reincarnated by Satan, but only if he can survive the trials in the seven circles of hell. Rune signs a contract with blood and is transported to a dark space where he discovers his status window, which shows his stats and abilities. would he be able to get reincarnated?

Darkness_Blade · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Earth shattering encounters

On the other side of lust's domain.

"ha... my masters so troublesome. how's yours? no wait, i should ask you how your doing first right?" question Runaan in the inn's cafeteria, sitting across her was one of the trainee's assistant, or to be clear, Runaan's only and closest friend, Kai

"you know... there's no need to do that we both know that your the lightheaded kind of person... but as to your question my master... isn't the approachable kind... no in the sense that he's rude, it's just that... how do i put this, he's very bossy..." Kai face planted, as he has to deal with his master's non existent voice.

Runaan patted his head, Kai who's always the timid kind of guy seemed like a little brother to her, as well as her childhood friend. "yeah so... what's your master's deal... she ran quite fast just to get flesh from exploding trainees..." question Runaan with curious eyes.

"don't get me started, she told me to collect different people's flesh than ate all of them at once, than puked all over the floor, she said that it'll make her stronger but... i'm not sure." regretting slightly that her master does the weirdest things.

"so? why'd you call me here? you need my help with something?" avoiding to question her friend feeling she has a lot of her plate. "not much just help me find a store where i can buy stuff that increases my mental strength..." remembering that night was not something she wanted to do but... master's orders

"huh why would you- wait... did her skill do something to yo-" "please don't remind me..." Runaan stopped Kai from asking further but her face was slightly redder than normal "well... in district 3 near district 4 there's this store with a huge furnace, there they sell quite a lot of stuff like accessories, weapons loads of stuff, i wouldn't recommend it if you want to save money-"

cutting kai off again, Runaan placed 2 gold coins in front of kai "this is payment for the info, also use it to pay for food thanks!" running out the streets leaving not even dust behind, the guy sitting next table to kai leaned forward and whispered "did you get damped?" "No! she's like a big sister to me! keep your ugly thoughts to yourself" no body saw but kai's ears were red...


The loli, with wolf ears, short red hair to not interrupt her during fights, eyes that look like cat eyes, bikini armor made from what seems to be scales, and thin body parts proportional to her body that should no be able to weld a battle axe 4 times her own size!

'the hell...' everyone that survived the 'filter' is thinking of the same words, no one expected to see anyone who's within the seven deadly sins to be small... everyone only met 2 out of the 7 sins but now the third no one could guess which of the last 5 she could be.

"stop fucking flying in the air! old hag, it's hurting my neck!" commented the loli sin, "oh~ why don't you just grow taller huh?" their gazes clashed, before both disappearing from the scene.

The sun beat down mercilessly on the training hall where the two sins had met to settle their score. Lust, dressed in revealing clothing that left little to the imagination, hovered in the air above Wrath with a sultry smile on her face. Wrath, a small but fierce-looking loli was ready for battle.

"You're going to regret coming into my domain" Lust than summon a guzheng made of magic

"shut it old hag!" wrath growled. "I've been looking forward to this!" pointed her giant battle axe at lust

Wrath's eyes blazed with a fierce intensity as she charged forward, her weapon glowing with a pulsing aura. With a fierce roar, she channeled her mana into her weapon, and the aura expanded, lengthening the weapon, increasing its sharpness, and boosting its speed.

Lust's music was hauntingly beautiful, and even in the midst of battle, there was a certain elegance to her movements. Her telekinesis and sound arts were powerful, but Wrath was able to keep up with her. She was comparable in strength, speed, and mana, and her weapon aura gave her an edge in combat.

The two sins traded blows, each using their unique abilities to gain the upper hand, but Lust's attacks were deftly dodged by Wrath. Meanwhile, Wrath's weapon aura allowed her to land powerful blows and keep Lust on the defensive.

As the fight between Lust and Wrath continued, Lust's fingers danced across the strings of her guzheng, her music weaving a powerful spell around them. But Wrath was ready for her, her weapon aura pulsing with energy as she charged forward to deliver a devastating blow.

Suddenly, Lust reached into her pocket dimension and pulled out a sleek, black violin. But instead of using her fingers to play the instrument, she used her telekinesis to manipulate the strings and bow.


"you seemed troubled, best give up"

"huh what's that never heard of it!"

As she played, the notes from the violin merged with the notes from her guzheng, creating a powerful melody that shook the very foundations of the training hall. The melody was so beautiful, so captivating, yet very deadly as sound waves rained onto Wrath's small body.

But she swung her battle axe hundreds of times in a second, blocking, parrying than charging forward to deliver another powerful blow. Lust was ready for her, From her pocket dimension, she pulled out a sleek, black flute.

"the fuck! does your brain split?! how are you doing this" Lust smirked from wrath's comment

She played a haunting melody on the flute, using telekinesis while still playing her guzheng and violin, as the notes flowed through the air, they seemed to form into spears of mist that snaked their way towards Wrath, but was dodged piercing into the ground.

The two sins continued to battle, each using their unique abilities to gain the upper hand. Lust's music was powerful, and the notes she played on her guzheng, violin and her flute resonated with a power that could shatter bones and rupture eardrums if it were aimed towards them. Meanwhile, Wrath's weapon aura allowed her to land powerful blows and keep Lust on the defensive.

The training hall shook with the force of their attacks, and the other trainees watched in awe and fear as the two sins battled it out. The air was filled with the sound of Lust's instruments, and the clash of weapons, and the very fabric of the stadium seemed to warp and twist under the strain.

As the fight went on, Wrath realized that she needed to change her approach. She began to change her weapons continuously, adapting to the situation and keeping Lust off balance.

One moment, she was wielding a spear, thrusting it forward with lightning speed and precision. The next, she had switched to a pair of daggers, slicing through the air with deadly accuracy. Then, she switched to a longsword, using its weight and power to deliver crushing blows.

Lust was caught off guard by Wrath's adaptability, and for a moment, it seemed like the other sin might gain the upper hand. But Lust was not so easily defeated. Lust took out a harp, plucking the strings with expert precision to create a melody that was both enchanting and deadly.

Finally, Lust reached into her pocket dimension one last time and pulled out a grand piano. switching from guzheng to piano and played the guzheng along with the other instruments with telekinesis. With a flourish of her fingers, she began to play a complex and beautiful melody, each note ringing out with a power that threatened to overwhelm Wrath.

The piano notes swirled around the training hall, filling the air with a symphony of sound that seemed to shake the very foundations of the building. With each note, she sent out a shockwave of sonic energy that threatened to knock Wrath off her feet. As lust's grand solo performance played on, sound waves in all form from shockwaves to spears, it was like heavy rain.

Wrath was not about to give up, however. With a fierce roar, she channeled the last of her strength and mana into her weapons and swung with all her might. Their attacks collided in a blinding explosion of sound and energy, sending shockwaves that could be felt throughout Lust's domain and causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet.

The trainees from afar, afraid of death, but was in awe hearing the beauty grand performance from one person which all musicians can only dream of and saw a weapon dance from wrath that could only be titled [The battle ballet], everyone's thoughts were once in unison.

The intensity of the battle between Lust and Wrath reached its peak as both sins poured all their strength and power into their attacks. For a moment, it seemed like the stadium would collapse under the force of their clash, but then, as suddenly as it had begun, the battle came to an end.

In a stunning display of skill and technique, Lust and Wrath struck each other simultaneously, their attacks colliding in a blinding flash of energy. The resulting explosion sent shockwaves throughout the stadium, and for a moment, it seemed like the entire building would be destroyed.

But then, as the dust settled, both sins were still standing. Neither of them had been able to defeat the other, and the battle had ended in a draw.

For a moment, there was silence in the stadium as the trainees watched in awe and disbelief. The intensity of the battle between Lust and Wrath had been so great that it was hard to believe that neither of them had emerged victorious.

But then, slowly, the trainees began to applaud, realizing that they had just witnessed something truly remarkable. The battle between Lust and Wrath had been an incredible display of skill and power, a true testament to the abilities of both sins.

In the audience, stood a single half-vampire shocked in disbelief, her mouth twitching from the strength both of them had displayed. her eyes sparkled crimson red and violet purple as he stare at the strength that is at the peak of the world